Our School – a brief introduction

Our school was founded in 1859 and in 1961 moved to its present site. Since then the school has been extended and there are currently 9 classes and 10 teaching bases.

We have a large hall, which is used as a dining area, for teaching activities, training purposes, community use, assemblies and acts of worship.

Our purpose-built computer suite is air-conditioned for the comfort of all users and has broadband internet access. In addition to the computer suite, pupils have access to 32 wireless laptops and there is an interactive whiteboard in each of the 10 class bases.

Outside, the school has an extensive playing field and two hard play areas. There is a small outside learning area for pupils in the Foundation Stage.

Our spacious library area is well stocked with a computerised lending system that all pupils use. We have created 3 group learning areas across the school and there is a demountable classroom in which music tuition takes place.

Our main corridor has a wide variety of displays and prompts to extend the learning of pupils.

The school is maintained to a very high standard by the Site Manager and his cleaning team, and the children are taught to respect and work to improve the school environment.

Our Church Links

Our agreed Ethos Statement is:

‘A ChristianSchool, Serving The Community’

Our happy, caring and friendly Christian school is a special place, where we all work and worship together to help us all:

  • be the best that we can be
  • feel good about ourselves
  • use our God-given talents and abilities to help others
  • care for each other and people in the local and wider community
  • look after God’s created world

Saint James’ Church has strong links with our school. Worship in the church is in the catholic tradition and is centred upon the Sacraments and the Eucharist in particular – this is reflected in the worship in school, where a weekly Eucharist, led by each class in turn, takes place for the Parish and the school in term time.

The clergy are frequent visitors to the school and lead worship in it twice a week. They also help in school with pastoral issues and teaching activities. Other members of the Church are also involved in the life of the School in many ways, some as Governors, others by helping in classes and supporting School worship.

The school uses the church building as an educational resource and for periodic acts of worship and for concerts.

There is an act of worship in school each day, and on a timetabled basis each class participates in a Parish Eucharist, held in school every Friday during term time. Parents are warmly welcome to attend all Eucharists held in school.

The School Routine

The day usually follows this pattern:

8.00 Breakfast Club starts

8.35 – 8.45Classrooms Open

8.45 – 8.55Registration

8.55 – 10.00Work in Class Bases

10.00- 10.15Act of Worship

10.15 - 10.30Morning Break

10.30 - 12.10Working in Class Bases

12.10 - 13.00Lunch break

13.00 – 13.05Registration

13.05 – 15.15 Working in Class Bases, with an appropriate break at some point in the afternoon

15.15End of the school day

The total number of hours spent on teaching is around 22 each week for the Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 and 23.5 for Key Stage 2.

Equipment is provided for all essential tasks; rulers, pencils, paper etc. Each child has their own tray in which to store books and their work, but very little else. Children may wish to bring in their own pencils and rubbers etc. and the school takes no responsibility for these. Wherever possible, please label equipment. No toys or P.E. equipment should be brought to school unless at the request of a teacher.

School Organisation

There are presently nine classes, with ten teachers in the school. The school has nine Learning Support Assistants, who provide additional support in classrooms throughout the day.

School Uniform

It is the policy of the Governing Body to encourage the wearing of school uniform, as it does help create a sense of community and pride in the school. Our uniform is available from Ernest Newson, High Street, Colchester.A list of uniform items is given below:

School Uniform for Girls

  • school sweatshirt with school logo
  • gold polo shirt
  • navy skirt or trousers
  • blue summer dresses, either plain, striped or checked
  • flat black shoes

School Uniform for Boys

  • school sweatshirt with school logo
  • gold polo shirt
  • mid grey trousers
  • flat black shoes

Navy school logo baseball caps may be purchased from the school.

Jewellery, nail varnish and body transfers are not to be worn in school.

P.E. Kit

  • gold tee-shirt
  • navy shorts and/or navy games skirt
  • plimsolls
  • trainers
  • a change of socks

In cold weather, a P.E. sweatshirt or tracksuit may be used.

Please supply a named drawstring P.E. bag in which to keep the P.E. kit.


Pastoral Care

Caring for the pupils in school is undertaken in various ways by all adults in the school within our caring Christian ethos. Any medical issues that arise are dealt with promptly by staff. If the school has any concerns about any aspect of your child’s schooling and/or general welfare, it will contact you as soon as possible.

Our first priority is your child’s welfare and therefore there may be occasions when our concern about your child may mean that we have to consult other agencies before contacting you. These procedures have been laid down by the Essex Child Protection Committee, and are available for inspection in school.

School Lunches and Healthy Eating

The school runs its own school catering service and meals are cooked from fresh, locally sourced ingredients. Meals are served in the school hall and we have ‘Family Service’, which is where the older pupils serve the food to the table of younger pupils - this helps to make lunchtime more of a social occasion. There is a 3-week menu, including a vegetarian option. 'Dinner money' is collected on MONDAY, and all meals must be paid for on the day or in advance. Families in receipt of Income Support are eligible for free school meals and should contact, in confidence, the school office for the relevant forms.

Children may prefer to bring a packed lunch. These are eaten in the hall too. Sweets and canned or fizzy drinks or glass containers are not permitted. The school has no facilities to refrigerate packed lunches and parents are urged to use cooling packs in lunch boxes.

The cost of a school dinner is £1.70 per day. Please make cheques payable to Saint James’ Primary School. Parents may ‘bank’ a certain amount of money with the school and then use up the credit.

Pupils in the Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 receive a free piece of fruit or veg. each day as part of the Government’s programme for healthy living. Pupils in Years 3 to 6 may bring in a healthy snack but no sweets and crisps. The school has a number of indoor and outdoor water fountains, and people are free to bring in bottled water. A healthy tuck shop operates every morning break selling fruit and flapjacks etc.

Home / School Partnership

We have a home/school contract which outlines the duties and responsibilities of school and home in helping children to learn. A copy is enclosed as an appendix to this prospectus. We hope that all parents will feel able to sign up to this partnership agreement.

We believe a sensible amount of homework according to a child's abilities and age is one way to develop a closer home school partnership. The school hopes that children will read at home daily, sometimes with linked activities to do. Spelling and number work is sent home to help consolidate learning in school. As the children progress through the school they are encouraged to undertake their own personal research out of school and to follow up their own ideas. As they progress through school, more work is expected of the children to tighter deadlines. See enclosed Homework Policy for the full details.

Our Policy on the Administration of Medicines

We are prepared to support parents and pupils by administering prescribed medicines by a qualified medical or dental practitioner when written permission from the responsible adult is given. A summary copy of the policy can be found in the appendices.


For our safety and your security, all visitors to the school must enter by the main entrance and sign in and out of the Visitors’ Book. A badge identification system is in operation. Please note that smoking is not allowed in the school building or in the school grounds.

School Links

We believe co-operation, not competition between schools is the best way forward to promote a high quality educational experience for all children. The school is a member of the North Essex Network which meets regularly to share ideas, in-service training and financial and administrative support.

Pupil Council

The school has a ‘Pupil Council’ which meets fortnightly to discuss school wide issues. 2 representatives from each class are voted on to the Council by class members. The Pupil Council has a budget and is facilitated by a teacher. It works to make our school a better place in which to work, rest and play.

Keeping In Touch

Parental consultations are held in the autumn and spring terms to discuss your child's progress and in the summer term a written report will be sent to you which you are welcome to discuss with your child's teacher. A weekly newsletter is sent out every Thursday to inform you of school activities. At the beginning of each term, a Term Ahead Sheet is sent out detailing the activities that your child will be undertaking and ways in which you can help.

Please help us to help you by ensuring that the school is kept up to date with contact telephone numbers, medical conditions, changes in family circumstances and any other relevant information that will help us to help your child.

Moving On

In the summer of 2008, Year 6 pupils moved to the following schools: Saint Helena, Sir Charles Lucas, The Gilberd School, PhilipMorantSecondary School.

The School Curriculum

We work to provide a broad, balanced and practical curriculum, which follows National Curriculum and Local Authority guidelines.

A variety of teaching methods is used as appropriate. These include whole class teaching, group work and individual teaching.

The school teaches all children the National Curriculum subjects of English, Maths, Science, Information Technology, Design & Technology, Art and Design, Music, P.E., History and Geography. What we teach in school extends beyond the National Curriculum - it also involves Religious Education, Worship, Sex and Relationship Education and Personal, Social and Health Education.

At times the many areas of the curriculum will be taught through a topic approach where meaningful links can be made and at other times as distinct subjects.

During a typical school week, approximately 22 hours 40 minutes is spent on teaching activities for pupils in the Foundation Stage and in Key Stage 1, and 23 hours 30 minutes for pupils in Key Stage 2. These times do not include breaktimes, lunchtime and collective worship.

Below are brief details of each curriculum area. Please contact the school if you require further details and clarification.


Reading and writing opportunities
are given to children each day.

Reading has a high priority in the school and a wide variety of books are used to stimulate interest and enjoyment. A reading record diary is used for teachers, parents and children to make comments on all aspects of reading. This diary also serves as a general communication book between home and school. In addition to whole class reading, the school teaches reading skills in small ability groups and pupils then bring books home to practise what they have learned. When pupils are first learning to read, they bring home a colour-coded book, which has a controlled vocabulary, with the aim of encouraging reading fluency. In addition to this, pupils may also bring home any other book that they wish. Our attractive library area helps to promote a lifelong love of books and to encourage independent research skills.

Speaking and Listening is central to learning. Children are given opportunities to talk for a range of purposes to different audiences and are encouraged to listen attentively and respond appropriately to a range of speakers.

Writing - Pupils are taught to write for a variety of purposes for various audiences in a variety of forms e.g. diaries, letters, stories, lists etc.

In Handwriting children are enabled to develop a fluent and legible style of printed and joined up handwriting.

Spelling is taught by using the children's own writing and by focusing on topic words and spelling patterns.


Children are taught Mathematics for up to an hour each day. We place a high value on children achieving a good standard of numeracy. A big focus is placed on the development of mental maths skills. In addition the children are taught areas of mathematics involving algebra, shape and space, measures of various kinds and handling data.

Where appropriate, mathematical teaching is linked with other subject areas to help make it relevant and meaningful to the children, so that they can use the knowledge and skills acquired in everyday life. Children are taught to apply their knowledge and skills in real-life situations. Ask your child’s teacher if you would like ideas for helping your child at home.

To help develop mathematical skills pupils, pupils


Children undertaking scientific investigations is a key element of science as this enables them through observing, planning, predicting, recording, comparing, analysing and explaining, to work and think in a scientific way.

There are 3 main areas of scientific study: -

(1) Life Processes and Living Things

This includes the study of humans, plants and animals.

(2) Materials

This includes grouping and classifying of materials, exploring how materials can change and how materials can be separated.

(3) Physical Processes

This includes the study of electricity, forces and motion, light and sound and the earth and beyond.

Information & Communication Technology

The Information Technology revolution continues to have a far reaching effect on us all. In our school we work to provide children with the I.C.T. skills needed to help them play a full part in this revolution. We have excellent I.C.T. resources with broadband internet access. Pupils have timetabled access to these resources each week. The school has a dedicated computer suite with over 15 computers, and a bank of 32 laptops. Interactive whiteboards are used in each classroom to aid learning. In school the children move from the stage of learning to use the I.C.T. equipment to using the I.C.T. equipment to extend their knowledge and understanding in other areas of the curriculum.


History in school ranges from discussing what happened a few minutes ago to exploring the lives and achievements of civilisations thousands of years ago. Children use a mixture of primary sources (objects, original documents etc.) and secondary sources (books, posters, videos etc.) to help them make sense of the past.


In Geography the children start by investigating the immediate locality in which they live and then branch out to investigate other localities in this country and abroad. The children investigate the many features of the physical world and also consider the effect that humans have had on the environment.

Design and Technology

Children design and make a variety of products each year and are encouraged to reflect not only on the end result but also the processes and suggestions for improvement. We teach children to use hand tools safely and appropriately. The school has a purpose-built food technology area.


Music has a high profile in our school and groups of young people can often be heard making music. Children are provided with opportunities to perform and compare music using voice and a variety of musical instruments. This may range from working in a small group in a class situation to performing in front of the whole school.

Children are given opportunities to listen to and discuss a wide range of music from various times and cultures. The school participates in a number of music festivals each year, which are very popular with the children. We use the musical skills of all our staff and the school has a choir, orchestra and recorder groups.

Individual Music Tuition – through Essex Music Services the school offers opportunities for pupils to learn to play an orchestral instrument, taught by experienced music teachers. There is a charge for this tuition and details are available from the school office.

Art and Design

In Art & Design we use a wide range of art media to explore the world around us and to develop creativity. The pupils develop ideas and refine techniques and a variety of artists and crafts people are studied through work in their sketchbooks.

Physical Education