University of Bradford Students’ Union Council


18th October 2016 – 18:00-21:00

Union Mall

1.  Roll call and apologies

  1. In Attendance: Fatouma Sanyang, Niall Hynes, Anas Makda, Ismael Jaffery, Thomas Barnes, Nathaiellie Jones, Rory Bourke, Lorna Quinn, Lauren Evered, Cristina Cibea, Akinwale Akinyemi, Georgiana Bianca Ilina, Siji Akinlusi, Hamza Butt, Subira Ismail, Aphrodita Darmadi, Aleem Bashir, Tariq Hemmings, Shazmin Akhtar, Jonathan Batakalua, Fatouma Sanyang, Andy Fitzpatrick (CEO), Dan Batchelor (Minutes)
  1. Apologies: Hasan Desai, Asha Hussain, Filip Eyoum, Faiz Ilyas, Aneela Ahmed, Adam Aslam

2.  Welcome & Declaration of interest

3.  Minutes of last meeting

  1. The minutes of last meeting are confirmed as accurate.

4.  Reports, Minutes and questions

i.  Sabbatical Officers

ii.  Women’s and Campaigns officer gives her report.

  1. Questions open for Shazmin – None received

iv.  Sports Officer gives his report

  1. Questions open for Siji– None received

vi.  Union Affairs Officer gives his report

  1. Questions open for Niall
  2. Niall asks when the constitution will be completed
  3. Hamza answers that plans are for this to be approved by the University by November 23rd

x.  Community and Welfare Officer gives her report

xi.  Verbal report presented.

xii.  Call in time campaign has 50 students working on weekly events.

xiii.  Beauty event organised for Black History Month last week. Event went down well. Black History Month campaign banners with theme of ‘more than just a month’.

xiv.  Working with YA life regarding welfare campaign.

xv.  Wellbeing week planning ongoing – Exciting events planned.

xvi.  Working with Unipol on campaign about awareness campaigns regarding contracts

xvii. Working with Beacon for regugee campaign.

  1. Questions open for Subira– None received

xix. Non Sabbatical Officers

xx.  International student Officer gives her report

  1. Questions open for Bianca– None received

xxii.  Postgrad Officer gives his report

  1. Questions open for Akinwale– None received

xxiv.  BME Officer gives his report

  1. Questions open for – None received

xxvi.  Vice-Presidents

xxvii.  AU Officer gives his report

  1. Questions open for Rory– None received

xxix.  SF Officer gives her report

  1. Questions open for Cristina
  2. Niall – Any follow up on motion regarding society space

xxxii.  Aphrodita meeting with Nikki Pearce to formalise it.

5.  Societies Federation Constitution - Aphrodita

  1. Aphrodita presented new constitution

ii.  All changes approved in SF council.

  1. Questions open for Aphrodita - None received

6.  Sub-Committee Vacancies – Hamza Butt

  1. Two roles vacancies. 1 for democracy committee, 1 for Elections Committee
  2. No expressions of interest declared
  3. Niall shall we wait for Media and Faculty reps be elected to fill vacancies?
  4. Hamza agreed

7.  UBU Constitution – Hamza

  1. Hamza presented an update on the constitution.
  2. The constitution has been reviewed by legal, NUS, Charities commission, University Secretary. Once approved, this will mean we have a legal document for the Union to use.
  3. Questions open for Hamza- None received

8.  Trustee Board Byelaws – Hamza Butt

  1. Hamza provided an update on the status of bye-laws
  1. Questions open for Hamza- None received

9.  NUS Demo – Shazmin Akhtar

  1. NUS Demo 19th November. £10 a ticket for coach. Working with UCU in partnership. Also Bradford College are interesting in attending alongside our attendees.
  2. Questions open for Shazmin- None received

10.  NSS Discussion - Aleem

  1. Aleem - NSS is the national student survey for final years. Feedback feeds into leadership tables.
  2. NUS passed a motion to boycott and sabotage the NSS based on the way the survey is linked to change in tuition fees, through the new Teaching Excellence Framework. Survey feedback can change the rating of the institution which affects fee status.
  3. a National Ballot has been called to postpone the NUS boycott for a year, and NUS to provide an impact assessment. A sabbatical officer from the University of West London who is leading this. He reported that intuitions like Bradford need the NSS for feedback that can lead to improve standards, improving the university reputation.
  4. UBU Exec has decided to support the ballot. Would council like to discuss this now? I plan to take this to UBU GM?
  5. Aleem- I would like council to discuss this now. We will then ask GM to provide the sabbatical team with a position
  6. Niall: Is it possible to maintain the TEF, whilst not linking to tuition fees?
  7. Aleem: NUS would like this to happen, but intuitions with gold standard will want to increase fees to increase revenue. No ifs or buts.
  8. Hamza: it is a sensitive matter. Our relationship with the intuition could potentially be damaged through how we react. The Impact report suggested by the national ballot will clearly present the risks for Unions and Institutions. We also need to seek support GM. The University would like to present their case at the UBU GM.
  9. Ismail – Can we get a cost breakdown if fees are raised? Aleem – No full breakdown could be provided. A balance sheet could be provided.
  10. Niall – It is only fair that the University provides their case.
  11. Hamza – Exec team are against fee raises. University senior member of staff sold the idea that the NSS could really assist the University in improving the reputation of the institution, and also the need to listen to the student body.
  12. Subira – NSS will be taken seriously. But this is the case already this year. It is unfair students should have to pay more for based on feedback. We should get a good standard of education regardless.
  13. Shazmin – We should not take this decision lightly. It is important we make a decision for future generations.
  14. Ismail – Some courses are not improving, it will be unjustifiable for courses that our nationally average to rise fees. The government should be covering the shortfall.
  15. Lauren – If a University puts the prices up, this could possibility affect student numbers negatively.
  16. Siji – The University is cutting a lot of services. The SU has been safe. Could this jeopardise our relationship with the University bearing in mind our funding is from the University.
  17. Subira – I disagree. We represent students. Our main course is to ensure students have a good experience.
  18. Shazmin – We work for the SU. What student would be happy with a fee increase on an annual basis?
  19. Hamza – I disagree. Our progress as a SU is visible. We are highly ranked as a Union based on our relationship with the intuition. Some Unions aren’t even allowed to run sports and societies.
  20. Niall – I am proud of our relationship with the University. As a Union we should be able to disagree with the University.
  21. Akinwale – I am neither for or against. If we don’t support the NSS, and the University drops down the league tables, our degree reputation could be damaged.
  22. Shazmin – We do need a report from NUS based on the benefits of the boycott. The University is not for a few select students.
  23. Siji – We need a report. Looking at the rankings is the University are improving.
  24. Hamza – We as a Union have the opportunity to voice our opinions. The University understand this. We presented our process for accessing the voice of students on this issue, which was accepted by the University.
  25. Niall – In order to make this decision. We need as much information as possible to make an informed decision.
  26. Ismael – What would happen without NSS. Maybe staff will need to listen to student reps more, rather than looking at surveys. Wouldn’t it be better if they listened to students more in person?
  27. Aleem – NSS has the most student participants of any other survey. It is important to remember as a Union we maintain a good relationship with the University. Within the NSS there is always a question on the SU, and we always use this and other data to lobby the University.
  28. Hamza – the University have reacted to a recent drop down in NSS scores for clinical sciences and the University has reacted because of this. This is a good tool. The feedback from final year students does have an impact for students studying after them.
  29. Subira – At the end of the day, we as a sab team will listen to our students. Please look at this with an open mind.
  30. Lauren – Are we supporting the full boycott?
  31. Aleem – NUS Campaign to separate NSS from fee rises. NUS would like students to sabotage or boycott the NSS fully.
  32. Akinwale – Is it just about the fees? Can we get an agreement on the University not rising fees for a period of time?
  33. Hamza –I don’t think the University will not raise fees.
  34. Aleem – University will be raising fees anyway based on inflation.
  35. Lorna – Are the University not raising fees showing they don’t want a relationship with students

XXXVI.  Hamza: this is national policy. All we can do to support student body is use the boycott for national changes.

  1. Aleem – Its’ not popular, but universities need more funding. Either the government provides this. Or this comes from student fees. This is a difficult situation.
  2. Hamza – The point of this was to get feedback. The decision will be based on the forthcoming GM.

11.  Is NUS right for UBU? – Hamza Butt

  1. Hamza – Last year GM resolved for a referendum on our membership to NUS. I would like to have a discussion on this point to shape the debate.
  2. Shazmin – This is a sensitive subject. Some students get nothing from NUS, while other students get a lot from the support they offer. I believe solidarity with other unions makes us stronger. NUS is not perfect, but there are more benefits to them
  3. Subira – What does council think NUS has done for us? Has NUS helped you?
  4. Lauren: I have no idea what they do
  5. Subira: That is the issue, no one knows. So what do you want from NUS, we would like to take your feedback to NUS to ask them to provide an answer.
  6. Lorna – What would happen if we left?
  7. Hamza – we would save £30,000, for staff, societies and sports.
  8. Shazmin – We lose voting rights on national policy. We also lose NUS as a facilitating body.
  9. Fatouma – What is the point of NUS delegates if they never report on what is going. This is a perfect example of this. We should reform the way we use our NUS delegates.
  10. Subira – The conference is at the end of April so for Delegates it is too late to report. One of the positives of NUS is that we have the backing of all students nationally.
  11. Niall – Two points. Would we definitely keep the £30,000 in our subvention? Also on the point of NUS delegates. I have never witnessed a delegate being mandated by council to do the will of our students at NUS conference. This is a big reason why people don’t know what NUS do. We should ask delegates to follow the student’s mandate.
  12. Natalie: If we left NUS would it devalue our reputation?
  13. Aleem: The NUS represents all students, regardless of afflation. We can still access their resources. We will lose extended support. We will lose voting rotes and the ability for students to get involved nationally, which Bradford has befitted from.
  14. Shazmin – Please note the sale of NUS cards come back into our books.
  15. Subira – If we leave NUS, students can still apply for a NUS card.
  16. Aleem – The problem is only students who know about them benefit from them. There has to be ownership from both NUS and the SU to raise their profile. NUS does suffer from a lot of careerist in their ranks.
  17. Hamza – One positive about NUS is they have always stood up for student rights but, look what they did with original fee rises. The lost on tuition fees rising, they lost on TEF. What monetary value are we getting?
  18. Shazmin – NUS President is coming to Bradford next week.

12.  Late Reports –Jonathan Batakalua

  1. Jonathon: Two late reports submitted. Please send reports on time.

13.  AOB

I.  Shazmin – The BBC are running an event for a programme based on discussing Cousin Marriages.

  1. This could make Bradford and the University look bad.
  2. Christina- How will it affect the University?
  3. Shazmin – I wanted to get your feedback before accessing University for their opinion.
  4. Tariq: personally I am not a fan of the mainstream media, when programmes like this are made it tends to affect minority communities. I don’t think it’s a good idea we contribute to something that could marginalise this programme.
  5. Shazmin – We are not sure if the panel event will form a part of this documentary. We don’t want to be in a situation we are associated with this narrative.
  6. Christina – Will the panel event have a strict direction or two sides of the argument?
  7. Niall: will they do this regardless of our involvement?
  8. Shazmin: yes.
  9. Siji: can we stop the documentary
  10. Shazmin: if you want a campaign, come to my campaign meetings?

XII.  Subira: A organisation have contacted us about making a show in which they will discuss young men using Viagra.

  1. They wish to hold a forum with students on this subject. They are willing to pay pizzas for the event. What is your opinion?
  2. Shazmin – I think it is an interesting topic, and part of wider debate on body image.
  3. Subira – The Company said they will explain the programme, and if people are uncomfortable they will allow people to leave.
  4. Christina – Will they do programme without us, and what company are doing this.
  5. Subira – they will do the programme without us, but are seeking help from other unions. The company is called 2,4.
  6. Lauren – Viagra use is linked to drinking culture. This also involves debate on sexual health. I think it is positive to be part of this, as it is linked to sexual health.
  7. Subira – this is linked to mental health, and stigma men face.
  8. Natalie: I do think it could be spun to promote body image discussion.
  9. Shazmin: I like that idea. Maybe we have a pre-session with men before the visit.
  10. Niall – this is worth pursuing, and maybe investigating.
  11. Christina – Can we have a influence on the debate and direct conversation to body image? Subira – they are open to the idea. I will call them tomorrow and discuss this with them.

XXIV.  Hamza – Elections nomination close this Friday at 5pm. Please promote this through networks.