Activity Funds...... 35
Accident Insurance...... 12
Activity Lettering Policy ...... 11
Activity Passes...... 9
Activity Suspension Policy...... 10-11
Advisors...... 6
Alcohol, Tobacco, & Drug Policy...... 10-11
Assault on School Employee...... 13
Attendance...... 25-27
Bell Schedule...... 8
Bullying Policy ...... 41-47
Building Regulations...... 31-32
Bus Passenger Regulations...... 28-30
Bus Travel (Extra-curricular activities)...... 31
Calendar...... 7
Career Development...... 32
Cheating...... 35
Class Activities...... 35
Cell Phone Usage ...... 18
Code of Conduct...... 11
Complaint / Commend Form...... 54
Computer / Internet / E-mail Access/ Acceptable Use Policy...... 20
Correspondence Lessons...... 23
Damage of School & Private Property...... 13
Dances...... 36
Detention...... 16
Discipline Policy...... 15-16
Discipline Terms...... 15-16
Disruption of School...... 12
Dodgeball ban...... 11
Door Schedule...... 8
Dress Code...... 18-19
Elastic Clause...... 17
Elementary Aid...... 31
Eligibility...... 25
Family Educational Rights and Privacy ...... 51-52
Fire & Tornado Drills...... 38
Grading System...... 23
Graduation Requirements...... 21-22
Guidance Services...... 37
Hall & Locker Pass...... 24
Hallways...... 37
Honor Roll...... 22-23
Hot Lunch Meal Payment Policy...... 8
In-School Suspensions……………………………………………………………………………………...... 16
Laser Pointers...... 20
Leaving Class...... 31
Leaving School & Grounds...... 32
Letter to School Patron (chain of command)...... 52
Library Rules...... 34
Lockers and Searches...... 35
Lost & Found...... 33
Lunch Tickets...... 8-9
Lunchroom...... 37
Medication in School...... 9
Music Classes / Fees...... 33
Music Tuxedo Policy...... 33
Mutual Respect & Dignity...... 38
National Honor Society...... 37
Narcotics, Alcohol, Tobacco, & Other Drugs...... 14
Non-Discrimination Policy ...... 50-51
Noon Break...... 28
Out of Town Trips ...... 31
Parent Responsibility...... 39
Parent / Visitors...... 33
Passenger Regulations...... 29-31
Pep Rallies...... 35
Personal Days...... 26
Philosophy & Mission Statement...... 56
Physical Abuse...... 13
Prom Guidelines...... 36
Public Affection ...... 19
Repeated School Violations...... 14
Report Cards...... 24
Request for the removal of student information from directory information ...... 55
Required Courses...... 21
Schedule Changes...... 24
School Day...... 8
School Personnel...... 5
Semester & Final Test Policy...... 25-26
Senior Class Rank Valedictorian & Salutatorian Honor Students...... 23-24
Senior Privileges...... 28-289
Severe Weather...... 38
Sexual Harassment...... 49-50
Sick Room...... 38
Significant Infectious Disease...... 40-41
Snow Days...... 28
Student Council...... 33
Student Driven Vehicles...... 24
Student Responsibility...... 38
Study Habits...... 37
Study Hall...... 20-21
Suspension of Students...... 16
Tardies...... 17
Telephone Usage...... 33
Textbook Regulations...... 37
Titles...... 38
Title I compact with students, parents, teachers...... 39-40
Tobacco-free Schools Policy ………………………………………………………………………………...... 48-49
Use of Candy, Gum & Pop in School...... 17
Use of School Copy Machines...... 17
Visitors...... 31
Weapons……………………………………………………………………………………………………...... 13-14
Wednesday Night Activities...... 35
Weight Room Use...... 21
Superintendent –Mr. Martin SchockMr. Clarence Laub - President
Secondary Principal - Mr. Terry T. Bentz Mr. Randy Fischer – Vice-President
Elementary Principal - Ms. Roxann Tietz Mr. Lamont Gaugler
Mr. Saul Maier
Ms. Kim Oien
Mr. Kerry Ulmer
Mr. Jeff Wruck
Business Manager - Ms. Wanda Kirsch
Office Secretary - - - Ms. Shelly Baesler
English and Speech - Ms. Kay RiviniusHead Custodian - Mr. Douglas Rivinius
HS Math, HS Title I Math & Science - Mr. Darrell HowardCustodian - Mr. Todd Allen
English, German, Spanish - Ms. Sharon Klein Ms. Joyce Stern
Computer and Business Ed./Tech. Coordinator - Mr. Michael Mayer
HS Physical Education – Mr. Michael Mayer
JH/HS Physical Education/Health – Mr. Ray Jones
Science and JH Math - Ms. Megan Spanton
JH Science - Ms. Erica Larson
JH/HS Social Studies - Ms. Susan Reinhiller
JH/HS Band/Choir – Ms. Sherrill Harper
Agriculture Education - Mr. Pete Hetle
JH/HS Counselor – Mr. Jared Bollom
Title I / Special Ed. Paraprofessional - Ms. Cynthia Zacher
Special Education Paraprofessional - Ms. Lynn Hoffman
Special Education Paraprofessional - Mr. Bryon Rosene
Library/Media Specialist- Ms. Tracy Hsu
Spec. Ed. Teacher - Ms. Kyla Zenker
Spec. Ed Director – Ms. Leona Zembliska
ELEMENTARY STAFFHead Cooks - Ms. Barb Schatz
Kindergarten – Ms. Brittany HarrisAssistant Cook - Ms. Tracie Thessen
Grade 1 - Ms. Rita Fischer - Ms. Lauralee Morey
Grade 2 – Ms. Kaci Ulrich
Grade 3 - Ms. Deb Michels
Grade 4 – Mr. John Bruse
Grade 5 – Ms. Erica Larson
Grade 6 – Ms. Nicole Bentz
Title I Math & Reading - Ms. Roxann Tietz
Special Ed. Teacher- Ms. Kyla Zenker
Physical Education – Mr. Ray Jones
Elementary Music – Ms. Sherrill Harper
Speech - Ms. Deb Isaacson and Ms. Becky Johnson
Title I/Sp.Education Paras - Ms. Loretta Schulz, Ms. Colleen Hodell, Ms. Mary Haas, Ms. Kim Anderson, Ms. Jaden Kellogg
Elementary Counselor – Mr. Jared Bollom
Library/Media Specialist – Ms. Tracy Hsu
2016-2017 Advisors
National Honor SocietyMrs. Kay Rivinius
Pep ClubMrs. Sharon Klein
Academic TeamMr. Terry T. Bentz
Drama ClubMs. Megan Spanton
Speech TeamMs. Susan Reinhiller
Student CouncilMr. Terry T. Bentz
FFAMr. Pete Hetle
FBLA Mr. Michael Mayer
Senior Class Graduation AdvisorMr. Terry T. Bentz
Senior Class AdvisorsMrs. Kay Rivinius
Mr. Jared Bollom
Junior Class AdvisorsMr. Pete Hetle
Mrs. Sherrill Harper
Sophomore Class AdvisorsMs. Susan Reinhiller
Ms. Tracy Hsu
Freshmen Class AdvisorsMrs. Sharon Klein
Ms. Megan Spanton
8th Grade Class AdvisorsMr. Darrell Howard
Mrs. Kyla Zenker
7th Grade Class AdvisorsMr. Michael Mayer
ADD School calendar!!!
Period 0 7:30 - 8:20
Period 1 8:20 - 9:15Lunch 11:54 - 12:32
Period 2 9:18 - 10:08Period 5 12:32 - 1:24
Period 3 10:11 - 11:01Period 6 1:27 - 2:17
Period 4 11:04 - 11:54Period 7 2:20 - 3:15
Period 4A 11:44 - 12:10
**Activity Period will be determined by alternating class periods.
The school day begins at 8:20 a.m. and ends at 3:15 p.m. Your teachers are available to provide extra help during this time. For additional time, students may contact individual teachers for help, before or after school.
High school doors open at 8:00 a.m., unless students are pre-scheduled for help from a teacher. Students should not be in the building after 4:00 p.m. unless involved in a supervised activity. In case of bad weather, the students are to go to the gym and wait for the first bell.
If meals are not paid in full by October 1, the account will automatically be converted to the monthly rate. If accounts are not paid monthly and kept current, interest, at the rate of 1% per month will be charged on the overdue balance.
If students eligible for reduced price or regular price meals have not paid for their meals from the previous year by the beginning of the next successive school year, food service will be denied that student (s) until such time that the previous year’s unpaid balance is paid in full. Parent (s) or guardian (s) will be notified by letter ten (10) days before the first day of school that food service will be denied for the student (s) until the account is paid in full.
If lunches are paid by the semester or yearly rates listed below, there is a ten day discount included. There will be no refunds for days that students miss school due to activities or illness.
Hot Lunch PricesIf paid by 10/1 for 1st semIf full year isIf paid monthly,
and 2/1 for 2nd sem paid by 10/1weekly or daily
Guest $2.85
Reduced Prices
K-12$ .40$ 35.00/semester$ 70.00/year$ 70.00/year
Breakfast PricesReduced Breakfast Prices
Adult Price – LunchAdult Price - Breakfast
No Charges for Second Servings
The decision was made to increase the meal costs to get closer to state requirements/guidelines. We have also eliminated the additional charge for seconds.
We again ask for your help by applying for free and reduced-price meals. This program benefits both you and the school. Much of our government funding is related to the percentage of free and reduced-price meals provided by our school. An increased percentage may give us access to more Federal funding. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation.
The giving of aspirin/Tylenol at school is not approved without the prior consent of a parent or legal guardian. Other over-the-counter medication may be administered only with written consent of the parent or legal guardian. Students who must depend on receiving prescription medication during school hours for medical reasons must have written order from a physician, dentist, or other legally designated health care professional giving specific directions for taking the medication. Such written order may be the prescription liable on the original pharmacy labeled container.
All medication, whether it be over-the-counter or prescription, must be checked in to the office with a note from a parent or doctor upon arrival. The medication will be administered from the office upon request by the student within the guidelines of the prescription. Absolutely no medication of any kind should be stored in the students' lockers or be carried in book bags or pockets.
The COYOTE PASS will be honored at all high school and junior high athletic events. This includes the sports of girls' basketball, boys' basketball, and volleyball (Note - passes will not be accepted for football). This does not include music concerts, drama productions, and tournaments. The gate prices for all athletic events will be $6.00 for adults and $4.00 for students (K-12). Board members and their spouses, and staff members' spouses will be charged $15.00 for an activity pass and will be honored at all athletic events except for football, special events and tournaments. Senior Citizens, age 62 and over, may pay the student gate rate or purchase an adult pass for $65. This pass will be good for all athletic events, except football and tournaments.
COYOTE PASS - Adults $65.00
Students(K-12) $35.00
1.The use of possession of tobacco, alcohol, or any controlled substance as defined by North Dakota Law is prohibited. Any student who is in violation of the foregoing shall be suspended from participation in interscholastic contests or activities for a minimum period of (9) nine consecutive weeks for the first offense and a period of (18) eighteen consecutive weeks for any subsequent offense. The period of suspension shall begin from the date and time notification is given to the student by the school administrator and will be served consecutively. This policy includes the summer months. If a student was to participate in any school activities over the summer months and has been suspended, that student will not be able to participate in those activities. Individual camps and team camps are not school sponsored summer activities, therefore, are not affected by the above suspension policy.
2.The School Administrator (Superintendent or Principal) shall immediately investigate any alleged violation of the alcohol, tobacco and controlled substance rule, that is made known to the administrator and if the administrator finds probable cause to believe that this rule has been violated he shall give the student notice as provided below.
3.The period of suspension shall begin from the date and time notification is given to the student by the school administrator.
(Refer to Article XIV, Section XII of the NDHSAA Administrator's handbook for enforcing this policy).
4.Public Performances- When a student is found to be in violation of a rule of the NDHSAA, that said student will be ineligible to take part in any school related public performances while under suspension for the violation. When a student is serving a suspension due to a violation of a NDHSAA rule, that student will not be eligible to participate in class trips, prom and other activities, if those events fall within the time of the suspension.
5.Athletic Regulations (Curfew) - Coaches/advisors will set a curfew for students who are participating in any school activity. Violation of the curfew will result in disciplinary action at the discretion of the coach/advisor. This includes athletes, cheerleaders, statisticians, student managers, and any student involved in any extra-curricular activity.
Exceptions will be left to the discretion of the coach and administration. Previous notification is required.
6.Activity Participation Policy - Any student involved in extra-curricular activities in grades 9-12, must attend school on the day of a scheduled event in order to be eligible to participate in any extra-curricular activity on that day, including regular practice. Exceptions would be medical appointments and funerals. In the event of an emergency, each case will be handled on an individual basis by the principal.
7. Any student participating in any school-sponsored extra-curricular activity, will not be allowed to have faddish or unnatural hair colors. Each coach or advisor will also include this item in their team or group rules.
8. GCJH/HS Code of Conduct - Student participation in co-curricular activities is a privilege and not a right. We. at Grant County JH/HS encourage our students to become involved in the many various activities and athletics offered to our students. If you choose to participate in Grant County Junior High/High School sponsored events and activities, you must also accept the duty to become a model of character, integrity and sportsmanship. This code of conduct applies to all student participants involved in interscholastic athletics and activities. Suspension from one to nine weeks for actions which involve inappropriate behavior or poor citizenship, will be administered to students who violate. Inappropriate behavior and poor citizenship will include, but not limited to the following: vandalism, theft, assault, false fire alarms, bomb scares, abusive language, bullying/harassment, indecent exposure, fighting, detentions/suspensions, disrespect to teachers, coaches and adults and severe prolonged misconduct in the classroom or on bus trips. The length of suspension for violations of this code will be determined by the Principal/Athletic Director and Coach of the activity in which the student is involved. If the student is involved in multiple activities, each coach/advisor will be involved in the decision.
Participants of various High School activities earn letters for their performance in particular activities based on the guidelines set forth by each coach/advisor. Any participant who does not complete the season of a sport or activity by not participating in post-season tournaments or meets, such as districts or regional tournaments or meets, will not earn a letter for that particular sport or activity. Exceptions may be made if the coach/advisor makes the determination not to participate. In the event of an injury which causes the athlete to miss the remainder of a season, the athlete shall be awarded a letter provided he/she has reached the necessary number of quarters and completed at least one half of the season's contests. Athletes who are injured are not exempt from practice, but rather will be expected to aid the coaches as well as become familiar with new areas of instruction. Letters may also be given to participants that do not meet the specific criteria at the discretion of the head coach and the Athletic Director.
For the safety and well-being of all of our students, dodgeball or any form of the game, will not be played in Physical Education or during recess at Elgin/New Leipzig Public School.
Elgin/New Leipzig Public School District No. 49 will not carry hospitalization or accident benefit fund coverage for any of the students enrolled, and it does not assume any financial responsibility for medical or hospital claims for any students injured in any activity directly or indirectly connected with the school.
Rule 1. Disruption of School
A student shall not by use of violence, force, noise, coercion, threat, intimidation, fear, passive resistance, or any other conduct intentionally cause the substantial and material disruption or obstruction of any lawful mission, process, or function of the school.
Neither shall he engage in such conduct for the purpose of causing substantial and material disruption or obstruction of any lawful mission, process, or function of the school if such a disruption or obstruction is reasonably certain to result.
Neither shall he urge other students to engage in such conduct for the purpose of causing the substantial and material disruption or obstruction of any lawful mission, process, or function of the school if a substantial and material disruption or obstruction is reasonably certain to result from his urging.
While this list is not intended to be exclusive, the following acts, when done for the purpose of causing a substantial and material disruption of obstruction of any lawful mission, process, or function of the school, illustrate the kinds of offenses encompassed here.
1. Occupying any school building, school grounds, or part thereof with intent to deprive others of its use.
2. Blocking the entrance or exit of any school building or corridor or room therein with intent to deprive others of lawful access to or from, or use of, the building or corridor or room.
3. Setting fire to or substantially damaging any school building or property.
4. Firing, displaying, or threatening use of firearms, explosives, or other weapons on the school premises for any unlawful purpose.
5. Prevention of or attempting to prevent by physical act the convening or continued functioning of any school, class, or activity - or of any lawful meeting or assembly on the school grounds.
6. Preventing students from attending a class or school activity.
7. Except under the direct instruction of the principal, blocking normal pedestrian or vehicular traffic on school grounds.
8. Continuously and intentionally making noise or acting in any manner so as to interfere seriously with the teacher's ability to conduct his/her class.
Rule 2. Damage or Destruction of School Property
A student shall not intentionally cause or attempt to cause substantial damage to valuable school property or steal or attempt to steal school property of substantial value. Repeated damage or theft involving school property of small value also shall be a basis for long term suspension or expulsion from school.
Rule 3. Damage or Destruction of Private Property
A student shall not intentionally cause or attempt to cause substantial damage to valuable private property or steal or attempt to steal valuable private property either on the school grounds or during the school activity, function, or event off school grounds. Repeated damage or theft involving private property of small value also shall be a basis for long-term suspension or expulsion from school.
Rule 4. Assault on a School Employee
A student shall not intentionally cause or attempt to cause physical injury or intentionally behave in such a way as could reasonably cause physical injury to a school employee,