Grape Juice and Weight Loss According to Edgar Cayce
Diets don't work. Diets are painful. Diets actually destroy your metabolism, and eventually your health. Dieting may actually even shorten your lifespan, which is in essence killing yourself. That's called suicide by the way. Do not diet.
A Course in Life teaches various methods of maintaining ideal bodily weight, which is normal, instead of debilitating your life and lifespan with insane dietary programs that are expensive, involved would cost you monetarily and what it cost in your precious health, and possibly deadly in the long run.
A Course in Life does not rely upon weight loss programs put out by humans which are based on human opinions with almost always proved to be false in the long run. At what cost does is Falsity cost you? Your help and your life in the long run. These people are committing mass murder if what they say causes people to live less long. Celebrities, usually washed up, use their fame to put out health programs from the scintilla of information they have learned from their expensive life coaches, and health coaches, etc., to put out their own health programs which are not based on fact, but, on fault and false human opinions.
A Course in Life instead relies upon non-human-based opinion such as the Edgar Cayce readings.
Edgar Cayce said in many of his weight loss readings that consistent intake of Welch's Concorde grape juice not only suppressed appetite, but actually heal the body, making the body permanently able to maintain ideal weight and lose weight if there was excess fat on the body.
What is profound about this stands out: this is not just a temporary suppressive solution, putting a Band-Aid on the cause, but actually a way that permanently heels and eliminates the cause of the condition, that being excess weight.
Edgar Cayce mentioned that the villi of the intestines would adjust to a more balanced approach in absorbing sugars through the semi permeable membrane of the mucosa lining of the intestine.
The grape juice in addition seems to have an ability to stabilize blood sugar, even though grape juice has sugar in them. There are many ironies such as this and the Cayce readings.
The basic protocol was to mix 2 ounces of Welch's Concorde grape juice with 1 ounce of water and drink that one half hour prior to lunch, dinner, and then bedtime.
Many of my weight loss clients have found that this protocol alone has helped them to long-term lose weight and keep it off permanently.
As is well known also, grapes, grape juice, and wine all full of antioxidants and other fabulous fighter nutrients which help to stave off disease. So drinking the Scriptures not only helps in weight maintenance, but, as well, helps in overall health and well-being.
Naturally you should seek the advice of your medical Dr. before implementing this protocol, or, any protocol mentioned in this course, or, anything whatsoever.
Cheers as we raise our glasses of Welch's Concorde grape juice.
Copyrighted by Christopher D'Orta and A Course in Life 2012-eternity
*You may significantly accelerate your inner and/or outer healing, growth, and evolving process through private counseling directly with Christopher D’Orta. Simply contact us to set an appointment to start your process moving forward. Appointments may be in person, or by phone.
*Always consult your medical doctor before taking any new food recommendation, particular type of food, or supplement, any information whatsoever, or any mental or emotional concept at all, whether recommended in A Course in Life or not. It is highly recommended that you seek the guidance of your medical doctor before implementing any change in your diet, or incorporating or taking any of the above mentioned. Under no circumstances should any person under 18 ever put into practice any part of A Course in Life whatsoever without strict guidance of a medical doctor. If pregnant DO NOT do anything in A Course in Life without the guidance of your doctor. If sick in any way, do not do any part of A Course in Life with guidance of your doctor. Do not recommend any part of A Course in Life without guidance of a medical doctor. In fact, EVERYONE should seek the guidance of a medical doctor before doing ANY part of A Course n Life. Any and all parts of A Course in Life are not to be construed as prescriptive in nature, nor should such ever be construed as replacement for medical advice, medical care, or medically prescribed drugs or protocols. It is to be understood that in no way does A Course in Life, any written or oral statement whatever herein and therein, make(s) any claim of the ability to heal anything in any way.
*All of the statements above have not been evaluated by the FDA. Any mentioned product(s) food(s) or supplement(s), are not a medicine(s). Any product, food recommendation, or anything else stated in any way, are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease-physical or mental. Christopher D'Orta, A Course in Life, and anyone or anything associated with the aforementioned make no curative claims whatsoever, nor any ability to heal anything in creation whatsoever in any way conceivable way in the universe now before and forevermore.