Moville Chamber of Commerce

March 10, 2015

Opening prayer was given by Pastor Ed Frank.

Chris Countryman thanked the caterers for the meal. There were no guests in attendance at today’s meeting.

Old Business:

•Jeannie Krueger gave the Treasurer’s Report. After the today’s meals are paid the balance on hand is $8,426.17.

•Minutes of the last meeting are available by seeing Lisa Fouts or going to

•Moville News: City is accepting bids for the South Street water main improvement project. City clean-up dates are April 13, 20, & 27. Open burning dates are April 18-May 3. City crews are sweeping the streets to clean up sand and debris.

•WC School News: Mr. Glackin announced the school carnival is Friday, Mar 13. District speech was held Feb 28 at WC and there were 22 performers who qualified for State. There are 20 boys & 20 girls out for track this year. In golf, there are 23 boys and 6 girls. Boys basketball and wrestling teams had a very successful year. Congratulations to them. School start date has not been set because lawmakers have not given their final decision.

•MCDAI: Stee Maxwell reminded everyone about the St. Patrick’s Day dinner & trivia night on Saturday, Mar 14 at the Community Center. Tickets are still available. 6:00 dinner, 7:00 trivia. Ryan Fouts and Kassie Bain will perform their All-State Speech entry between dinner and trivia. All are invited to come for dinner and/or trivia.

New Business:

•Spaghetti fundraiser for Missie Smith, March 28 at the Community Center to assist help with medical bills as she undergoes chemotherapy for Stage 4 lung cancer.

•April 14-Bring a farmer to Chamber Luncheon. Please let Jodi know how many you will be bringing to the luncheon so the caterers can plan accordingly.

•Easter Egg Hunt- Arlington Future Farmers: Chamber always gives $100 to their event.

•Senior Boys Luncheon is May 12th. Speaker will be Senator Bill Anderson.

•WC Graduation – May 17, 2015

•Chamber Golf Tournament – June 5, 2015 Volunteers are needed – see Chris Countryman.

•Moville Days- June 5 & 6 Volunteers & new faces needed to help organize this weekend event. This year there will be a Glow Run. Other ideas were discussed for the future like a Tickler Run(for toddlers through age 5) and Pet parade(before the big parade). Activities and ideas are welcome. Please contact City Hall to volunteer.

•Moville Fitness Center-There have been talks with the county Board of Supervisors about locations. The committee has been discussing possible events to host like archery and the design of the building.

•There is a new business which offers an indoor archery range in Moville. For information contact Bo Thomas and Nathan Campbell.

•Pam Clark shared information about the cemetery locator project. The projected cost is $23,000. Fundraising will begin in the near future.

The next meeting will be held Tuesday, April 14, 2015 at the Community Center.

Today’s meal attendance is 26.