Eau ClaireAreaSchool District
500 Main Street
Eau Claire, WI 54701
Eau ClaireAreaSchool District
Supervision and Evaluation/ Professional Development Plan
For Educators
A system based on:
- The 10 Wisconsin Teacher Standards
- Consistency Across the District
- Effectively Blending the Supervision and Evaluation Process With the New PI-34 Licensure Requirements
- Adult Learning That Impacts Student Achievement
Table of Contents:
Overview of Supervision/Evaluation...... 3
Elements of Supervision/Evaluation...... 4
The 10 Wisconsin Teacher Standards...... 5
Supervisory Options...... 6-7
Directions for PDP’s and Annual Performance Reviews...... 8
ECASD Professional Development Plan and Sample (PDP)...... 9-12
ECASDBuilding Goal Professional Development Plan (PDP)...... 13
Annual Performance Review Conference Format...... 14
Annual Performance Review Conference Written Responses...... 15-16
“The 10 Wisconsin Teaching Standards” – Personal Reflections...17-18
Standards and Associated Knowledge, Skills and Dispositions...... 19-20
Overview of
Supervision and Evaluation
The Eau ClaireAreaSchool District recognizes the need to improve the supervision and evaluation process. We are moving from a system where supervision and evaluation was viewed as the responsibility of the administration, to a system that incorporates supervisory options connected to personal growth in a collaborative environment.
Inconsistent practices, goal overload and confusion about blending district, building, and personal goals continued to create challenges in the process.
The committee has developed a simplified system which:
- Is based on “The 10 Wisconsin Teaching Standards.”
- Is implemented consistently across the district.
- Nurtures colleagues learning from and with each other.
- Provides increased support to “Probationary Educators,” “Educators,” and “Educators in Need of Assistance and Improvement.”
- Adapts to the state licensure requirements: PI-34.
- Uses adult learning to impact student achievement.
Elements of
Supervision and Evaluation
- Serves a three-year probationary period.
- Is assigned a mentor up to three years.
- Mutually sets goals with supervisor for professional development.
- Participates in goal setting conference (year one).
- Participates in “I Can Do It” workshop (for educators in first year of employment with less than 3 years of experience).
- Has three formal classroom/ work setting observations with post conference during semester one of first year. Second and third year - two formal observations.The first observation each year is required to occur prior to October 1.
- By November 30 each year, the supervisor will have discussed the progress and status of each probationary educator with the ECAE representative. Educators who are considered (by their supervisor) to be “at risk” will be notified by December 15. A written summary of progress and decisions will be provided at this time to the educator as well as the ECAE representative.
- Has support, encouragement, and supervision from supervisor
- Receives an Annual Performance Review Conference.
- Receives a written certified staff evaluation, which will be provided at least one week prior to the end of the contract year.
- Is an educator no longer on probation.
- Mutually sets Professional Development goals and Supervisory Option with supervisor.
- Has a goal setting conference with supervisor if requested.
- Implements the Professional Development Plan, which incorporates one or more of “The 10 Wisconsin Teaching Standards”.
- Has support, encouragement, and supervision from supervisor.
- Classroom/work setting contacts by supervisor are expected every year, but required during the year of the written performance review.
- Educator provides documentation of growth.
- Performance Review Conference occurs annually.
- At least once every three years a written certified staff evaluation form will be completed, which will be provided at least one week prior to the end of the contract year.
- Is an educator placed on “intensive supervision” for one year. Placement to be extended at the discretion of the supervisor.
- Educator and ECAE receives written notification that educator has been placed on “Intensive Supervision.”
- Supervisory option may be prescribed.
- Individual goals may be prescribed.
- A goal-setting conference is required with supervisor.
- At least three formal classroom/work setting observations (with post conferences) during the school year will occur.
- Have support, encouragement, and supervision from supervisor.
- Annual Performance Review Conference occurs.
- Collegial assistance may be suggested.
- Receives a written certified staff evaluation, which will be provided at least one week prior to the end of the contract year.
“The 10 Wisconsin Teacher Standards”
1. Teachers know the subjects they are teaching.
The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline(s) he or she teaches and can create learning experiences that make these aspects of subject matter meaningful for pupils.
2. Teachers know how children grow.
The teacher understands how children with broad ranges of ability learn and provides instruction that supports their intellectual, social, and personal development.
3. Teachers understand that children learn differently.
The teacher understands how pupils differ in their approaches to learning and the barriers that impede learning and can adapt instruction to meet the diverse needs of pupils, including those with disabilities and exceptionalities.
4. Teachers know how to teach.
The teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies, including the use of technology to encourage children’s development of critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skills.
5. Teachers know how to manage a classroom.
The teacher uses an understanding of individual and group motivation and behavior to create a learning environment that encourages positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation.
6. Teachers communicate well.
The teacher uses effective verbal and nonverbal communication techniques as well as instructional media and technology to foster active inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction in the classroom.
7. Teachers are able to plan different kinds of lessons.
The teacher organizes and plans systematic instruction based upon knowledge of subject matter, pupils, the community, and curriculum goals.
8. Teachers know how to test for student progress.
The teacher understands and uses formal and informal assessment strategies to evaluate and ensure the continuous intellectual, social, and physical development of the pupil.
9. Teachers are able to evaluate themselves.
The teacher is a reflective practitioner who continually evaluates the effects of his/her choices and actions on pupils, parents, professionals in the learning community and others and who actively seeks out opportunities to grow professionally.
10. Teachers are connected with other teachers and the community.
The teacher fosters relationships with school colleagues, parents, and agencies in the larger community to support pupil learning and well being and who acts with integrity, fairness and in an ethical manner.
Supervisory Options
Select one option and enter on Page 9. Probationary Educators are assigned Option #7.
Option 1.Videotape and Analysis of Instruction: Using technology to document progress.
a.Plan and develop a lesson that you would like to videotape and analyze.
c.Complete a written reflection of the lesson.
d.Have a colleague critique your lesson (optional).
e.Give video and analysis to the principal for feedback.
Option 2.Mini-visits/observations: Shorter version of reflective observation (formerly “clinical observation”).
a.Requires a goal setting conference.
- Informal-may or may not be scheduled.
- Minimum of three visits.
- Write three written reflections about what went well and what could have gone better following each observed lesson.
- Supervisor will provide feedback.
Option 3.Action Research: Teachers using everyday data to solve real problems.
- Work alone or with a group.
- Select an area from the site plan or an area of educational interest to study.
- Reflect on the implications of the topic for your classroom, school, or district.
- Collect data over time.
- Share study by completing a written analysis and submit to principal for feedback.
- Share study at a staff or unit meeting or with other colleagues engaged in studying the same topic. (Optional)
Option 4.Educator Portfolio: A goal setting, collection, and reflection process.
a.Create a baseline description of where you are now.
b.A successful portfolio should show:
- Efforts- the educator’s attempts. The portfolio may include a unit the educator wrote, including draft to show the stages of development.
- Progress- the portfolio should include some convincing evidence that the educator has grown.
- Purposeful written reflection on each portfolio entry.
c.Portfolios may be shared in a session with your colleagues.
d.Submit portfolio to the supervisor for review and feedback.
Option 5.Peer Coaching: A peer-to-peer observation/reflection process.
a.Receive training in Peer Coaching.
b. Identify coaching partner(s).
c.Choose area or behavior for professional growth and development.
d.Collaborate with partner(s) a minimum of once each grading period.
e.Provide on-going feedback to peer partner(s).
f.Complete a written reflection or discuss during a conference.
Option 6.Reflective Practices: Reflection around issues that matter to the teacher (choose one or more).
1.Keep a journal. Write in it weekly, reflecting on your teaching, current literature, or professional growth.
- Complete a reflective summary and submit it to the supervisor for review and feedback.
b.Study Group (Topic Oriented)
1. Identifies a topic that focuses on an educational issue.
2.Meets on a regular basis.
3.Completes a reflective summary for supervisor review and feedback.
c.Reflections Group (Current Practice Oriented)
1. Focuses on a current educational practice.
2.Meets on a regular basis.
3.Completes a reflective summary for supervisor review and feedback.
Option 7.Reflective Observation (Formerly “Clinical Observation”)
- Observation
- Written reflection from educator
- Post-Conference
Probationary educators and educators in need of assistance will receive written feedback from their supervisor with each reflective observation.
Directions for PDP’s & Annual Performance Reviews
Veteran Teachers / IF / THENElecting NOT to use PI-34 for your next relicensure cycle . . . / = /
- Nothing changes. See #A below. Use the same PDP you’ve always used.
Relicensing in the same Licensure Category, (Teacher, Administrator, Pupil Services) and whose license expire in 2006, 2007, 2008, and electing to recertify using the new PI-34 System for your next relicensure. / = /
- Strongly encouraged to attend a district offered “Quick Start Session.”
- Must use the PI-34 PDP format. Pay special attention to the directions at #A1 below.
Changing Licensure Category (Teacher, Administrator, and Pupil Services) . . .Ex: changing from teacher to administrator. / = /
- Strongly encouraged to attend a district offered “Quick Start Session.”
- Must use the PI-34 PDP format. Pay special attention to the directions at #A1 below.
New PI-34 Teachers / Teachers first licensed after August 31, 2004, must relicense using the PI-34 format. Pay special attention to the directions at #A1 below.
Any questions regarding the PI-34 format may call the Staff Development Specialist at Ext. 13036.
A.For completing Professional Development Plan (PDP):
Each educator creates a PDP focusing on two goals. A personal goal (must address one or more of “The 10 Wisconsin Teacher Standards” and student learning) and a goal directly related to a building goal. Each educator will turn in one PDP for the personal goal and one PDP for the building goal. (Pages 9-10 & 13)
- Develop onePersonal Goal. This goal should be based upon one of “The 10 Wisconsin Teaching Standards” (see page 5). PI-34 candidates use the the “PI-34 PDP format- Sections A-E,” and attach to page #9 in this packet. See this weblink for the PI-34 PDP format:
- Develop one goal based upon a Building Goal at your site. A list of site specific Building Goals is provided by your supervisor. This goal may or may not be focused on in one of “The 10 Wisconsin Teaching Standards.”
- Indicate which Supervisory Option you have chosen for the year. See pages 6 and 7 for choices and enter on Pages 9-10. (Note: Probationary educators are assigned Supervisory Option #7.)
- Make a front and back copy of your Professional Development Plan (Pages 9-13) for your records. Submit originals to your building supervisor.
B.For completing Annual Performance Review Documents:
- Preceeding the Annual Performance Review Conference, educators will receive a packet of information from their supervisor that will include (Pages 14-20):
a.Annual Performance Review Conference Format.
- Annual Performance Review Conference “Written Responses.”
- “10 Wisconsin Teaching Standards” Personal Reflections.
Eau Claire Educator Professional Development Plan (Personal Goal)
Name: ______Today’s Date: ______
Supervisory Option Selected: (Check one. See pages 6-7. Probationary Teachers must check box #7.)
1.Videotape and Analysis of Instruction / 4. Educator Portfolio / 6. Reflective Practices2. Mini-visits/observations / 5. Peer Coaching / 7. Reflective Observation (Formerly “Clinical Observation”)
3. Action Research
Please check one of the options below:
I am not recertifying using PI-34. Directions: Complete sections 1 – 5 on pages 9-10 and then continue to pages 11-12 (Sample) and 13 of this document.I am a first year teacher in my “Initial Educator” phase of relicensure and am completing sections 1-5 on pages 9-10. (Note: Initial Educators are expected to work with their mentors during their first year of teaching, reflecting on their year in preparation for identifying their PDP goal by October 1st of their second year of teaching. In addition, initial educators should attend the “I Can Do It” workshop in the first year of employment.)
I am recertifying using PI-34. Directions: Attach “PI-34 PDP sections A – E” to this page and then continue to page 13 (Building Goal) of this document.
- My Goal (must address student learning):
(complete both sides)
- Wisconsin Teacher Standard Addressed: (Check one.)
Standard 1: Teachers know the subjects they are teaching. / Standard 6: Teachers communicate well.
Standard 2: Teachers know how children grow. / Standard 7: Teachers are able to plan different kinds of lessons.
Standard 3: Teachers understand that children learn differently. / Standard 8: Teachers know how to test for student progress.
Standard 4: Teachers know how to teach. / Standard 9: Teachers are able to evaluate themselves.
Standard 5: Teachers know how to manage a classroom. / Standard 10: Teachers are connected with other teachers and the community.
- Reflective Baseline: (Description of my skills, and why I selected this goal.)
- Action Plan: (How am I going to reach my personal goal? Whom might I need to learn with?)
- Assessment: (How will I know I’ve reached my goal? What evidence will I provide?)
Eau Claire Educator Professional Development Plan
(Sample Personal Goal)
Name: _____Sally Teacher______Today’s Date: ______March 17, 2010
Supervisory Option Selected: (Check one. See pages 6-7. Probationary Teachers must check box #7.)
1. Videotape and Analysis of Instruction / 4. Educator Portfolio / 6. Reflective Practices2. Mini-visits/observations / 5. Peer Coaching / 7. Reflective Observation (Formerly “Clinical Observation”)
3. Action Research
Please check one of the options below:
I am not recertifying using PI-34. Directions: Complete sections 1 – 5 on pages 9-10 below and then continue to pages 11-12 (Sample) and 13 of this document.I am a first year teacher in my “Initial Educator” phase of relicensure and am completing sections 1-5 on pages 9-10. (Note: Initial Educators are expected to work with their mentors during their first year of teaching, reflecting on their year in preparation for identifying their PDP goal by October 1st of their second year of teaching. In addition, initial educators should attend the “I Can Do It” workshop in the first year of employment.)
I am recertifying using PI-34. Directions: Attach “PI-34 PDP sections A – E” to this page and then continue to page 13 (Building Goal) of this document.
- My Goal (must address student learning):
Better meet the diverse learning needs of my students.
(complete both sides)
- Wisconsin Teacher Standard Addressed: (Check one.)
Standard 1: Teachers know the subjects they are teaching. / Standard 6: Teachers communicate well.
Standard 2: Teachers know how children grow. / Standard 7: Teachers are able to plan different kinds of lessons.
Standard 3: Teachers understand that children learn differently. / Standard 8: Teachers know how to test for student progress.
Standard 4: Teachers know how to teach. / Standard 9: Teachers are able to evaluate themselves.
Standard 5: Teachers know how to manage a classroom. / Standard 10: Teachers are connected with other teachers and the community.
- Reflective Baseline: (Description of my skills, and why I selected this goal.)
Currently I understand and am able to use a variety of tools to meet my learners’ needs. For example, I can extend lessons for enrichment, match my instruction with appropriate ways students can demonstrate their learning, and differentiate instruction for most learners. I struggle in finding/using appropriate means to reach my reluctant learners – those learners, whose attitude toward learning is negative.
- Action Plan: (How am I going to reach my personal goal? Whom might I need to learn with?)
I will learn more about the previous experiences my students bring into my classroom and how they impact their readiness to learn. I will do this by seeking out appropriate in-district offerings and college courses. Enrolling in a building-based book/study group will also be part of my Professional Development Plan. I will use my learning to modify my instruction and assessment methods. I will use my Peer Support partner in this plan.
- Assessment: (How will I know I’ve reached my goal? What evidence will I provide?)
- My reluctant learners’ excitement for learning is ignited (more student questions in class, less negative behavior incidences, improvement in summative/formative assessments).
- Through baseline and ongoing data of my reluctant learners.
- By using survey data – students/parents/other staff.
- Asking my supervisor to make classroom visitations, looking for specific indicators regarding behaviors of my identified reluctant learners.
- Collecting evidence within portfolio.
Eau Claire Educator Professional Development Plan (Building Goal)
Name: ______Today’s Date: ______
Each educator creates a PDP that supports a “Building and/or Department Goal.”