Trust Purposes and Will Clauses /
Property Services
9/9/2014 /


1.The Church and its Property Trusts

2.Donations made during a donor’s lifetime (inter vivos gifts)

3.Wills and Will clauses

Purposes of the Church in Victoria

A bequest for ‘the general purposes of’ the Church in Victoria

A bequest for ‘the general purposes’ of a specified individual church

A bequest to establish a perpetual charitable trust to provide for aged care

A bequest to establish a perpetual charitable trust to provide services for the disabled

A bequest to establish a perpetual charitable trust to provide services for children

A bequest to establish a perpetual charitable trust to provide services for indigenous Australians

A bequest to establish a perpetual charitable trust for the work of overseas partner churches

A bequest to establish a perpetual charitable trust for justice and advocacy services

A bequest to establish a perpetual charitable trust for pastoral care

A bequest to establish a perpetual charitable trust for the education of Ministers and Deacons

A bequest to establish a perpetual charitable trust for the education of lay members serving the Church

A bequest to establish a perpetual charitable trust for the education of Ministers’ children

A bequest to establish a perpetual charitable trust for aged and infirm Ministers and the surviving spouses of Ministers

A bequest to establish a perpetual charitable trust for bursaries

A bequest to establish a perpetual charitable trust for scholarships

A bequest to establish a perpetual charitable trust for prizes

A bequest to establish a perpetual charitable trust for books, publications and other library materials

Purposes of the Church in Tasmania

A bequest for ‘the general purposes of’ the Church in Tasmania

A bequest for ‘the general purposes’ of a specified individual church

A bequest to establish a perpetual charitable trust to provide for aged care

A bequest to establish a perpetual charitable trust to provide services for the disabled

A bequest to establish a perpetual charitable trust to provide services for children

A bequest to establish a perpetual charitable trust to provide services for indigenous Australians

A bequest to establish a perpetual charitable trust for the work of overseas partner churches

A bequest to establish a perpetual charitable trust for justice and advocacy services

A bequest to establish a perpetual charitable trust for pastoral care

A bequest to establish a perpetual charitable trust for the education of Ministers and Deacons

A bequest to establish a perpetual charitable trust for the education of lay members serving the Church

A bequest to establish a perpetual charitable trust for the education of Ministers’ children

A bequest to establish a perpetual charitable trust for aged and infirm Ministers and the surviving spouses of Ministers

A bequest to establish a perpetual charitable trust for bursaries

A bequest to establish a perpetual charitable trust for scholarships

A bequest to establish a perpetual charitable trust for prizes

A bequest to establish a perpetual charitable trust for books, publications and other library materials

Disclaimer-The information contained in this website (and the documents attached to this website) do not constitute legal advice. Before making a gift, either during their life or by their Will, each donor should seek independent legal and taxation advice. However the Trusts Lawyer employed by the Church (Sandra Bethell, telephone 9251 5966, ) can discuss a proposed bequest or inter vivos gift with a donor’s lawyers.

Privacy-The Trustee will collect the donor’s name, qualifications, honours (if any), occupation, address, date of death, date of Will, details of their association with The Uniting Church in Australia, the sum bequeathed, the terms of the bequest, the dates of death and the Will, the name of the Fund to be established, the name of the person for whom the Fund is named and their biographical details (‘personal information’). The personal information is collected, firstly in order to record relevant details of the bequest, and second to create a Church Trust Record to govern the Fund (to include the personal information and to be available on the internet). By using one of the Will clauses below the donor consents to The Uniting Church in Australia and/or The Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust (Victoria) and/or The Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust (Tas.) (whichever is applicable) collecting and using the personal information for the above purposes.

1.The Church and its Property Trusts

The Church

The Uniting Church in Australia (‘the Church’) was formed by the Union of various churches in 1977 and was given statutory recognition by Acts passed by the Parliaments in each State and Territory.[1]

Property Trusts

All property (including trust money) is held by property trusts in trust for the Church and the purposes it undertakes-

  1. In Victoria-by The Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust (Victoria) which wasestablished byThe Uniting Church in Australia Act 1977 (Vic.); and
  2. In Tasmania-by The Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust (Tas.) which wasestablished byThe Uniting Church in Australia Act 1977 (Tas.)

(collectively ‘the Property Trusts’).

2.Donations made during a donor’s lifetime (inter vivos gifts)

Donors (or their lawyers) can download a Gift Agreement (either the Victorian or Tasmanian versions)..\Gift agreements to consider, before contacting the Church to discuss their wishes. The following clauses have been developed to give donors examples of how they can benefit Church purposes. Fundraising staff of the Church can be contacted to discuss the donor’s ideas. The suggested purposes can, with appropriate advice, either from fundraising staff or the donor’s lawyer, be tailored to the objectives and circumstances of an individual.

Donors or their lawyers can arrange for a Gift Agreement to be signed and sent to Fundraising staff.

Purpose Summary
1. / For general purposes of the Church / …the general purposes of The Uniting Church in Australia…
2. / For general purposes of a specified individual church / …the general purposes of The Uniting Church in Australia congregation known as [insert current name of congregation] worshipping at [insert address of church] or if that congregation is dissolved or amalgamates thenat such other place as that congregation, or parts of it, may worship…
3. / For aged care / …to provide aged care services, including but not limited to residential aged care, community aged care, respite care, independent living units and day care centres…
4. / For the disabled / …to provide services for the disabled…
5. / For children / …to provide services for children…
6. / For services for indigenous Australians / … to provide services to indigenous Australians…
7. / For overseas partner churches / …to support the work of the overseas partner churches of The Uniting Church in Australia, operating in the State of Victoria, including but not limited to the education and support of Ministers undertaking ministry overseas and those training for ministry overseas…
8. / For justice and advocacy services / ….to provide justice and advocacy services, including but not limited to services advocating for those disadvantaged and marginalised in the community and services advocating for a just and compassionate society…
9. / For pastoral care / …. to provide pastoral care…
10. / For the education of Ministers and Deacons / …for the education of Ministers and Deacons intending to study or studying to serve The Uniting Church in Australia, operating in the State of Victoria…
11. / For the education of lay members serving the Church / …for the education of lay members studying to serve The Uniting Church in Australia, operating in the State of Victoria, in roles such as elders, lay preachers, congregational representatives, Presbytery representatives and youth workers…
12. / For the education of the children of Ministers / …for the education of children of Ministers ordained in The Uniting Church in Australia…
13. / For aged and infirm Ministers and the surviving spouses of Ministers / … to support aged and infirm Ministers and the surviving spouses of Ministers…
14. / For student bursaries / … to award one or more bursaries to students [insert field of study, for example students of theology] who are in financial need…
15. / For scholarships / …to award one or more scholarships to a student who [insert class of student to whom scholarships are to be awarded]
16. / For prizes / …to award one or more prizes to the top student in one or more subjects in the area of [insert field / discipline of study]
17. / For libraries / .... to provide library books and materials in libraries, operated by The Uniting Church in Australia or one of its institutions…

3.Wills and Will clauses

A ‘bequest’ is a gift made in a Will and can be-

  • ‘specific’ (such as of a specific item or items) or
  • The whole or a percentage of the ‘residue’ (that part of a person’s estate remaining after payment of debts, funeral and testamentary expenses, and any specific bequests).

To assist donors and their lawyers, the Church has prepared the information and Will clauses set out below. There are two sections; one containing clauses for the purposes of the Church in Victoria, and one for its purposes in Tasmania.

Donors can use the clauses to assist them to consider, in advance of seeing their own lawyers, the type of bequest they want to make (a specific bequest, or a percentage, or the whole of the residue), and which of the many purposes of the Church they may want to benefit by their Will. The suggested clauses may not be suitable for an individual donor’s particular circumstances, and may need to be considered and adapted by a donor’s lawyer.

Lawyers can use the clauses as drafted, or adapt them to suit the individual circumstances of their clients.The clauses should assist lawyers to nominate correct entities and to address such issues as whether a perpetual trust is to be established, whether income must be spent annually, what is to happen if income is unspent despite that direction, as well as providing for what is to occur in the event that it becomes impossible or impracticable to fulfill the purpose of a trust. The property trust in the relevant state is referred to in the clauses because neither the Church, nor most of its associated institutions,[2] are incorporated and they therefore cannot hold property.

Purposes of the Church in Victoria

A bequest for ‘the general purposes of’ the Church in Victoria

The expression ‘the general purposes of the Church’ includes any purpose of the Church such as the construction and maintenance of buildings, and services provided by the Church including to the aged, the infirm, and for children and the disabled. If a bequest is given for ‘the general purposes’ of the Church, once it is received the incorporated property trust in the relevant State will, on behalf of the Church, either apply the whole or a portion of the bequest for the purpose or purposes of the Church which have priority at that time, or may retain all or part of it for future use. Therefore the following three clauses do not establish a perpetual trust.

Residuary bequest

a)Percentage of residue

I give [insert percentage] of the residue of my estate to The Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust (Victoria)of Melbourne, Victoria ABN39 703 442 583 or its successor, for the general purposes of The Uniting Church in Australia, operating in the State of Victoria.

b)Whole of residue

I give the residueof my estate to The Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust (Victoria) of Melbourne, Victoria ABN39 703 442 583 or its successor, for the general purposes of The Uniting Church in Australia, operating in the State of Victoria.

Specific bequest

I give [insert dollar amount] or [all monies in account No X (or in any other account in my name) in [bank] at the date of my death] to The Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust (Victoria) of Melbourne, Victoria ABN39 703 442 583 or its successor, for the general purposes of The Uniting Church in Australia, operating in the State of Victoria.

A bequest for ‘the general purposes’ of a specified individual church

To establish a perpetual fund-

Residuary bequest
a)Percentage of residue

I give [insert percentage] of the residue of my estate ('the bequest') to The Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust (Victoria)of Melbourne, Victoria ABN39 703 442 583 (‘the Property Trust’) or its successor for the general purposes of The Uniting Church in Australia congregation known as [insert current name of congregation]worshipping at [insert address of church] or if that congregation is dissolved or amalgamates then at such other place as that congregation, or parts of it, may worship (‘the stated purpose’), and the trust so established is to be called the ‘The [insert desired name] Fund’. Any unexpended income arising from the bequest in any year may be retained as income and be available in a subsequent year for the stated purpose, or may be added to the capital of the bequest for the stated purpose. If at any time the Property Trust or its successor determines that it is impossible or impracticable to carry out the stated purpose then the Property Trust or its successor (or The Uniting Church in Australia operating in the State of Victoria) may apply the income of the bequest for such purpose or purposes as the Property Trust or its successorin its absolute discretion determines is as near as possible to the stated purpose.

b)Whole of residue

I give the whole of the residue of my estate ('the bequest') to The Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust (Victoria)of Melbourne, Victoria ABN39 703 442 583 (‘the Property Trust’) or its successor for the general purposes of The Uniting Church in Australia congregation known as [insert current name of congregation]worshipping at [insert address of church] or if that congregation is dissolved or amalgamates thenat such other place as that congregation, or parts of it, may worship (‘the stated purpose’), and the trust so established is to be called the ‘The [insert desired name] Fund’. Any unexpended income arising from the bequest in any year may be retained as income and be available in a subsequent year for the stated purpose, or may be added to the capital of the bequest for the stated purpose. If at any time the Property Trust or its successor determines that it is impossible or impracticable to carry out the stated purpose then the Property Trust or its successor (or The Uniting Church in Australia operating in the State of Victoria) may apply the income of the bequest for such purpose or purposes as the Property Trust or its successor in its absolute discretion determines is as near as possible to the stated purpose.

Specific bequest

I give [insert dollar amount] ('the bequest') to The Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust (Victoria)of Melbourne, Victoria ABN39 703 442 583 (‘the Property Trust’) or its successor for the general purposes of The Uniting Church in Australia congregation known as [insert current name of congregation]worshipping at [insert address of church] or if that congregation is dissolved or amalgamates thenat such other place as that congregation, or parts of it, may worship (‘the stated purpose’), and the trust so established is to be called the ‘The [insert desired name] Fund’. Any unexpended income arising from the bequest in any year may be retained as income and be available in a subsequent year for the stated purpose, or may be added to the capital of the bequest for the stated purpose. If at any time the Property Trust or its successor determines that it is impossible or impracticable to carry out the stated purpose then the Property Trust or its successor (or The Uniting Church in Australia operating in the State of Victoria) may apply the income of the bequest for such purpose or purposes as the Property Trust or its successor in its absolute discretion determines is as near as possible tothe stated purpose.

Not to establish a perpetual fund-

Residuary bequest
a)Percentage of residue

I give [insert percentage] of the residue of my estate ('the bequest') to The Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust (Victoria)of Melbourne, Victoria ABN39 703 442 583 (‘the Property Trust’) or its successor for the general purposes of The Uniting Church in Australia congregation known as [insert current name of congregation]worshipping at [insert address of church] or if that congregation is dissolved or amalgamates thenat such other place as that congregation, or parts of it, may worship (‘the stated purpose’), and the trust so established is to be called the ‘The [insert desired name] Fund’. Any unexpended income arising from the bequest in any year may be retained as income and be available in a subsequent year for the stated purpose, or may be added to the capital of the bequest for the stated purpose. If at any time the Property Trust or its successor determines that it is impossible or impracticable to carry out the stated purpose then the Property Trust or its successor (or The Uniting Church in Australia operating in the State of Victoria) may apply the income of the bequest for such purpose or purposes as the Property Trust or its successor in its absolute discretion determines is as near as possible to the stated purpose.

b)Whole of residue

I give the whole of the residue of my estate ('the bequest') to The Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust (Victoria)of Melbourne, Victoria ABN39 703 442 583 (‘the Property Trust’) or its successor for the general purposes of The Uniting Church in Australia congregation known as [insert current name of congregation]worshipping at [insert address of church] or if that congregation is dissolved or amalgamates thenat such other place as that congregation, or parts of it, may worship (‘the stated purpose’), and the trust so established is to be called the ‘The [insert desired name] Fund’. Any unexpended income arising from the bequest in any year may be retained as income and be available in a subsequent year for the stated purpose, or may be added to the capital of the bequest for the stated purpose. If at any time the Property Trust or its successor determines that it is impossible or impracticable to carry out the stated purpose then the Property Trust or its successor (or The Uniting Church in Australia operating in the State of Victoria) may apply the income of the bequest for such purpose or purposes as the Property Trust or its successor in its absolute discretion determines is as near as possible to the stated purpose.

Specific bequest

I give [insert dollar amount] ('the bequest') to The Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust (Victoria)of Melbourne, Victoria ABN39 703 442 583 (‘the Property Trust’) or its successor for the general purposes of The Uniting Church in Australia congregation known as [insert current name of congregation]worshipping at [insert address of church] or if that congregation is dissolved or amalgamates thenat such other place as that congregation, or parts of it, may worship (‘the stated purpose’), and the trust so established is to be called the ‘The [insert desired name] Fund’. Any unexpended income arising from the bequest in any year may be retained as income and be available in a subsequent year for the stated purpose, or may be added to the capital of the bequest for the stated purpose. If at any time the Property Trust or its successor determines that it is impossible or impracticable to carry out the stated purpose then the Property Trust or its successor (or The Uniting Church in Australia operating in the State of Victoria) may apply the income of the bequest for such purpose or purposes as the Property Trust or its successor in its absolute discretion determines is as near as possible to the stated purpose.