G.T.Normalisation - Question - MMD segment - new qualifier representing e-mails

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26.09.2016 : question posée envers centre Telebib :

Demande de pouvoir véhiculer (en annexe aux messages structurés) des e-mails.

Note what is wanted, is the transport of some e-mail, without altering the nature of such thing being an e-mail. What is meant is, example given, not changing it into some (printed) pdf-copy of such e-mail, which will only print the visible part of such e-mail, but actually keeping the complete e-mail information inclusive the info hidden in the header.

Le segment:

MMD+X095+C120 =


Avec dans X095 le «multimediafiletype»:

001 – JPEG

002 – TIFF

003 – PDF

004 – PNG

Y ajouter un nouveau:

005 – HTM: comme documenté sur wikipedia:

MHTML, short for MIME HTML, is a web page archive format used to combine in a single document the HTML code and its companion resources that are otherwise represented by external links (such as images, Flash animations, Java applets, and audio files). The content of an MHTML file is encoded as if it were an HTML e-mail message, using the MIME type multipart/related.

The first part of the file is an e-mail header. The second part is normally encoded HTML. Subsequent parts are additional resources identified by their original URLs and encoded in base64. This format is sometimes referred to as MHT, after the suffix .mht given to such files by default when created by Microsoft Word, Internet Explorer, or Opera. MHTML is a proposed open standard, circulated in a revised edition in 1999 as RFC 2557.

The .mhtml (Web archive) and .eml (e-mail file) file extensions are interchangeable (the files can be renamed). The first can be sent by e-mail (and displayed by the email client if the html code is basic enough) and an e-mail message can be saved to an OS file and renamed to a Web archive extension.

Based on the documentation found, it looks like such “.mht” format is a valid choice in view of what we want to achieve.

Be it some tests show this conclusion is a bit too much taken “on short notice” – further research is needed.

28/09/2016 – continued

005 – EML : documented as found (source ):

EML or Electronic mail is a file format primarily associated with Microsoft Corporation “Outlook Express” and is used by other email clients as well. It is a file extension (.eml) for e-mail message saved to file in MIME RFC 822 standard format. Basic purpose of EML file is storing email messages as a plain text file in standard file structure. It can contain plain ASCII text for headers, main message body, attachments and hyperlinks as well. Header comprises of e-mail address of sender and recipient, subject, time & date stamp of message.


EML file extension for email files also referred as RFC-822 file format was created in 1982 as an enhancement in RFC-733 through establishment of ARPA standards for emerging use of emails. Its purpose was also to simplify the address standards which were not uniformly recognized in software business.

Microsoft Corporation also manufactured series of COM modules which was included in Outlook Express email application’s development as well. These modules were part of Microsoft Office suite products. RFC is a standard format but Microsoft create PST file format to store emails as a highly structured database. But it restricted the access of emails without presence of proprietary application module. This file format was created to store email files offline with a functionality of forwarding email messages. Eventually this created an issue for non-Microsoft email clients when received from Outlook application. Since then, many other email applications created emails as .eml files saving the file in MIME RFC-822 format. Primarily associated with Outlook Express EML file format is also part of other email clients like Thunderbird, Apple Mail, etc. Outlook Express successor email client Windows Live Mail also use EML file format to save emails.




Being a plaintext and analogous to MHT file format, EML can be opened in a webbrowser by changing the extension to .mht. However, Windows 8 built-in Mail application does not support EML.

Based on the documentation found, it now looks like such “.eml” format is a valid choice in view of what we want to achieve.

Filed: C:\Mike\Tb2\GTs\Norm\Forum\Documents-MMD-Formats\GTN_Q_MMDqualifierNEW_20160926.doc – Dated: 2016-09-28 13:43

Michel Bormans – coördinator Telebibcentrum – de Meeüssquare 29 – 1000 Brussel – Tel. +32 2 547 56 93 – Fax +32 2 547 59 74