The Harry F. Cunningham Gold Medal

The Harry F. Cunningham Gold Medal is the highest honor AIA Nebraska can bestow upon an individual and is awarded in recognition of the most distinguished achievement in architecture or service to the profession of Architecture.

Harry F. Cunningham Recipients:

2006 George Haecker, AIA

2005 Robert L. Hanna

2004 Charles Wilscam, AIA

2002 Donald P. Polsky, FAIA

2001 Dale L. Gibbs, FAIA

1999 Deon Bahr, FAIA

1997 W. Cecil Steward, FAIA

1998 Allied Artists of the NebraskaState Capitol

1995 Lawrence Enersen, FAIA, FASLA

EligibilityIncludes an individual, (not necessarily a current resident or an architect, living or deceased) who has not previously received this award, and who the AIA Nebraska Executive Committee believes exemplifies excellence in architecture in the State of Nebraska. Nominees who fail to receive the award after three submissions will not be eligible.One gold medal will be awarded in any given year. However, in some years one may not be awarded.

Criteria• The candidate shall have evidenced a profound effect on the profession of architecture in Nebraska.

• The candidate shall have influenced the direction of architecture in Nebraska.

• The candidate's contributions to the profession of architecture have consistently been directed toward the future as well as respectful of the past.

• The candidate shall have evidenced the ability to excel in a specific area of expertise.

• The candidate shall be widely known by the quality of his or her skills or services by those who practice architecture and those who do not.

NominationsNominations must be made by an AIA Nebraska member and received in the AIA Nebraska office by 5 pm, Tuesday, September 4, 2007. It is the responsibility of the nominator to inform the nominee of his/her consideration. AIA Nebraska will only contact the Gold Medal winner.

Information submitted from this nomination will be the materials considered by the jury. In the event of clarification, the jury may ask the nominator for further information.

Nominator agrees

• To provide clarification on information per jury request.

• To compile introductory material (including power point and photographs) for awards presenter.

• To act as host or obtain a host for the nominee (if selected as winner) at the AIA Nebraska Excellence in Design Banquet.

If you have nominated an individual in the past and would like them to be reconsidered, please indicate this on the nomination form and the original information binder will be used. Updatesneed to be forwarded to AIANE by the appropriate date. Additional information may be requested for the jury.

SelectionThe selection committee will be comprised of individuals and mayinclude:

• Past Recipient of the Gold Medal
• AIA Central States Regional Director
• UN-LCollege of Architecture Representative
• President of the Nebraska Arts Council

CeremonyThe awarding of the Cunningham Gold Medal will take place Thursday, October 18, at the AIA Nebraska Excellence in Design Banquetat Talent +, Lincoln.

Further Info Contact AIA Nebraska • 402/472-1456 or

Harry F. Cunningham, FAIA, Gold Medal

Nomination Form: It is the responsibility of the nominator to inform nominee of consideration for this honor.



Member NameChapter Affiliation


Firm ______
















Profession / Business

□ Nomination is a resubmission

Supporting Information: Prepared in a uniform 8 1/2" x 11" format (6 copies required)

□Nominator's Letter: Describe nominee's qualifications. Not to exceed 1 page.

□Biographical Data: Not to exceed 4 pages.

□Statement on contributions, specific in nature: Not to exceed 3 pages.
• View criteria requirements.

□Miscellaneous Material: photos, clippings, articles, etc. Not to exceed 3 pages.

□ 1 Copy of submission on CD: Include a photo of nominee jpeg format.


Signature of NominatorDate

Return this form and supporting materials by Tuesday, September 4, 2007 to:

AIA Nebraska: P.O. Box 80045 • Lincoln, NE68501-0045