Tower Hill Primary School Local Governing Body (LGB) - Membership – 2017-2018
Name ofGovernor / Category / Start Date / End Date / Lead Roles / Performance & Standards Committee
Member / Resources
Committee Member / Pecuniary Interest Form
date / DBS
School to confirm / Code of Conduct noted
Rev. Jason Boyd / Co-opted / 01.11.2015 / 31.10.2019 /
- Chair of the LGB
- Whistle-blowing
- Performance Management
Mr Justin Foley / Appointed Parent / 09.07.2016 / 08.07.2020 /
- Chair, Resources Committee
- Philosophy for Children
Ms Laura Price / Co-opted / 01.11.2015 / 31.10.2019 /
- Safeguarding & Child Protection
Mr Paul Thomas / Headteacher / 04.06.2017 / ex officio / Yes / Yes / 28.09.2017 / Yes / 28.09.2017
Mrs Francesca Thompson / Staff / 25.09.2017 / 24.09.2021 /
- Special Educational Needs & Disability (SEND)
Mr Ulrik Street-Poulsen / Appointed
Parent / 23.01.2017 / 22.01.2021 /
- Chair, P&S Committee
- Performance Management
Mrs Viviane Boyd / Co-option / 27.11.2017 / 26.11.2021 / / Yes
Mr Sergio Oreni / Co-option / 27.11.2017 / 26.11.2021 /
- Pupil Premium
Mrs Claire Evans / Appointed Parent / 27.11.2017 / 26.11.2021 / / Yes
Mr Samuel Jones / Appointed Parent / 27.11.2017 / 26.11.2021 /
- Performance Management
Former Governors - who have served during the past 12 months.
Ms Lindsay Pritchard / Parent / 01.11.2015 / 31.10.2019
Stood down
Ms Elizabeth Ablett / Parent / 25.04.2016 / 24.04.2020
Stood down 31.08.2017
Ms Louise Border / Staff / 27.06.2016 / 26.06.2020
Stood down
Ms Tracey Smith / Staff / 01.11.2015 / Headteacher
- ex officio
Stood down
Mr Andrew Coles / Co-opted (LA) / 01.11.2015 / 31.10.2019
Stood down
Ms Sara Goldie / Co-opted / 01.11.2015 / 31.10.2019
Stood down 15.11.2016
Ms Erica Street-Poulsen / Parent / 03.11.2016 / 02.11.2020 / 28.09.2017 / Yes / 28.09.2017
Mr Chris Bennington / Co-opted / 23.01.2017 / 22.01.2021
Stood down 10.07.2017
Name / Governor Category/Appointing Body / FGB1
26.09.2016 / FGB2
28.11.2016 / FGB3
23.01.2017 / FGB4
13.03.2016 / FGB5
15.05.2016 / FGB 10.07.2016 / Total FGB: 6.
Total eligible to attend
Rev. Jason Boyd / Co-opted / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / 6/6
Tracey Smith / Staff / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Stood down 03.06.2017 / 5/6
Laura Price / Co-opted / A / Y / Y / A / Y / A / 3/6
Andrew Coles / Co-opted / Y / Y / Stood down 22.11.2016 / 2/2
Sara Goldie / Co-opted / Y / Stood down 15.11.2016 / 1.1
Lindsay Pritchard* / Parent / A / A / A / A / A / A / 0/6
Liz Ablett / Parent / Y / Y / Y / A / Y / A / 4/6
Louise Border / Staff / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / 6/6
Justin Foley / Parent / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / 6/6
Chris Bennington / Co-opted / A / A / A / A / 0/4
Erica Street-Poulsen / Staff / Y / Stood down 01.12.2016 / 1/1
Ulrik Street-Poulsen / Appointed Parent Governor / Y / Y / Y / Y / 4/4
Paul Thomas /
- Co-opted
- Headteacher
Attendance for Committees 2016-2017
Resources Committee:Membership / Resources 1
Date: 24.11.2016 / Resources 2
Date: 12.11.2017 / Resources 3
Date: 10.03.2017 / Resources 4
Date: 05.05.2017 / Resources 4
Date: 30.06.2017 / Total / Performance & Standards
Committee: Membership / P&S 1
Date: 18.11.2016 / P&S 2
Date: 18.01.2017 / P&S 3
Date: 15.05.2017 / Total
Tracey Smith
Headteacher / Y / A / Y / Y / 3/4 / Laura Price (Chair) / Y / Y / Y / 3/3
Lindsay Pritchard / A / A / A / A / A / 0/5 / Tracey Smith
Headteacher / Y / Y / Y / 3/3
Justin Foley (Chair) / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / 5/5 / Elizabeth Ablett / Y / Y / Y / 3/3
Jason Boyd / Y / 1/1 / Louise Border / A / A / Y / 1/3
Chris Bennington / A / A / A / 0/3 / Erica Street-Poulsen / Y / Y / 2/2
Paul Thomas / Y / Y / Y / 3/3 / Paul Thomas / Y / 1/1
Ulrik Street-Poulsen / Y / 1/1
Quorum met: / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / No / Quorum met: / Yes / Yes / Yes
In attendance: Kate Walsh School Business Manager / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / In attendance: / N/A
Minutes on GovernorHub? / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Minutes on GovernorHub? / Yes / Yes / Yes
TORS Reviewed: By Local Governing Body
Clerking arrangement: Committee member