705 Glendale Street

Carlisle, PA 17013

June 12, 2016

Rev. Michael R. Poe Rev. Greg L. Hench

Senior Pastor Pastor/Youth Director

462-6281 243-2257


Please remember to put cell phones on silence or turn off electronic devices while in the sanctuary. Thank you.

The Announcements and Words of Welcome

The Prelude

*The Call to Worship from “My Story” by B. D. Weave

Pastor: If I told you my story, You would hear Hope that wouldn’t let go.

People: And if I told you my story You would hear Love that never gave up.

Pastor:And if I told you my story, You would hear Life, but it wasn’t mine.

Unison:If I should speak then let it be, of the grace that is greater than all my sin.

Pastor:Of when justice was served and where mercy wins.

People:Of the kindness of Jesus that draws me in.

Unison: Oh to tell you my story is to tell of Him.

*The Invocation

*The Gloria Patri #813

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost.

As it was in the beginning. It is now and ever shall be.

World without end. Amen. Amen.

*The Hymn“All Hail the Power of Jesus ‘ Name” #43

The Prayer Requests

The Morning Prayer

The Presentation of Tithes and Offering

The Offertory

*The DoxologyPraise God from whom all blessings flow.

Praise him all creatures here below.

Praise him above ye heavenly host.

Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen

*The Offertory Prayer

The Special Music

The Scripture Lesson Hebrews 10:19-25


*The Closing Hymn“What A Friend We Have in Jesus” #630

*The Benediction

*The Postlude

*Those who are able please stand.

VISITORS Welcome to CarlisleFirstChurch of God. We are glad you visited with us and would love for you to be a part of our church family. Before you leave our church today, please stop by the “Visitors’ Center” in the lobby. We would like to give you a mug and a pen to take home. Also we have information and maps about our church. The staff at the Visitors’ Center can answer your questions. Thank you for your visit today.

The altar flowers are presented by Paul and Dona Heishman Capehart in honor of the birthdays of Randy Heishman and Terry Tidd.


Greeters: Mr. and Mrs. Ray (Janet) Kunkel

Muggers: Mrs. Doris Paxton and Mrs. Jean Wagner

Song Leader: Mr. Brian Bittinger

Head Usher: Mr. Jim Heinbaugh

Ushers: Mr. Rick ThomasMr. Larry Carmody

Mr. Shane McConnellMr. Larry Bigham


9:30 a.m.—Worship Service

---JuniorChurch for children age 4 through Grade 4


10:40 a.m.---Sunday School hour


-Rotation Sunday School for age 4 thru Grade 5

-Youth and Adult classes

THIS WEEK (June 13-19)

If you need pastoral assistance from June 12-21, please call Pastor Greg.

Monday - 9:30 a.m.--Strong Women

Tuesday - EDGE--Distribution for Project SHARE

Friday - 5:30 p.m.--Sunday School sponsored night at the Senators. TODAY is the deadline for return of blue forms with money to Dwain Ronan.

Saturday - EDGE help with CPYB move-in day

NEXT SUNDAY, June 19, 2016

9:30 a.m. - Worship Service

- JuniorChurch for children age 4 through Grade 4

- Nursery

10:40 a.m. - Sunday School hour

- Nursery

- Rotation Sunday School for age 4 to Grade 5

- Youth and Adult classes

NOTE:To honor all fathers, the Bible Explorers Sunday School Class is making a donation to “Tara’s Fight Against Bat- ten Disease” Fund. Tara Garman is a young Carlisle area girl who is fighting this disease. The money goes to her family to help defray the medical expenses. If you would like to join the class in donating, see Larry Carmody, Bill Davidson or Glenn Crum.


June 20- EDGE--CPYA Orientation meeting

- 6-8 p.m.--Patches of Love

July 2- JOTS--will attend a patriotic show at ChristianLifeAssemblyChurch. Ticket order has been placed. Watch the JOTS bulletin board. Tickets will be distributed as

soon as received.

VOLUNTEERS FOR VBS--a few area still needed to lead a group of children through the stations each evening and assist with the activities at those stations. No planning or teaching is required for this role. VBS will be July 10-14 from 6:30-8:15. The sign-up sheet is on a table in the lobby.

VBS SNACKS--A sign-up sheet is on the table in the lobby area to help provide items for VBS snacks. Quantities of each item are listed and in some cases a specific brand. It is helpful if the brand requested is provided since we have children with food allergies and the selected foods have been checked for allergens. Non perishable food items can be placed in the tub by the table any time between now and July 10. Perishable foods can be labeled and placed in the refrigerator closer to the date. Thank you for your help!

REGISTRATIONFORMSFORVACATIONBIBLESCHOOL (July 10-14),God’s Olympics, are now available in the church lobby. Please feel free to take copies home or to friends and relatives. Completed forms should be returned to the folder. Registrations are accepted until the first day of VBS, but it is helpful to have advance registrations to help with the planning. Encourage your children to invite their friends!

AWANA, the new children’s ministry program will be starting this fall. Registration forms are available on the Awana bulletin board in the church hallway. The forms have been redesigned so families with multiple children only have to fill out one form. Completed forms can be returned using the return slot on the Awana bulletin board or in Rebecca Sober’s church office mailbox. Remember all children are welcomed so make sure to pass the form along to any friends who may be interested in attending Awana. ALSO, we are still looking for volunteers for key positions. We need a lead teacher for the Puggles Club (ages 2 and 3) and a Games Director (interacts with all children ages 4 through Grade 5. We will always be in need of sbstutute teachers for all Awana Clubs and general volunteers (no teaching required) each Wednesday night. If you are being led to help with Awana in any capacity, please contact Rebecca Sober with your interest at . FINALLY, we will be having training this summer. All Awana volunteers are encouraged to come. Time and date to still be determined.

SYMPATHY IS EXPRESSED to the family of Lester William “Bill” Burkholder, Jr who passed away Sunday, June 5. A memorial service will be held at 11:00 a.m. on Friday, June 17, in this church.

PRAYER REQUESTS—To have a prayer request put on the telephone prayer chain, you should call Shirley McConnell (249-4095) and Sariann Worley (243-3611). To have a prayer request placed on the email prayer chain, you may email Pastor Mike and he will include the request on “Hey! It’s Tuesday!” These are not mutually exclusive prayer opportunities—you are welcome to avail yourself of any or all.

SUMMER MUSIC--While the Adult Choir is taking a break during the summer months, they are asking that the congregation would supply the special music by inviting those you may know to provide a number in place of the regular anthem. A sign-up sheet is on the main bulletin board to list your volunteer.

MISSION MOMENT--Unite in prayer that God will bless Everett and Mary Teller with strong leaders who are focused on sharing the love and joy of the Lord with Navajos.

MRS. MUFFY PUTT will celebrate her birthday June 16. You may address greetings to her at Forest ParkHealthCenter, 700 Walnut Bottom Road, Carlisle, PA 17013.

THANK YOU NOTE: Marie Keefer and her family would like to thank the church people for their visits, cards and prayers. They would like to thank Pastor Greg and Judith McNamara for getting the church people to go to Claremont Farms to welcome Marie into the church. (She had been planning to joining Carlisle First May 1 when others were welcomed into the church fellowship but was unable to attend that day.) So this past Tuesday, forty people stopped by Clarmont Farms to help her celebrate her joining the church. She was so happy and it made her day. She said “there isn’t any other church that I would want to be in than First Church of God”. She feels the love and loves all of you. Thank you so very much.

CAMPYOLIJWA--This week is Youth Week at Camp. Please be in prayer for those attending from our church as campers and those who will be serving on staff.

Greeters: Misses Pam and Cathy Sherman

Muggers: Mr. and Mrs. Jim Strine

Head Usher: Mr. Alan McConnell

Ushers: Mr. Bryan DellingerMr. Chris Campbell

Mr. Doug FrickMr. John Gross


Worship 202Sunday School 92

Nursery 5Junior Church 12

To provide information for next Sunday’s bulletin, please contact Nancy Rea no later than Wednesday evening at 6:30 p.m. by phone at 258-3363 or email at .

Director of Music/Organist: Mr. Michael Minnich

Pianist: Mrs. Elaine Shughart

JuniorChurch Director: Mrs. Sally Bigham

Assistant Jr. Ch. Director: Mrs. Cathie Burkholder