Educational Trips, Visits and Activities Consent Form and Contract of Understanding
Name of Student ______
I agree that any payment via Wisepay for trips, visits or activities will act as full consent for my child to attend.
I am aware that the school has a policy on the safe running of educational visits. I am also aware that the school’s educational visits are always well organised with particular attention to health and safety. I understand that there can be no absolute guarantee of safety, but appreciate that the school leaders of the visit retain the same legal responsibility for students as they have in school and will do everything that is reasonably practicable to ensure the safety of everyone on the visit.
Below is listed a number of activities that we would wish to bring to your attention as being prohibited on any school trip. Please read the list carefully and talk this through with your parents who can help explain the risks involved. It is your parent’s responsibility to explain the risks of these activities to you.
Prohibited Activities List: ______
- The purchase, carrying or use of:
- Weapons of any kind including ‘flick combs’, pen knives of any sort.
- Fireworks or explosives
- Illegal substances, including alcohol and any drug (unless prescribed to you)
- Laser pens
- Body piercings of any kind
- Tattoos of any kind including temporary or ‘transfer’ types
- Any activity that is illegal in the UK, specifically for somebody of your age
- Any activity contrary to the laws of the country you are visiting
- Unauthorised outdoor pursuits eg. kayaking, abseiling etc., that is to say, any activity not authorised by this school/your trip organisers.
- Sexual activity of any kind
- Theft, including shoplifting
- Acts of vandalism, including graffiti
- Unaccompanied* visits, including unaccompanied transportation of any kind
- Any activity or lack of activity that would endanger the health and safety of any persons, including yourself.
- Any activity that involves breaking of any school rules, including host schools if being visited.
- Unauthorised medical treatment/cosmetic surgery.
*Unaccompanied means without the presence of your teacher (or host student or host parent if you are on an exchange visit).
Please sign below to declare you have read and understood these conditions. Do not sign this without giving it your full consideration. You will not be able to participate in the trip if this is not signed by both yourself and your parents. The breaking of this contract may result in the school taking disciplinary action against you which may include exclusion.
Student signature: ______
Parent(s) signatures: ______
Parent(s) Names: ______Date: ______