Simultaneous Loading and Fueling Plan
- Purpose:
This Operations Plan is prepared by the (base) Staff in order to conduct simultaneous loading and fueling in a safe and efficient manner. There are currently no outlined procedures for simultaneous loading and fueling in the Interagency Air Tanker Base Operations Guide (IATBOG). This Plan will serve as an instruction and training guide to begin implementation of these new procedures.
- Authority:
All airtanker operations will be conducted within the guidelines as established by the IATBOG, aircraft contracts and established base and aircraft operational plans. Copies of these documents are kept in the base library.While the IATBOG currently prohibits the simultaneous loading and fueling of airtankers, the Deputy Chief has issued a letter to allow this type of operation when certain criteria have been met. Part of that criterionwill be to have this plan included as an appendix to the Base Supplement. The list of training materials and requirements to be able to accomplish these procedures safely are outlined later in this plan.
- Distribution:
A copy of this plan will be provided to all airtanker base personnel and the retardant contractors at the beginning of each season. Anybody taking part in the simultaneous loading and fueling of airtankers will have read this plan and completed the training requirements set forth in it.
- Risk Assessment:
A risk assessment has been completed by the individual airtanker contractors and submitted to the National Office and each ATBM that will or could be involved in simultaneous loading and fueling. A test was conducted by San Dimas Technology and Development Center to test the static electricity output of the retardant loading hose while filling an airtanker with retardant. The test showed less than 0 for static electricity buildup. This data demonstrates there is no potential for static electricity buildup or an accidental ignition from the loading hose. The simultaneous loading and fueling operation is no more dangerous than the independent fueling operations when done correctly. To ease congestion and confusion, these operations will always be performed on opposite sides of the aircraft from each other. Not all aircraft will load and fuel simultaneously. Anytime we plan to simultaneously load and fuel, the Aircraft Rescue Firefighters (ARFF) will be at the airfield immediately available..
- Required Training:
Personnel considered qualified in simultaneous loading and fueling operations will have successfully completed the training listed below and will have reviewed the materials that follow. The following information will be included within the course of instruction offered to all personnel prior to conducting simultaneous loading and fueling operations:
- Review of the vendors Risk Assessment and safety Procedures.
- Working Knowledge of the Discussion of Hand Signals for Airtanker Base Ramp Operations Appendix A of the IATBOG
- Review of the Safety Procedures for Simultaneous Loading and Fueling PowerPoint (developed by IABS)
- A thorough training of ramp operations with personnel prior to performing independently under actual fire situations.
All training will be documented and placed in the employee/contractor personnel training folders.
- Roles and Responsibilities
- Airtanker Base Manager (ATBM)
The ATBM (or their acting) is responsible for the overall management and daily operations of the airtanker base including the use of all types of aircraft. The ATBM will provide information necessary to conduct safe and efficient operations as well as information on local procedures. The ATBM serves as the main point of contact for the air crews, fuel vendors, ramp personnel and loading crews. The ATBM will call for fuel when requested by the aircrews. The ATBM is responsible to ensure that ARFF is on site.
- Ramp Manager (RAMP)
The Ramp Manager is responsible for the overall supervision and movement on the ramp, provides direct supervision to the parking tenders, and reports to the ATBM. RAMP will ensure that trained personnel are designated to monitor communications, conduct loading and fueling operations and direct the movement of aircraft. RAMP will coordinate with the loaders and the fuelers to ensure they perform their operations on the opposite sides of the airtanker.
- Parking Tender (FWPT)
The Fixed Wing Parking Tender (FWPT) reports to the Ramp Manager and directs all movement within their assigned area; of aircraft, vehicles and personnel. The FWPT observes loading and fueling procedures, monitors restrictions for each aircraft and supervises the retardant loading crew. The FWPT is knowledgeable and proficient in the use of hand signals and radio communications. The FWPT observes and ensures the safety of retardant loading and fueling operations. He/she is proficient with the base safety and emergency procedures, the proper use of Personal Protective Equipment(PPE), fire extinguishers and spill response mobilization. The FWPT will not leave the area until all operations have ceased and everyone is clear of the aircraft.
- Retardant Contract Personnel
The retardant contract personnel are responsible for all retardant operations such as inventory, mixing, loading, sampling, and monitoring the product for compliance with the Lot Acceptance Quality Assurance (LAQA) Program. If the loaders smell fuel vapors, they will stop loading immediately and exit the area. This is true for all loading operations whether simultaneously loading and fueling or not.
- Fuel Vendors
- Operational Procedures
- Receiving Aircraft for Loading
- The pilot will establish contact with the RAMPor FWPT by radio (insert local frequency)
- The aircraft will be directed to the appropriate loading pit
- The ATBM will make the decision whether or not to load and fuel simultaneously
- Initial Arrival
Each aircraft is required to shutdown and go over procedures for their aircraft for the first load of the year out of each base. This is the perfect time to also discuss the potential for simultaneous loading and fueling with the aircrews, loading crews and ramp personnel.
- Simultaneous Loading and Fueling
The aircraft will pull into the assigned pit and shutdown the propulsion engines. The APU is the only engine permitted to run during these simultaneous operations.
For aircraft approved to conduct simultaneous loading and fueling, FWPT may wave on the fueler and loaders once the propulsion engines have been shut down. Ensure the operations are performed on opposite sides of the aircraft from each other. The fueling is controlled by the fueler from the panel on the aircraft. Ensure the fuel truck attaches their bonding cable and that the operations are completed on opposite sides from each other. The retardant loading operation is controlled by the ground crew watching the floats and telling the loaders when to stop loading each tank.
Typically, fueling occurs on the right side of the aircraft and as a result, retardant loading occurs on the left side of the aircraft.
- Releasing the Aircraft
After loading has been completed the retardant loaders will disconnect the hose and move off the ramp. The fuel truck driver, when finished will disconnect the fuel hose and the bonding cable anddrive away from the area. The FWPT will determine if it is clear to allow the propulsion engines to be started and then release the aircraft to taxi.
- Safety Equipment
Hearing and eye protection will be provided and used at all times. Rolling fire extinguishers will be provided at each loading pit. ARFF will be ordered by the ATBM and be on the airfield. The RAMP and FWPT will utilize headsets with ICOM VHF transceivers for communication along with ear protection. High visibility colored vests will be provided for identification: lime green for RAMP; bright orange for FWPT; and blue for retardant loaders. Non-skid footwear will be worn at all times.
- Firefighting Limitations/Emergency Operations
Base personnel may assist in emergency operations where their capabilities, equipment, training and PPE are not exceeded. In all cases fire fighting resources or standby ARFF equipment will be dispatched when the threat or presence of fire is detected.
- Authorized Personnel
Only personnel that are essential to the operation may be permitted on the ramp during simultaneous loading and fueling operations.
- Refueling Operations
All refueling operations are the sole responsibility of the vendor and will not be performed by government personnel.
Simultaneous Loading and Fueling Certification
2014 Fire Season
The following Airtankers are approved for simultaneous loading and fueling operations at the (base), provided all ground crew and base management involved have been through the Simultaneous Loading and Fueling Training listed in this plan:
10 Tanker DC-10’s
Coulson C-130
Neptune BAe-146’s
The following individuals have reviewed the items as specified in thisplan. They have demonstrated proficiency in, and are approved to conduct simultaneous loading and fueling operations at (base). A copy of this approval has been sent to the Region (#) Aviation Officer.
(List the individuals that are qualified here)
A copy of the list identifying ICL approved employees will be provided to the ATBM and kept on file.
I have read and approve the (base name)Simultaneous Loading and FuelingPlan. This document shall be utilized as a resource for all personnel assigned to the (base name).
Airtanker Base Manager
Regional Aviation Officer