Cervical Spine Module

Module Background

Neck pain has a prevalence almost as high as low back pain. Despite patients with neck pain being a common presentation in an outpatients setting it is an area newly qualified and Band 5 physiotherapists have limited confidence and experience with.

The module covers a range of topics including anatomy, assessment skills, treatment techniques and key neuromusculoskeletal pathologies. Current research is presented and reviewed to help inform the decision making process. Upon completion of the module the physiotherapist should have the confidence to complete a thorough assessment leading to a clear, simple and safe treatment package for their neck pain patients.

Learning Aims


  • Upon completion of the module, the physiotherapist will:
  • Know the origins and insertions of the muscles in and around the neck and use this to inform palpation, resisted testing, stretching and manual therapy
  • Understand the role the ligaments around the neck have in providing static stability, particularly in the upper cervical spine
  • Be able to use joint orientation and arthrokinematic knowledge to inform their assessment and manual therapy decision making
  • Have a basic understanding of the anatomy of spinal and peripheral nerves


Upon completion of the module, the physiotherapist will:

  • Be able to identify and safely manage a potentially serious pathology in the neck
  • Be able to perform aquick and structured objective examination of the neck
  • Be able to clinically reason objective findings with subjective information to make a sound diagnosis
  • Be able to manage nervous system dysfunctions based on motor, sensory, reflex and neurodynamic assessment findings
  • Be able to develop a problem list on which treatment and rehabilitation can be based


Upon completion of the module, the physiotherapist will:

  • Understand the pathophysiology, signs and symptoms, management strategies and multidisciplinary team management of the following pathologies
  • Cervical Artery Dysfunction
  • Cervical Radiculopathy
  • Cervical Spondylosis (Degenerative Disc Disease and Facet Joint Osteoarthritis)
  • Cervical Stenosis and Cervical Myelopathy
  • Cervicogenic Headaches
  • Cervical Disc Herniation
  • Facet Joint Dysfunction
  • Non- Specific Neck Pain and Soft Tissue Injuries
  • Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
  • Cervical and Upper Cervical Instability
  • Whiplash Associated Disorders


Upon completion of the module, the physiotherapist will:

  • Understand some manual therapy mechanism theories and how to implement these into practice
  • Use an evidence based approach to using manual therapy in managing neck pain
  • Possess the skill to deliver appropriate soft tissue and joint biased manual therapy for neck pain patients
  • Understand some theories to exercise principles and mechanisms and how to implement these into practice
  • Use an evidence based approach in prescribing exercise and rehabilitation for neck pain
  • Be able to implement a suitable exercise programme for neck pain patients based on objective findings
  • Be able to demonstrate and teach a variety of exercises that can be used to manage neck pain