MountainIsland Elementary
Revised 5/2012 / Hallway / Bathroom / Cafeteria / Playground / Classroom / bus / dismissal / EVERYWHEREBe
Kind /
- Keep hands/feet/objects to yourself
- Wait your turn
- Keep hands, feet and all other objects to yourself
- Wait for your turn
- Invite others to join
- Include all who want to play
- Accept skill differences/teach rules to others
- Good manners
- Supportive/encouraging words with classmates
- Taking turns
- Use Manners
- Listen attentively to speaker
- Keep hands, feet and all other objects to yourself
- Wait in line in order to get on and off the bus
- Be kind to others
- Stay in line
- Keep hands, feet and all other objects to yourself
- Allow others to talk without interrupting
- Follow all adult directions the first time
Safe /
- Carry hall pass and travel with a buddy
- Walk on blue line on right side of hallway
- Keep
- Wash and dry hands
- Stay seated at your table
- Eat lunch silently for the first 10 minutes
- Get adult permission to reenter the building
- Use equipment appropriately
- Stay in designated areas
- Leave rocks and sticks on the ground
- Keeping hands/feet/objects to yourself
- Keeping area clean
- Save food and drinks for home
- Get on your assigned bus and get off at your assigned stop
- Stay in your seat facing forward
- Keep all objects in the book bag
- Place bookbag on your lap
- Walk in single file line on the right side of the hallway
- Walk on the blue line
- Walk slowly and silently
- Wear or pull bookbag properly.
- Do not pass others
- Enter and exit all school areas in an orderly manner
Be Cooperative /
- Follow adult directions
- Turn off water faucet when finished
- Report any problems to your teacher
- Follow all adult directions
- Table helpers need to fulfill all duties
- Follow game rules
- Take turns
- Listen to adults on the playground
- Work well with others
- Stay in your assigned area
- Always try to do your best
- Follow directions first time given
- Be on time
- Sit in assigned seat
- Wait for the teacher to dismiss you before leaving your classroom
- Follow adult directions the first time
- Take turns asking questions/answering questions by raising hand when appropriate
- Wait to be called on
Respectful /
- Walk silently so other students can continue learning
- Acknowledge and listen to safety patrol
- Enjoy bulletin boards/hallways with eyes only
- Flush the toilet
- Throw paper towels in trash cans
- Use one or two paper towels
- Use one squirt of soap
- Allow others to have privacy
- Use polite words
- Use good manners
- Eat your food only
- Follow the correct path during clean-up
- Use appropriate language (no put downs)
- Line up quickly and in an orderly fashion with adult direction
- Respect others’ point of view
- Treat school materials with care
- Raise hand before speaking and wait to be called on
- Use own materials unless you have permission
- Follow the bus driver’s instructions the first time
- Use appropriate language.
- Walk silently with your hands at your sides
- Keep hands/feet/objects to yourself
- Stay in your assigned area
- Use appropriate language
Be Responsible /
- Go directly to and from your destination in a timely manner
- Be silent in the bathroom
- Use inside voices
- Clean up after yourself when you are finished eating
- Enter/exit cafeteria silently
- Get everything the first time through the lunch line
- Problem solve conflicts
- Return from the playground quietly
- Leave the playground as you found it
- Complete homework on time
- Complete classwork on time
- Following teacher directions
- Have planner and materials ready for the day
- Make Good Choices
- Accept consequences for your actions
- Let the teacher handle classmates’ inappropriate behaviors
- Use quiet calm voices
- Have backpacks prepared for dismissal
- Go directly to your destination without stopping
- Follow the Mountain Island expectations in all settings