Effective Leadership in Volunteering Booking Form

Effective Leadership means adapting your leadership style to respond to the needs of the individual and the team. We’ll give you the tools to do just that.

Volunteer management relies on effective leadership to ensure volunteers feel engaged and supported within the organisation and to influence key stakeholders to gain support for volunteering at all levels. This practical leadership course offers you the chance to consider the current context for volunteering in Scotland, to reflect on your own leadership style, to share practice with volunteer managers from across Scotland, and to learn from the expertise and experience of your Volunteer Scotland trainer.

Date of Course: / Click here to enter text.

Course Options

Attendance only ILM Development (+£49) ILM Endorsed (+£69)

(Certificate)(Report & Certificate)

Booking Contact Information

Participant Name: / Click here to enter text.
Organisation Name: / Click here to enter text.
Job/Role Title: / Click here to enter text.
Address: / Click here to enter text.
Postcode: / Click here to enter text.
Telephone No: / Click here to enter text.
Email: / Click here to enter text.
Billing Address (If different from above)
Click here to enter text.
Dietary requirements learning or access needs?
Click here to enter text. /

Organisations Information

Voluntary Public Private Other

Income Up to 100,000 100,000 – 500,000Over 500,000

(£90 per head) (£130 per head)(£210 per head)

Children Adults Families Animals

EnvironmentElderly Learning Disabilities Carers

FaithEducation Religion/Faith Young People

Drugs/Alcohol Men’s GroupsWomen’s Groups Mental Health

Health Other

How many volunteers are involved in your organisation: / Click here to enter text. /
How many staff members does your organisation have: / Click here to enter text. /
What is your main activity in the organisations:
Click here to enter text. /

Pre-Course Questions

1.)What are the three key things you would like to gain from participating in this course?
  • Click here to enter text.
  • Click here to enter text.
  • Click here to enter text.

2.)Please give details of any learning and training you have previously undertaken in Volunteer Management.
Click here to enter text. /
3.) Please give details of your experience of leading volunteers, volunteer programmes and staff members.
Click here to enter text. /

Volunteer Scotland are ‘snap’ happy and love to take pictures to show how much people enjoy our courses, would it be ok to take pictures at this session:

Yes No

All information you provide us will be stored in line with the Data Protection Act and during our sessions we will ask you to complete an action log, we would love to follow up with you at a later date to see if you have had the opportunity to implement the learning and one way we can do this is by having a copy of your action log, this will be taken at the end of the session, is this ok?

Yes No

By completing this form you will automatically be added to the VS mailing list, if you would like to be removed please tick here

Signed: ______Date: ______

Thank you for completing this booking form, please return the form to the address or email below, we will aim to responded to your booking within 3 working days.

Allana Fotheringham

Business Development Coordinator

Volunteer Scotland

Jubilee House

Forthside Way



Or email to –

Thank You :)