Proposal to publish a British Academy Monograph


Current and former holders of a British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship or a British Academy Newton International Fellowship are invited to submit proposals for publication in the British Academy Monographs series. Please first read the ‘Guidelines for proposing a British Academy Monograph’ at

It is intended that this form, in Word, should be filled in electronically. Please type your answers where indicated by the colons.


1. Your name

Your full name (surname underlined) and title


2. Contact information

Email address:

Telephone number:

Address for correspondence


3. Your British Academy-supported Fellowship

Please mark with an X the type of Fellowship that you hold/held

British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship:

British Academy Newton International Fellowship:

Dates of Fellowship:

Title of research programme:

Host institution and department:

Name of your Mentor (for BA Postdoctoral Fellowship) / UK co-applicant (for BA Newton International Fellowship)



4. Proposed title and subtitle (if any)


5. Technical information

Estimated length of text (number of words):

Estimated no. of illustrations and type (e.g., maps, line drawings, photographs)


Please give details of any special features of production that you foresee (e.g., special typesetting characters, extensive tabular matter, use of colour)


6. Disciplines

Please mark with a 1 the discipline most relevant to this proposal. If the proposal is cross-disciplinary in nature, please mark with a 2 the discipline next most relevant to it. You may mark with an X other disciplines that are highly relevant to the proposal.

Business and management studies
Classics and ancient history
Communications and media studies
English language and literature
History of art
Medieval studies
Modern languages
Oriental and African studies
Religious studies
other (e.g. in the natural sciences)
List here

7. Submission of monograph

Estimated date when complete final text will be ready for submission:

8. Referees

Give the names and full addresses of two referees familiar with the research undertaken during the Fellowship

Name (with title), email address, and address for correspondenceof first referee


Name (with title), email address, and address for correspondence of second referee


9. Signature

Signature of the applicant:


Signing this form constitutes your acceptance of all the terms, conditions and notices contained in the ‘Notes on submitting a proposal’.

Submitting the proposal

The completed form, together with your Curriculum Vitae (including bibliography), statement about your monograph (see ‘Notes on submitting a proposal’ for details), and substantive sample chapter, should be emailedto the Publications Officer at the British Academy().

Complete § 1 of the reference form and email the form to your referee, together with a copy of all parts of your completed proposal – allowing them time to be able to compose their reference by the closing date. Please ask your referee to email their reference direct to the British Academy. It is your responsibility to ensure that the reference is submitted to the British Academy in time. An application cannot be considered unless the proposal and the reference have been submitted on or before the closing date.

The closing date for submission of proposals is 13 July 2018.

The British AcademyConfidential

Proposal to publish a British Academy Monograph

Reference Form

Editor: How to complete the formReferee: How to complete the form

Please complete section 1 in typescript, Please complete sections 2–3 in typescript.

and forward the form to your referee, togetherEmail the form to Publications Officer at

with a copy of your completed proposalthe British Academy at 13 July 2018. Do not send it to the applicant.

1. Name of author 2. Name of referee

Tel no:
Email: / Name:
Tel no:

3. Relationship to the author (e.g. PhD supervisor, examiner, colleague, etc.)

4. Reference

Please provide below your confidential assessment of the scholarly importance of the proposed monograph, the ability of the author to write it, and whether the monograph can reasonably be expected to be completed within the timescale proposed:
‘Signature’: Date :

The British Academy is registered under the Data Protection Act 1998 and complies with the provisions of the Act. To pursue its legitimate interests the Academy makes extensive use of peer review. The Academy is not exempt from disclosing the content of a reference to an applicant invoking the Data Protection Act, unless by doing so the identity of the author of the reference is revealed. The policy of the Academy is to maintain strict confidentiality, unless the referee explicitly consents to the disclosure of his or her identity. Please indicate below if you are willing for your reference to be disclosed. Otherwise, confidentiality will be preserved and, where necessary to protect your identity, the content of your reference will not be revealed to the applicant.

I am willing for my reference to be disclosed to the applicantYes / No[please delete one]