UITM - Faculty of Applied Science
PHY583 – Test 3 – AS2314D – 20.6.12 - SOLUTIONS
Answer all questions
- Describe the four fundamental forces of nature and the field particle that mediates each.
Fundamental forces
Strong force
- A force that holds nucleus together
- Short-ranged 1 fm
- The strongest of the four forces
- Field particles are gluons
Electromagnetic force
- Force between charges that holds atoms and molecules together
- Infinite range
- Obeys inverse-square law
- Field particles are photons
Weak force
- Involved in many decays of nuclear particles which require a change of a quark from one flavor to the onother
- accounts for the decay of nuclei & the decay of heavier quarks & leptons.
- Range 1018 m
- Its strength is 106 times that of the strong force.
- Scientists now believe that the weak & electromagnetic forces are two manifestations of a unified force called the electroweak force.
- Field particles: W, Zo particles
Gravitational force
- Attractive force between two masses
- Infinite range
- The weakest of the four forces 1043 times that of a strong force.
- Obeys inverse-square law
- Although this force holds the planets, stars & galaxies together, its effect on elementary particle is negligible.
- Fields particles are gravitons
- State the fundamental interactions responsible for the following decays:
i)Neutral rho meson (0) decays into two pions (+ and ) with half-life of about 1023 s.
Strong force because the half-life is 1020 s.
ii)The neutral kaon (K0) decays into two pions (+ and ) with half-life half-life of about 1010 s.
Weak force because the half-life is 1010 s.
- Describe the following process:
An electron positron annihilation process, where an electron and a positron annihilates each other producing two gamma ray photons.
- a) List all the fundamental particles known today.
Leptons: electron, electron-neutrino, muon, muon-neutrino, tau, tau-neutrino
Force field carriers: gluons, photons, W, Zo particles
Quarks: up, down,strange, charmed, bottom, top
b) Describe thefollowing terms which provide the classification of particles:
- Sub-atomic particles that obey Bose-Einstein statistics.
- Integer spin number
- No exclusion principle applies
- E.g. photons, gluons, W, Zo particles
- Symmetric wave functions
- Elementary point-like particles with no structure
- Currently only six known leptons: electron, muon, tau, (e, ,) and their
respective neutrinos: electron neutrino, muon neutrino and tau neutrino
(e, , , )
- Spin ½
- Participate in electromagnetic and weak interactions
- Particles that interact through the strong force.
- Two classes of hadrons: mesons (spin 0 or 1) & baryons (spin odd half-integer values
- Composite particles composed of more elemental units called quarks.
- A type of hadron made up of a quark and an antiquark.
- All have spin 0 or 1,
- Their masses between that of the electron & proton.
- All mesons are known to decay finally into electrons, positrons, neutrinos & photons.
- Eg. Pion and Kaon
- Another type of hadrons, made up of 3 quarks.
- Their spins are always odd half-integer values .
- Have masses equal to or greater than the proton
- E.g. Protons & neutrons
- With the exception of the proton, all baryons decay in such a way that the end products include a proton.
- Determine which of the following reactions can occur. For those that cannot occur, determine the conservation law (or laws) that is violated.
(Baryon number is violated: )
this reaction cannot occur
Baryon #: Before reaction = 0 After reaction (0)+ (0) = 0
Lepton #: Before reaction = 0 After reaction (1)+ (+1) = 0
Strangeness #: Before reaction = 0 After reaction (0) + (0) = 0
This reaction can occur
Baryon #: Before reaction = 1 After reaction (+1) +(0)+ (0) = 1
Lepton #: Before reaction = 0 After reaction (0) + (+1)+ (1) = 0
Strangeness #: Before reaction = 0 After reaction (0) + (0)+ (0) = 0
This reaction can occur
- Briefly explainwhat is meant by Quantum Chromodynamics.
- Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) is the general theory of how quarks interact with each other.
- In QCD the color charge carried by each quark is responsible for the strong force between the quarks.
- Basic color charge interaction: like colors repel, opposite colors attract
- a) Explain ITER.
- Acronym for International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor
- The first commercial scale reactor to generate electricity based on nuclear fusion
- Colaboration between EU, USA, Russia, China, Japan, India, and Republic of Korea
- Launched in 1985
- Cadarache in Southern France was selected as the site in 2005
- Contruction began in 2010
- Expected completion and began operation in 2020
- Estimated cost EUR 20 billion
- Advantages : no carbon emission
no air pollution
unlimited fuel
intrinsically safe
b)State 3 areas of research and development carried out by Nuclear Malaysia.
- Medical Technology
- Water, Waste and Environment
- Agro Technology
- Industrial Technology
- Radiation Technology
- Nuclear Reactor Technology
c)Should Malaysia resort to nuclear power plant for its future electricity supply? State your stand and provide your arguments.
- Marks awarded will depend on the strength of facts and arguments.