Dr. V.P. Upadhyay

Director (S), Government of India

Ministry of Environment and Forests, Eastern Regional Office, A/3, Chandrasekharpur, Bhubaneswar-751 023


Phone: 0674-2301248



2. Father’s name: Sri ONKAR NATH UPADHYAY

3. Date of Birth : 10. 07. 1958Age 49 years

4. Nationality:Indian

5. (a) Address for :Dr. V.P. Upadhyay,

Correspondence Director (S),Ministry of Environment and Forests,

Eastern Regional Office,A/3 Chandrasekhar Pur,


Phone No(s) : 0674 -2301248 (O), 6538108 (R)

Fax No. : 0674 - 2302432

E mail :

5. (b) Permanent Address :Vill. Chaturbhujpur, PO Bhatauta Tulsipatti,

Distt. Sultanpur (U.P)Pin- 228161.

E-mail :

6. Whether belong to SC/ ST/PH/OBC. :No

7. Educational Qualification:

Exam passed / Board/Institute Univ./ College / Year / Subjects / Division/ class / % Marks/ OGPA
Certificate / CIEFL / 2004 / German language / Ist / 62.2%
Ph.D / KumaunUniversity,
Naini Tal / 1985 / Botany
(Forest ecology) / -
M. Sc. / KumaunUniversity, Naini Tal / 1980 / Botany / Ist / 63.7%
B. Sc / MBPG, CollegeKumaunUniversity, Naini Tal / 1978 / Zoo. Bot. Chem. / IInd / 51.1%
  1. Professional training:

Title / Duration / Conducting Organisation
From / To
(a) India:
Environmental Impact Assessment of developmental projects. / 23.03.1995 / 28.03.1995 / IIM, Calcutta.
Management of Natural Resources and Environment / 28.02.1995 / 11.03.1995 / IIPA, New Delhi.
Modelling and Monitoring of Coastal Marine Processes (MAMCOMP-99) / 15.11.1999 / 16.11.1999 / IIT, Delhi.
Equipping the Enforcers in Environmental Law at W.B.University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata. / 19.04.2000 / 23.04.2000 / CEERA, National Law school of India University of Bangalore.
(b) Abroad:
Environmental Impact Assessment and Auditing / 08.01.1996 / 15.03.1996 / DPPC,
University of Bradford, U.K
Course in Environmental Management / 16.03.1996 / 27.03.1996 / Centre for Industrial and Commercial Training, Middlesbrough, England

9. Employment Record:

Organisation / Position held / From / To / Nature of work
Ministry of Environment & Forests Eastern Regional office, Bhubaneswar / Director Scientist ‘F’ / AUG 07 / Till date / Environmental
Monitoring, Impact Assessment.
Ministry of Environment & Forests Eastern Regional office, Bhubaneswar / Additional Director (S)
Scientist ‘E’ / MAR 06 / AUG 07 / Environmental
Monitoring, Impact Assessment.
Ministry of Environment & Forests North Eastern Regional office Shillong / Additional Director (S)
Scientist ‘E’ / OCT 2003 / MAR 06 / Environmental
Monitoring, Impact Assessment.
Ministry Environment & Forests Eastern Regional office Bhubaneswar / Additional Director (S
Scientist ‘E’ / MAR01 / OCT03 / Environmental
Monitoring, Impact Assessment.
Ministry of Environment & Forests, Eastern regional office, Bhubaneswar / Joint Director(S)
Scientist ‘D’ / Jan’95 / MAR01 / Environmental monitoring , Impact Assessment.
Ministry of Environment & Forests, Eastern Regional office, Bhubaneswar / Scientist ‘C’ / Jan’90 / DEC04 / Environmental Monitoring, Impact Assessment.
Indian Council of Agricultural Research. Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi. NAARM, Hyderabad / Scientist S1 / Oct’89 / Dec’89 / Research (Forestry)
DOEn. Research Project. Dept. of Forestry, KumaunUniv.Nainital. / Research Scientist / Sep’88 / Sept’89 / Research (Restoration
C.S.I.R., Department of Botany,
Kumaun University, Nainital / R.A. / Mar’88 / Aug’88 / Research (Restoration Ecology).
DoEn. Research Project, Department Forestry,
KumaunUniversity,Nainital. / R.A. / Mar’86 / Feb’89 / Research (Restoration Ecology).
DoEn. Research Project,
Department of Botany/Forestry
KumaunUniversity, Nainital. / SRF / Nov’84 / Feb’86 / Research(Restoration Ecology).
DoEn. Research Project,
Department of Botany,
KumaunUniversity, Nainital. / JRF / Apr’84 / Nov’84 / Eco-development/ Research.
D.ST Research Project, Department of Botany,
KumaunUniversity, Nainital. / JRF / Dec’80 / Apr’84 / Research (Forest Ecosystem analysis).

10. Publications and Reports:

Click here for the list of publications

11. Present Pay Scale : Basic Rs. 18,200/- Central Government

Pay scale (Rs. 16, 400 - Rs.20, 000/-)

12. Member of Professional Societies:

  1. International Association for Ecology (INTECOL)
  2. International Society for Tropical Ecology, Varanasi (ISTE).
  3. Ecology Research Circle, Nainital.
  4. Society for Geoscientists & Allied Technologists, Bhubaneswar (SGAT).
  5. Plant Lovers’ Association, Bhubaneswar.

13. i) Details of Honours/Distinctions received, if any:

1.Received “Environmental Conservation Awareness Award”of Orissa Environmental Society from His Excellency Hon’ble Governor of Orissa on 30th October, 2007.

2. FTE- Fellow of Tropical Ecology (ISTE, Varanasi)

3. ARS-1986 (Agriculture Research Services), ICAR, New Delhi

4.Co-opted member and contributor of “Task Force on Mountain Ecosystems constituted by Planning Commission for the Environment and Forests sector”for the Eleventh Five- Year Plan (2007-2012)

ii)Ph.D. Produced: Two

  1. Phytosociological study of Bhitarkanika Mangrove ecosystem, Orissa, UtkalUniversity, Bhubaneswarby Dr. Prafulla Kumar Mishra.
  1. Phytosociological Study of Forest Ecosystems of Similipal Biosphere Reserve, Orissa, UtkalUniversity, Bhubaneswarby Dr. R.K. Mishra.

iii)Ph.D Registered:Two

iv)M. Sc. Dissertation Supervised: Four

1.Environmental Impact Assessment of a Chromite Mine – A case study, UtkalUniversity, Bhubaneswar by Sidhartha Mishra, 2002.

2.Environmental statement of a chromite mining project at Sukinda, Jajpur, Orissa, UtkalUniversity, Bhubaneswar by Suchismita Patnaik, 2003.

3.Environmental Management Plan of Saruabil Mining Project, Sukinda, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar by Sudhamayee Behura, 2003.

4.Environmental Monitoring of a mining project in Sukinda, Jajpur, Orissa, UtkalUniversity, Bhubaneswar by Sasmita Pattnaik, 2003.

v) Total experience (Years/Months):26 years

Field of Study/Research / Designation / Duration
Study on structure and Functioning
of Forest Ecosystem in Central Himalaya. / Junior Research Fellow / 4 Years
Restoration of Degraded Forest Ecosystems in Central Himalaya. / Senior Research Fellow / 1 Year 4 months
Restoration of Degraded Forest Ecosystems in Central Himalaya. / Research Associate / 2 Years 6 months
Restoration of Degraded Forest Ecosystems in Central Himalaya. / Research Scientist / 1 Year 1 month
Field Training (Agro-forestry) / Scientist S-1 / 3 months
EIA and Environmental monitoring / Scientist ‘SD’ / 5 Years
EIA and Environmental monitoring / Joint Director (Scientist ‘SE’) / 6 Years
EIA and Environmental monitoring / Addl. Director (Scientist ‘E’) / 6 Years
EIA and Environmental monitoring / Director (Scientist “F”) / Since Aug.2007

vi)Training Experience:

Title / Duration / Conducting Organisation
From / To
Environmental Impact Assessment of developmental projects. / 23.03.95 / 28.03.95 / IIM, Calcutta.
Management of Natural Resources and Environment / 28.02.05 / 11.03.95 / IIPA, New Delhi
Modelling and Monitoring of Coastal Marine Processes (MAMCOMP-99) / 15.11.99 / 16.11.99 / IIT, Delhi
Equipping the Enforcers in Environmental Law at W.B.University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata. / 19.04.2000 / 23.04.2000 / CEERA, National Law school of India University of Bangalore.
Environmental Impact Assessment and Auditing. / 08.01.96 / 15.03.96 / University of Bradford, U.K.
Course in Environmental Management / 16.03.96 / 27.03.96 / CICT, Middlesbrough, England.

14.Details of research and present Work:

Having trained in Ecology from 1980-1990 and interacted with most of the Indian Ecologists and International Scientists in the field, I have made significant research contributions in the field of vegetation ecology, nutrient cycling and restoration of degraded ecosystems. The publications brought out by me have been widely recognized with fair number of citations. I am working in the Ministry Of Environment and Forests since last 17 years with the following mandates:

i.Follow up the implementation of conditions and safeguards laid down for projects/activities during environmental clearance.

ii.Follow-up pollution control measures taken by industries, local bodies, Government (Centre/State) undertakings etc.

  1. Collect and furnish information relating to Environmental Impact Assessment of Projects, pollution control measures, methodology and status, legal and enforcement measures, Environmental protection of special conservation areas like wetlands, mangroves and Biosphere Reeserves.
  2. Maintain liaison and provide linkages with the concerned State governments, with Central Government agencies including Regional Offices of BSI, ZSI and the Central Pollution Control Board, with State Pollution Control Boards and all non-governmental organisations involved in implementation of programmes relating to Environment.

The Environmental Impact Assessment reports of various projects are examined in the Regional office for sending comments and recommendation to the Ministry of Environment and Forests where environmental appraisal is done and environmental clearance is accorded with environmental safeguards. The examination of EIA report is also made on the basis of monitoring feedback on actual performance and level of implementation of environmental safeguards by ongoing projects in the area/region. The inspection and monitoring is done by field visits to review the status of implementation of environmental management and control measures. The important safeguards stipulated and monitored are rehabilitation of project affected people, restoration of degraded areas, afforestation and catchment area treatment, occupational safety and health, environmentally sound disposal and management of muck and other solid waste materials, Effluent water treatment, re-use and recycling etc. Environmental monitoring of various parameters of air, noise and water qualities which are affected due to construction/operational activities is major mandate of Regional Office as a post EIA review mechanism. The safeguards stipulated by the Ministry also includes carrying out various kinds of studies related to biodiversity, flora and fauna, regional impact studies/carrying capacity studies which are pursued and a link is provided by Regional Offices between projects and expert institutions to complete such studies. The monitoring and EIA related work carried out by the Regional Offices are helpful to Environmental Appraisal Committees to review their earlier stipulations and find out the constraints and effectiveness of implementing such safeguards at the project level.

I edited a book entitled `Issues of Environment and Sustainability’ (Upadhyay, 1997). The contributions include the international practices of EIA including details of EIA methodology,screening of environmental management options, need for adoption of appropriate instruments, methods of calculating environmental costs using various tools and environmental analysis of policies and programmes. Various issues linked to developmental activities in the eastern and north eastern regions and having impact on ecosystem functioning were addressed in Upadhyay et al (1997, 2003) in compilations made for projects and state authorities which provided guidelines for taking up environmental conservation measures by different sectors of projects.These compilations will help achieve satisfactory compliance levels required as per the various acts and guidelines of the Country in the matter of Forest Conservation and Environmental protection. The developmental projects are given feed back on the basis of findings of the monitoring by Regional Office to implement required mitigative measures to fulfilobligations of environmental clearance issued by the Ministry of Environment & Forests. The monitoring has helped the Projects to achieve the standards like recirculation of effluents, creation of Environmental Management Cell, regular monitoring of environmental parameters and plantation and green belt development.

While serving in the North Eastern Regional Office, Shillong (October, 2003 to March, 2006), monitoring issues of the region were prioritized by concentrating on most significant environmental impacts i.e. acid mine drainage in coal mines, oil sludge management in oil exploration and refining industries and general disregard to environmental legislations by developmental projects. My effort to establish pilot projects for AMD treatment with the help of IIT, Kharagpur and CSRMS, New Delhi by using limestone fines and lumps and recovery of oil from oil sludge paid well. While a few projects already implemented the measures, others had initiated action to comply. Most of the industrial coal and limestone mining projects violating the norms were brought into the legislative control by making them aware about the legislative requirement through conferences and also by issuing notices to projects and state authorities.

During my tenure in North East region, I also took up a project for developing a chemical profile inventory of North East Region. The project took more than 2 years to complete the assignment (February, 2004 to March, 2006). The North Eastern region has less industrial productivity with only a few chemical industries but is a highly ecologically sensitive region. The region warrants for a sound chemical safety and management system. The monitoring mechanism of the Regional Office was also utilized for collection of data on chemical use and management. The industries were also requested through a questionnaire to submit the details on chemical profile. The report is a first ever comprehensive compilation in the country which provides all details of chemical management in all sectors of development activities in North East Region. The report will be a tool forregulatory authorities and the industries to take all precautions for Disaster and Risk Management related to Chemical production, import, export and use in North East region.