“Heroes” in American History

Fakebook Page

Why are we doing this?

·  To learn about the complicated contributions of people in the past

·  Toe analyze the extent to which those placed on historical pedestals deserve to be there

What am I being asked to do?

A.  Look at three sources on your assigned person—write the web site addresses, book titles, or journal titles that you used here:

B.  Open the power point template “Sample Facebook Page JFK” on the class website and create an authentic Facebook page for your person. The page should highlight the positive and not so positive things that your assigned character did in the past.

1.  Complete all tabs in the power point

George Washington
Thomas Jefferson
Andrew Jackson
Susan B. Anthony
Harriet Tubman
Thomas Edison
Eli Whitney
Abraham Lincoln
Helen Keller
Andrew Carnegie
Henry Ford
Babe Ruth
Mark Twain
Walt Disney
Elvis Presley
Martin Luther King Jr.
General MacArthur
General Patton
Neil Armstrong