Mid Sussex Monday Darts
Constitution & General Rules
1.0 Name
The league shall be known as the MID SUSSEX MONDAY DARTS LEAGUE
2.0 Membership
Membership shall be open to a limited number of teams (36 in all) situated within a 12-mile radius of Sussex Square, Haywards Heath.
3.0 Subscriptions/Entrance Fee
When joining the league for the first time or re-joining after a one season absence, teams shall pay an entrance fee (non-returnable) and all teams shall pay an annual subscription. Entrance fee and subscriptions shall be such sums as may from time to time be determined by an AGM.
4.0 Subscription Due Date
Subscriptions and entrance fees where applicable are due immediately prior to the AGM together with a written application. Teams should be represented at the AGM.
5.0 Committee
The management of the league (except where otherwise provided by these rules) shall be deputed to a committee of not more than eight (8) members. In addition thereto shall be a President plus a Vice President(s) who shall be ex-officio members of the committee.
6.0 Election of Committee
Chairman, Vice Chairman, Honorary League Secretary, Honorary Competition Secretary, League Treasurer and Committee members shall be elected at an AGM, and serve for a period of one year. Nominations for these positions will be accepted on the night with a proposer and seconder.
7.0 Committee Vacancies
If any member of the committee were absent from three (3) consecutive committee meetings and not give satisfactory explanations of absence, or resign prior to the end of their term, their seat on the committee shall be declared vacant. The committee shall have to co-opt a team member to fill any vacancies on the committee until the next AGM.
8.0 Ex-Officio Officers
The committee on the basis of services rendered to the league and provided that such nominations are accepted at an AGM, shall nominate candidates for the office of President and Vice President(s) office is for life and the number of Vice Presidents shall be reviewed annually.
9.0 Meeting of the Committee
The committee shall meet on a regular basis to examine the accounts and arrange the affairs of the league. Five members of the committee shall form a quorum. Minutes shall be taken of the meeting and copied to all committee members.
10.0 Annual General Meeting (AGM)
The Annual General Meeting of the league shall be held in the month of July each year upon a date and time fixed by the committee for the following purposes;
(A) To receive from the committee a report, balance sheet & statement of accounts for the preceding year.
(B) Reformation of the league.
(C) To elect officers & committee for the ensuing year.
(D) To decide on any resolution which may be duly submitted to the meeting as hereinafter provided.
11.0 Final Delegates Meeting
The final delegates meeting of the league shall be held in the month of July each year, prior to the AGM and include the following as agenda items;
(A) To receive from the committee a report for the preceding year.
(B) New team applications.
(C) Honorariums.
12.0 Notice of Business
Any team representative desirous of moving any resolution at the AGM shall give notice in writing to the Honorary League Secretary no later than the last day of the current season (finals night).
13.0 Special General Meeting (SGM)
The committee may at any time for any special purpose call a Special General Meeting and shall do so upon the request of 75% of team representatives stating the purpose for which the meeting is required.
14.0 Convening General Meeting
Fourteen (14) days at least before the AGM or any SGM notice of such and of the business to be transacted thereat shall be posted to all team representatives. The balance sheet and statement of accounts shall also be forwarded to the AGM.
15.0 Proceedings at Annual General Meetings (AGM)
At all general meetings of the league, the current Chairman, or in his absence the Vice Chairman shall take the chair. Each team representative shall be entitled to one vote upon every motion and in the case of equality of votes; the Chairman shall have the casting vote. All voting shall be done by ballot sheet. Voting upon changes affecting lady players will be limited to those teams entering Ladies teams and shall also be one vote per team. The quorum at all general meetings shall be fifteen (15).
16.0 Amendments
No amendment (other than a notion for adjournment) shall be moved to any resolution proposed at any Annual or General meeting unless written notice has been received in accordance with rule 12.0, and no business other than that which would have been given shall be brought forward at such meetings.
17.0 Dissolution of the League
If a resolution for the dissolution of the league be motioned by the majority of team representatives, a SGM shall be held not less than six (6) weeks thereafter, (of which four (4) weeks written notice shall have been given to all team representatives). At which not less than half the league teams are represented and the resolution be confirmed and passed by a majority of two thirds of those voting thereon, the committee shall thereupon or at some future date as shall be specified proceed to realise the property of the league, and after discharge of all liabilities shall donate such funds remaining to a charity of charities as agreed at the SGM. Upon completion of such the league shall be dissolved.
18.0 Finance
The league Treasurer shall hold a bank/building society account in the name of the league. Two (2) signatories shall be required, one to be the league Treasurer and as second nominated by the committee. A proper account of income and expenditure shall be kept at all times. The committee shall authorise any major expenditure at meetings.
19.0 Conduct
All team members shall conduct themselves in a responsible manner at all times, and shall be excluded from the league if they contravene the rules, use abusive language and/or violent behaviour.
20.0 Complaints
Any complaints shall be reported to the Honorary League Secretary in writing and in detail. The committee will be convened for an emergency meeting to discuss the complaint and will request the attendance of the complaint(s), which shall be short notice. The decision of the committee and any action(s) taken shall be final in all matters. Telephone or verbal complaints will not be actioned.
21.0 Interpretation of Rules
The committee shall be the sole authority for the interpretation of these rules, and the decision of the committee upon any questions of interpretations, or upon any matter affecting the league and not providing for by these rules shall be final and binding on all team members.
22.0 Match Play
22.1 – All players (male & female) must be registered in writing with the honorary league Secretary seven (7) days before playing.
22.2 – Any proposed transfer of a player between teams, of which seven (7) days clear notice in writing must be given to the honorary league Secretary, will be subject to the approval of the committee and if granted will be from the approved date. No transfers will be allowed after the first half of the fixtures.
22.3 – Each team will play two (2) matches (home & away) in their respective sections.
22.4 – A standard board of good quality and condition must be used.
22.5 – Dartboards must be 5ft. 8ins (1.73m) from the floor to the centre of the bull, and the throw shall be a minimum of 7ft. 9 1/4ins plumb from the face of the board to the front of the toe line fixture. All darts to be thrown from behind the toe line.
22.6 – A scoreboard must be placed on a wall so as to be easily visible to both players and the score to be kept in two (2) columns; the throw score must be deducted from the total. Players must ensure the correct score has been recorded before removing their darts from the board.
22.7 – There shall be two scorers for each game, one being responsible for the scoreboard and the other calling in an audible voice the score thrown and wanted by each player in each throw.
22.8 – A league match shall comprise of six (6) singles and three (3) doubles. Singles 501 for division one and 401 for division two. Doubles 601 for division one and 501 for division two. Ladies 301. All games shall be the better of two (2) out of three (3) legs straight in and finish on a double. Bull to count as a double. All games to count as one (1) point.
22.9 – Matches to be played on Mondays. Alterations of the date can only be made by mutual consent of both teams and then the game must be played in the current week. Both teams must notify the honorary league Secretary that this is the case.
22.10 – A league game shall consist of a minimum of six (6) players, men and/or ladies and each player can only play in one (1) single and one (1) double. Three (3) ladies shall comprise a team in their own right.
22.11 – On the evening of the match and before 20:25hrs the two captains will make the draw to pair the players for the singles and play must commence by 20:30hrs. The captains shall toss for the order of play, those winning the toss shall select the first game and the losing captain the second. This order shall continue until all singles are played. After the singles are played, the captains can select their doubles players and draw as per singles draw and put them on the results card.
22.12 – Match results shall be sent by first class post by the home team to the honorary league/competitions secretary using the cards provided within 48hrs of the match. Scorecards must be fully completed including ladies match results if any, and signed by both captains.