St. John-St. Matthew-Emanuel Lutheran Church
Congregation Council Meeting – Tuesday, January 10, 2017
Present: Eric Johnson, Andrew Kjoller (President), Gary Heard (Secretary), Gene Hiigel, Pastor David Parsons, Aaron Thompson (Financial Secretary), Kuye Youngblood . A quorum was present.
Excused: Sarah Sampson, Susan Grieg, Jon Gensler (Vice President), Vivian Wychen,Georgeanne Karvunis.
Approval of Agenda: A motion was made, seconded and carried to approve the agenda.
Approval of Minutes from previous Meeting: A motion was made, seconded and carried to approve the minutes of the December 13, 2016 Council meeting as corrected for typographical errors.
Financial Report: Treasurer Tammy Johnson was not present but she supplied the Statement of Income and Expense by Account for December of the Fiscal year 2017. As indicated in the November meeting Tammy will be retiring as Treasurer in May 2017. Discussion continued on shifting her day-to-day bookkeeping duties to the Senior Center staff or outside service. Aaron and Pastor promised to meet with the Senior Center Director before the next Council meeting to learn more about the outside accountant’s value and discern Karla’s interest in consolidating bookkeeping functions. Pastor also agreed to contact John Litke to get his recommendation for a bookkeeper.
Pastor’s Report: Pastor Parsons presented a written and oral report, the highlights of which were:
- Noted strong attendance in December
- Raised nearly $5000 through the Global Barnyard and Christmas Tree sale. Thanks to Kristen Mensing and Gary Heard.
Property Committee:At the December meeting The Committee noted that the two contractors could not complete the work at the price they had quoted originally. The Committee is recommending that we consider revising the scope of the project to reduce the overall cost to enable new contractors to bid. The council discussed the need to get the congregation’s assent to any significant changes such as eliminating the costly wheelchair accessible ramp. (The wheelchair-bound person still needs to use the stairwell lifts to go up and down into the social hall and sanctuary.)
The Property Committee reported that the lifts and urinals had been fixed. The Committee was asked to do a walk-through of Pastor’s residence and develop a repair list so it can develop costs for prioritizing and budgeting purposes.
The Council continued its discussion of the “next steps” following the MAP survey and initial discussion with the congregation. Pastor reminded the Council that Kairos director Jeff Kjellberg is contracted for another session with the Council/congregation. He also reminded us of the Synods’ resources to help us. He said he would reach out to a council member to lead our next steps and in particular ways to engage the congregation more in the coming months before the May budgeting meeting. The previous Council minutes noted the congregation’s sense of the need to “strengthen our sense of purpose and mission”and better communicate. Also, to expand member and staff involvement in school age education and welcoming new people so that it does not fall to one person.
Continuing Business and Unfinished Business:
Kuye and Aaron agreed tobe the Nominating Committee.The Council helped develop a list of people to approach before the next Council meeting. Four to five positions will be available.
No action was taken on reconstituting the Audit Committee.
New Business:
Pastor got a favorable sense from the Council about a German government-funded student/youth exchange with a church in Germany in 2019 that would cost only about $300 per person. Sunday Pastor, Nadine Cordes and Ramona Kohrs had met with Sebastien, a Deacon and youth group leader in the German church.
The Annual Congregational Meeting is scheduled for February 5, 2017
The next Council meeting was scheduled for February 7, 2017.
The meeting was adjourned with the Lord's Prayer.
Respectfully submitted,
Gary Heard