1stJune 2016
BOK AutoDownload User Notes
These notes give AutoDownload details that are specific to BOK. The latest version of AutoDownload can be downloaded (along with detailed installation instructions) from Check with Ashley Cooper or Peter Foster for details of the licence. Any member of the club can use the software for events organised by the club.
These instructions should be read in conjunction with the online help that appears on each screen. Click on items given below in bold.
Before you start:
Ask the planner to send you an XML export of the courses from Condes. They can do this from the Export menu using Export Event Data, IOF XML Format.
Obtain the SI-Card archive file from Tony Lloyd.
Have a USB memory stick available for transferring the results to your own computer to email to the webmaster.
Double click on AutoDownload on the desktop to start.
Click Save or Up after completing operations on each screen.
Online help is available on all screens.
SI-Card Archive.
Import AutoDownloadFile as provided by Tony Lloyd. If updating the archive, delete all existing entries before import.
Add Event using ‘Orienteering Local’ for all Level C and D events. In the Splits Advertising box enter ‘Results and future events are available on Only tick ‘Use Classes’ if you really intend to run a Class based event.
Import/Export XML Coursesusing file supplied by planner
Add Entry or Add Entry by Punch. Use capital letters appropriately. What you type here will appear on the website. Either:
For those with their own dibber use Add Entry by Punch and then enter course, or
For British Orienteering or ASO members use Add Entry, enter their number in BOF Number and press Search (Archive) and then enter course.
For others, use Add Entry and enter all details manually.
Press Save after each entry.
SelectSI-Card Downloads, Automatic, Manual on Error or Mispunch. Refresh port list after reconnecting Master station. Click Connect to activate the reader.
Safety Check
At course closure, gather check start and finish boxes and use Data Collection top level menu to Read Punches (Slave) to collect punch data from each box in turn. Then Safety Check, Outstanding Competitors.
Live results
Connect an external screen to display live results. Start a second instance of AutoDownload by double clicking it on the desktop. Move this copy on to the second screen by using the Windows Restore Down button (top right of window) and dragging it off the side of the laptop monitor. Once on the external monitor, Restore it to full size, again using the button in the top right of the window. Use Results, Live Results and Start to display the live results.
At the end of the event, from the Results screen, export results and email them to the webmaster. Use the following options:
HTML results
Directory – Navigate to your USB and create a new folder to hold the results.
Export Type –
If a course based event:
One page for all results with separate pages for splits.
If a class based event:
Each Class and Course and splits for both on separate pages
Or if class based but classes map directly to courses
Each Class and splits on separate pages
Tick 'Create style sheet', if it is not already ticked.
URL to return from index page -
Export OE Splits
Filename - OE splits in the same directory as before.
Ensure tick boxes are unticked.
Export for Routegadget
Filename – RG export in the same directory as before.
Choose format ‘IOM XML V2.0.3’
Once all these results are in one folder, compress it using right-click, send to compressed (zipped) folder and then email it to .
Export for treasurer
To simplify a task for the treasurer (calculating levies for BO), it is useful to produce an export of the results in ‘Processable CSV Results’ format. Download the .csv file and email it to the Treasurer.