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Cradle to Grave: CO2 Opportunities and Challenges NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Summer 2017 Application
Chemical Engineering, University of South Carolina
Last First MI
Mailing Address
( )
City State Zip Phone
Permanent Address
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City State Zip Phone
E-Mail Address Primary Other College or University Major Cumulative GPA: Major GPA:
Expected Graduation Date: Month Year
Do you plan to attend graduate school? M.S. Ph.D. M.D Other No Unsure Citizen or Permanent Resident of U.S. Yes No __** (must be Citizen or Perm. Res.)
List Computer Skills:
List Laboratory Skills: Academic Honors or Awards
If program dates (05/21/17-07/28/17) conflict with your academic schedule, what dates would you be available?
Optional: Ethnicity Gender
To apply to this program, you must complete the following two steps by no later than March 17, 2017:
1) Submit this application, an unofficial transcript of your academic record, and a ~ 250-word narrative that discusses your interest in this program, your research interests, and your future educational and/or career goals. These three items should be scanned into a single PDF file named in the format lastname_firstname_app.pdf and submitted to . For example, if your name is John Smith, your application file would be smith_john_app.pdf. Place this same file name in the email Subject line.
2) Arrange for one letter of recommendation to be sent on your behalf. Your recommender should be someone who is familiar with your academic work (both coursework and any undergraduate research). The letter should be scanned into a PDF file named in the format lastname_firstname_rec.pdf and submitted to . For example if your name is John Smith, your letter writer should name their file smith_john_rec.pdf. Place the same name in the email Subject line.
Applications must be e-mailed no later than Friday, March 17, 2017
Send Application Materials to: