Curriculum Vitae
Dr. EmanSayed Hassen, MD.
Personal data:
Birth date:11.11.1969
Nationality: Egyptian
Religion: Muslim
Marital status:Married and has1 daughter.
Position:Assistant Professor of Phoniatrics, ENT Department,Faculty of Medicine, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt.
Mailing address:Phoniatric Unit, ENT Dep., Assiut University Hospital, Assiut, 71526; EGYPT
Phone: Home: 0020882338790
Office: 0020882414165
Clinic: 0020882367979
Mobile: 01004082014
Qualifications:- Bachelor of medicine (M.B.B.Ch), Faculty of Medicine, Assiut University, Egypt. Sept. 1993 (Very Good).
-Master Degree (MSc) in Phoniatrics, Ain Shams University, Egypt,November, 1997 (Very Good).
-MD Phoniatrics, Assiut University, Egypt, October, 2003.
Present appointment:
Assistant Professor of Phoniatrics, Phoniatric Unit, ENT Depart. Assiut University Hospital.
Posts Held:
From / To / Position / Place1.3.1994 / 28.2.1995 / House officer / Assiut University Hospital
1.3.1995 / 10.11.1995 / Resident / Phoniatric Unit, ENT Depart. Assiut University Hospital
11.11.1995 / 11.11.1997 / Resident / Ain Shams University Hospital, Phoniatric Unit
12.11.1997 / 7.5.1998 / Resident / Phoniatric Unit, ENT Depart. Assiut University Hospital
8.5.1998 / 27.12.2003 / Assistant lecturer of Phoniatrics / Assiut University Hospital, Phoniatric Unit, ENT Depart.
28.12.2003 / 31.5.2009 / Lecturer of Phoniatrics / Assiut University Hospital, Phoniatric Unit, ENT Depart.
1.6.2009 / Till now / Assistant Prof. of Phoniatrics / Assiut University Hospital, Phoniatric Unit, ENT Depart.
Research work in master degree:
Etiological categorization of different voice disorders.
Research work in M.D. degree:
Construction of an Arabic reading test for assessment of dyslexic children. Published in Neuroscience 2004, Vol. 9 (3) 199-206.
Practical experiences and scientific interests
1-Diagnosis and management of all voice , speech and language disorders including :
a-All functional, minimal associated pathological lesions and organic types of voice disorders.
b-Dyslalia – stuttering – open & closed nasality – dysarthria.
c-Delayed language development in children including: Hearing impaired– mentallyretarded– braindamagedmotorly handicapped– attentiondeficit hyperactive– environmentallydeprived– autisticchildren.
d-Dysphasia & related disorders in adults.
2-Endolaryrgeal microsurgical removal of all vocal fold lesions as vocal fold polyp, nodules, cyst, Rienke's oedema using sharp dissection tools.
3-Video– endoscopicdiagnostic procedures for laryngeal, pharyngeal disorders including snoring. (Using rigid or flexible fiber optic endoscope).
4-Acoustic analysis including: CSL- Nasometry.
5-Aerodynamic investigations using different tools.
Publications After M.D. degree:
- Abou El-Ella,M.Y; Sayed,E.M; Farghaly,W.M; Abdel Haleem,E.K; Hassan,E.S.: Construction of an Arabic reading test for assessment of dyslexic children. Neurosciences. Vol.9 (3) 2004. 199-206.
- Hassan, E.S. Abdel Haleem, E.K. nabeih, A.A. and Mamdouh, H.:Differences between Arabic 1ry school pupils with and without phonological errors on literacy skills: an Upper Egypt sample study. Assiut Medical J. Vol. 30 No. 1 (2006): 275-283.
- Abdel Haleem, E.K. Hassan, E.S. and Katanani, E.J.: A fiberoptic naso, pharyngo, laryngoscopic study of the two pharyngeal Arabic phonemes /h / and /؟/. Assiut Medical J. Vol. 30 No. 2 (2006): 75-80.
- Abdel Haleem, E.K. and Hassan, E.S.: Laryngeal lesions and voice problems in a group of Quranic Reciters. Cairo University Medical J. Vol. 75 No. 4 (2007): 839-842.
- Hassan, E.S.: Speech rate of the mothers of physiologically dysfluent children. The Egyptian Journal of Otolaryngology. Vol. 23 No. 1 (2007): 36-40.
- Rifaie, N., El-Adawy, A.A., Al-Daha, AM., Hassan, E.S., and Hassan, S.H.: The effect of psychological aspects and personality on the results of stuttering therapy. The Medical J of Cairo University. Vol. 75 No. 4 (2007): 685-689.
- Mamdouh, H., El-Adawy, A.A., Hassan, E.S.: Recent developments regarding severity of stuttering in pre-school children. El-Minia Medical Bulletin. Vol. 15No 2 (2004).
- Hassan, E.S., Mamdouh, H., Khalifa, M.: Effects of tonsillectomy on speech and voice quality. El-Minia Medical Bulletin. Vol. 19 No 1 (2008).
- Mamdouh, H., Hassan, E.S.: The effect of vocal fold nodules on aerodynamic analysis of the voice. El-Minia Medical Bulletin. Vol. 17 No 1 (2006).
- Hassan, E.S., Darweesh, A.M., Mohamed K.A.: Temperamental characteristics of physiologically dysfluent children. Accepted for publication in The Medical J of Cairo University. 2008.
Publications during the period of Assistant Prof. till now.
1. Abdelhak, B., Mamdouh, H., Hassan, E.S., Refaat, N.: Efficacy of laserarytenoidectomy with posterior cordectomy forthe treatment of bilateralabductor vocal fold paralysis.The Egyptian Journal of Otolaryngology. Vol.26 No. 1 (2010): 31-36.
2. Sayed, E., Hassan, E.S: Neuromaturation of the central auditory system inyoung stutterers. The Egyptian Journal of Otolaryngology. Vol. 26 No. 1(2010): 54-61.
3.Hassan, E.S: Central auditory functions in primary school children with andwithoutphonological awareness problems. Accepted for publication in TheEJENTAS (Egyptian Journal of Ear, Nose, Throat and Allied Science).
4. Hassan, E. S., Ahlam A. El-Adawy, Dalia G. Yasseen, Effat A. E.Tony: Effectofhemodialysis on voice: An acoustic and aerodynamic analysis. presented in The 5th International Congress of the World Voice Consortium Luxor, Egypt,October 27 -31, 2012.