Board of Landscape Architects

Minutes – February 8, 2007

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Cannon Building / STATE OF DELAWARE / Telephone: (302) 744-4500
861 Silver Lake Blvd., Suite 203 / DEPARTMENT OF STATE / Fax: (302) 739-2711
Dover, Delaware 19904-2467 / DIVISION OF PROFESSIONAL REGULATION / Website:


MEETING DATE AND TIME: Thursday, February 8, 2007 at 9:00 a.m.

PLACE: Commission on Veteran Affairs, Commission Conf. Room

802 Silver Lake Blvd, Suite 100, Dover, DE 19904



Eric J. Sturm, Professional Member, President

Barbara A. Hanson, Public Member, Treasurer

Deborah Van Dermark-Billeter, Professional Member

Ronald Sherman, Public Member

Division Staff/Deputy Attorney General PRESENT

Allison Reardon, Deputy Attorney General

Nancy Fields, Administrative Specialist

Timothy Oswell, Administrative Specialist

Kay Warren, Deputy Director, DPR






Ms. Hanson called the meeting to order at 9:09 a.m.


The Board reviewed the November 9, 2006 minutes for approval. Mr. Sherman made a motion, seconded by Ms. Billeter to approve the minutes as presented. The motion was unanimously carried.


Review of Application for Licensure by Reciprocity

The Board reviewed Ms. Stephanie Demchik’s application for licensure. Ms. Billeter made a motion to recommended approval which was seconded by Mr. Sherman and carried unanimously.

The Board reviewed Mr. Ronald McKnight’s application for licensure. Mr. Sherman made a motion to recommended approval which was seconded by Ms. Hanson and carried unanimously.

The Board reviewed Ms. Greer Maneval’s application for licensure. Mr. Sherman made a motion to recommended approval which was seconded by Ms. Billeter and carried unanimously.

The Board reviewed Mr. Jason Elwell’s application for licensure. Mr. Sherman made a motion to recommend approval which was seconded by Ms. Billeter and carried unanimously.

Review of Application for a Certificate of Authorization

The board reviewed the application from George William Stephens, Jr. & Associates, Inc. for a Certificate of Authorization. Ms. Hanson made a motion to recommend approval which was seconded by Mr. Sturm and carried unanimously.

The board reviewed the application from Langan Engineering & Environmental Services, Inc. for a Certificate of Authorization. Mr. Sherman made a motion to recommend approval which was seconded by Ms. Hanson and carried unanimously.

The board reviewed the application from Environmental Design, LLC for a Certificate of Authorization. Mr. Sherman made a motion to recommend approval which was seconded by Ms. Hanson and carried unanimously.

The board reviewed the application from Eastern States Engineering, Inc. for a Certificate of Authorization. Mr. Sherman made a motion to recommend approval which was seconded by Ms. Hanson and carried unanimously.

Request to be placed on Inactive Status

The board reviewed Michele Floam’s request to have her license placed on inactive status. Ms. Hanson made a motion, seconded by Mr. Sherman to approve the request. The motion was carried unanimously.

The board reviewed Michael J. LoFurno’s request to have his license placed on inactive status. Mr. Sturm made a motion, seconded by Ms. Hanson to approve the request. The motion was carried unanimously.

The board reviewed Colleen Eckman’s request to have her license placed on inactive status. Mr. Sherman made a motion, seconded by Mr. Sturm to approve the request. The motion was carried unanimously.

Election of Officials

One new official is needed for the Board. Mr. Oswell advised the Board that he may have an applicant for the empty Board seat.

Ms. Hanson made a motion to nominate Mr. Sherman as President of the Board. This motion was seconded by Ms. Billeter and carried unanimously.

Mr. Sherman made a motion to nominate Ms. Hanson as Treasurer of the Board. This motion was seconded by Ms. Billeter and carried unanimously.

Ms. Hanson made a motion to nominate Mr. Sturm be Secretary of the Board. This motion was seconded by Mr. Sherman and carried unanimously.

Other Business before the Board (For Discussion Only)

Mr. Oswell notified the Board of an article from CLARB regarding the Delaware Board with false information. He advised that he would be sending a return letter stating facts and asking for a correction.

Public Comment

There was no public comment.

Next Meeting Date

The Board will hold a meeting on May 10, 2007 at 9:00 am in Conference Room “B” of the Cannon Bldg., 861 Silver Lake Blvd.,Dover, Delaware, 19904.


There being no further business before the board, Mr. Sturm made a motion, seconded by Mr. Sherman to adjourn the meeting. The motion was unanimously carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:25 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Fields, Administrative Specialist II

Board of Landscape Architects