May 8, 2017
The school board of Clark School District #12-2 convened in regular session in the library on Monday, May 8, 2017 at 7:45am. The following members were in attendance, Shannon Huber, Bob Steffen, Todd Fjelland, Trudi Gaikowski & Nathan Luvaas. Also in attendance: Superintendent- Luanne Warren, Business Manager- Mary Nelson, Principal -Jerry Hartley and Courier Reporter- Bill Krikac and Greg Marx
President Steffen called the meeting to order at 7:45am. With all members saying the Pledge of Allegiance.
Moved by Huber and seconded by Gaikowski to approve the agenda with the addition of approval of a conflict of interest and also add Trisha Marx change to full time Sped aide. All in favor.
Greg Marx represented the Wrestling Boosters and spoke about the plans for the construction of the wrestling building.
Moved by Fjelland and seconded by Luvaas to approve minutes from April 10, 2017 regular board meeting. All in favor.
Moved by Huber and seconded by Gaikowski to approve the minutes from the April 19, 2017 special board meeting. All in favor.
Moved by Luvaas and seconded by Gaikowski to approve the financial reports for the month of April 2017. All in favor.
Moved by Huber and seconded by Fjelland to approve the claim list presented for payment. All in favor.
Moved by Luvaas and seconded by Huber to approve the preliminary budget for 2017-2018 school year. All in favor.
Moved by Huber and seconded by Gaikowski to cast a vote for Steve Moore for Division 11 representative on the SDHSAA Board of Directors. All in favor.
Moved by Fjelland and seconded by Luvaas to cast a yes vote for 2017 Amendment No. 1 proposed by the SDHSAA (involving athletic eligibility for open enrollment students) All in favor.
Moved by Huber and seconded by Gaikowski to accept a 2017-2018 contract with SILDL (long distance learning/e-rate consortium). All in favor.
Moved by Gaikowski and seconded by Luvaas to adopt the resolution authorizing the execution terms, issuance, sale and payment of limited tax capital outlay certificates in the aggregate principal amount of not to exceed $650,000.00 of the Clark School District 12-2 of Clark and Spink Counties, South Dakota.. All in favor.
Moved by Huber and seconded by Luvaas to approve a conflict of interest HB1214 for board members daughter receiving payment for JH oral interp judge. All in favor.
Moved by Fjelland and seconded by Huber to approve the contract for the school year 2017-2018 between the Clark School District and the South Dakota Department of Health. All in favor.
Moved by Fjelland and seconded by Gaikowski to accept the negotiated package between the Clark School District and certified staff for the 2017-2018 school year. Increase of $1000 to salaries and $120 to monthly insurance. All in favor.
Moved by Luvaas and seconded by Huber to accept the letters of resignation from the following effective at the end of the 2016-2017 school year: Laura Yost – basketball cheer and dance coach, Chris Lee – grade 4 instructor/JH football/assistant track, Desiree Glanzer – colony teacher. All in favor.
Moved by Gaikowski and seconded by Huber to accept the contract amendments from the following for the 2017-2018 school year: Trisha Marx – full time Sped Aide, Ryan Larsen – assistant high school track, Christina Flora – basketball cheer advisor. All in favor.
Moved by Huber and seconded by Luvaas to offer contracts to the following for the 2017-2018 school year. Bobbi Jo Bohnet – elementary instructor, Amy Nelson – 20% elementary instructor/80% vocal music, Greg Ehrke – elementary instructor. All in favor.
Moved by Huber and seconded by Fjelland to go into executive session for the purpose of classified and administrative negotiations SDCL and personnel SDCL at 9:34am. All in favor.
Open session resumed to 11:35am
Moved by Huber and seconded by Gaikowski to adjourn the May 8, 2017 regular meeting at 11:36am. All in favor.
ATTEST Mary Nelson
Board Chairperson, Robert Steffen Business Manager