CONSER BIBFRAME Task Group Meeting Notes November 19, 2015
Meeting notes: November 19, 2015
- Task 1:
- BIBFRAME 2.0 draft specifications are posted:
- Need to develop comments fairly quickly since the goal is to publish BIBFRAME 2.0 sometime in January 2016 or there about
- We should select which proposals to focus on, since not all have an impact on continuing resources.
- The item specifications may be the most important for continuing resources.
- Some of the continuing resource related proposals are very straight forward and some work has been done on them
- Owners:Xiaoli Li, Steven Riel
- Task 2
- NLM, UC Davis and other libraries working with BIBFRAME Lite have formed a continuing resources group to work with mapping CSR to several vocabularies, BIBFRAME, BIBFRAME Lite,, etc. so it would be good to avoid duplication between the groups
- The newly released BIBFRAME editor demo and serial profile released by LC will be a great place to start work on this project.
- Creating some records with the demo editor and profile would give us something to work with and analyze
- Any feedback on the CSR mapping in the serials profile will be greatly appreciated and will help keep LC in line with CONSER practices
- Owners: Tina Shrader, Xiaoli Li
- Task 3
- Action:Regina will sendthe entire task group examples of ROAD RDF data would be helpful for exploring task 3, since much of the data contain a mix of vocabularies, PRESSoo,
- Regina is still in touch with Gordon Dunsire about doing a PRESSoo presentation for the group
- JSC-RDA is very interested in PRESSoo as a way to explore gaps in continuing resources description
- Owners: Regina Reynolds, Jacquie Samples, Ed Jones
- Task 4
- Action: Les will ask someone from the PCC Standing Committee on Training to be a liaison the task group
- Possible additional charge: Though the emphasis of this group is probably on creating new BIBFRAME descriptions we will need to face the problems involved with converting MARC 21 records to BIBFRAME and vice versa.
- Analysis of what data are lost in the conversion either way is needed
- Not all libraries will be able to consume BIBFRAME data and will need to use a form converted to MARC 21 from native BIBFRAME.
- The vocabulary is in flux so it may be too early to try to pin down best practices or issues associated with conversion
- Action: We can raise this again at a later meeting.
- Ideas for OCLC presentations on linked data
- Work IDs: what is used to come up with a work ID for continuing resources in MARC?
- Monographs may be rather straight forward, continuing resources more complex
- Makes a difference how the work ID was constructed for a continuing resource when converting from MARC to linked data
- How do we get work IDs into our local databases?
- How will continuing resources, CONSER data in particular, be authenticated or marked as authoritative, created according to particular practices or standards in a linked data environment?
- Next meeting Thursday December 17, 2015
- We will let the subgroup leaderspropose ways to approach tasks in their charges
- Action: Hien and Les will set up a website for the group and work on a summary of this meeting