International Association of Economic and Social Councils
and Similar Institutions
This note was drafted according to the presentation made by the new Secretary General (SG), Mr. Francisco Gonzalez de Lena, to the General Assembly of Santo Domingo (7-8 September 2017), taking into account the interventions made during the AG, the decisions taken by the Board (CA) of 8 September and the Presidency roadmap for its mandate 2017-2019.
I. The statutory framework of the SG activity of the General Secretariat
• Article 12 of the AICESIS Articles provides that the General Secretariat is composed of a Secretary General and Deputy Secretary Generals (DSG), each appointed by his/her respective continent.
• The SG is responsible for the day-to-day management of the Association, which he represents within the scope of the powers conferred by the Board.
• The SG tasks are defined by the Articles and by the Rules of Procedure, as well as by the missions entrusted by the CA. For example, the Articles give the SG powers to convene the GA, to draw up the minutes, to exercise the Board Secretariat... The SG is also responsible for the implementation and follow-up of the Board decisions, in partnership with the DSG.
• In terms of finances and budget, Articles 15 and 16 of the Articles entrust the SG with the management of the AICESIS assets and the preparation of the preliminary draft budget, as well as the responsibility for its implementation, under the control of the AICESIS President.
II. Some framework elements for the activity of the General Secretariat
• Features of AICESIS. The SG activity is logically influenced by the AICESIS characteristics: an international association constituted by economic and social councils and similar institutions; a global implementation, albeit limited by the existence of ESC-SIs; objectives defined by its Articles; a great experience in operation; an activity that cannot be described as continuous or localized over a concrete or permanent territorial area.
• Activities of AICESIS. AICESIS carries out a large number of activities of a different nature: reporting on socio-economic issues of global importance, exchange of experiences and good practices, capacity building of its members, thematic seminars, partnership with organizations of the United Nations system, promoting the creation of new ESC-SIs... And it should be emphasized that these activities produce a considerable amount of information on the action and the role of the ESC-SIs, and also on the socio-economic situation of the different countries and the role played by the social partners.
• Action outward, inward and networking. We can say that the AICESIS action lines can be turned "outwards", with activities reflecting the AICESIS criteria, but also "inward" when they are mainly aimed at improving the internal functioning of its members and of AICESIS itself. And we can think that the optimal situation would be the existence of a feedback report, a feedback, between these two dimensions.
The combination of the AICESIS characteristics, a complex structure and a diversity of activities gives relevance to networked systems.
• The role of the SG in internal management. The Articles define the functions of the SG, specific to the secretariats of the collegiate bodies, which consist mainly of preparing, implementing and monitoring the tasks assigned to these bodies. The activity of the SG is fundamentally turned towards the Association internal management in particular the aspects of this management rather related to the preparation of the activities to the outside.
In practice, the SG has consolidated itself as an instrument of support for the statutory bodies of AICESIS and as a center for coordinating the networking of its members.
To work in this direction, we can identify three lines of action: Application of statutory standards and economic management; Internal communication and action protocols; Information management. And the activities included in each line must fit into the implementation of the current roadmap.
III. Lines of action of the General Secretariat
1. Application of statutory standards and economic management
• Regarding activities specific to the secretariats of associations that bring together a diversity of members and work through collegiate bodies, we will work on the technical improvement of the Articles application procedures and the evaluation of the good functioning of legal and accounting issues. More specifically, regarding the finance, procedures will be developed for greater efficiency in the collection of contributions and, in general, to improve AICESIS funding.
• To develop networking activities, a coordinated operation of the various bodies that make up the general secretariat - SG and DSG - is fundamental. To this end, we could fine-tune the profile of the DSG and the protocols of action within the general secretariat.
2.Internal communication and action protocols
In terms of work turned "inward", the SG activity will give priority to networking, with the AICESIS statutory bodies and the members. The complexity of a joint work between ESC-SIs with such diverse geographical situations forces the SG to encourage the use of working tools such as electronic communications, video conferences or website as a platform to share works.
Strengthening the relationship with the UN will be a priority in the configuration of action protocols.
3. Information Management
• To share information on ESC-SIs activities more effectively, the database created with the ILO will be developed using the opportunities that arise from the partnerships with the UN international organizations that have numerous information on socio-economic issues will be used.
• Concerning the preparation of AICESIS future works, it is important to highlight the importance, for an association working on a global scale on socio-economic issues, of being able to count on complete and up-to-date information concerning these questions. The SG will develop an information search activity to make it available to members. Research that should first take place within the Association itself by stimulating channels of communication with members, and then externally by using already existing partnerships with the UN agencies, and others that could be set up in the future.
IV- Activities within the framework of the Roadmap (R) of the Presidency 2017-2019
1. Application of statutory standards and economic management
• The SG will prepare a note, based on the information gathered in Santo Domingo, on some items of the Articles mainly related to the composition of the AICESIS bodies that would require clarification. This note will be examined at the Board 2018. (R 9)
• The SG will prepare a note describing the financial situation, with particular reference to the status of contributions, their regulation and the procedures for its effectiveness. This note will be examined at the Board 2018. (R 11)
2. Internal communication and action protocols
• Collaboration in the working preparation of the Report on the main theme of the Presidency (coordination between the Rapporteur and the ESC-SIs involved in the report drafting). (R 1)
• The SG will develop a proposal for a plan of action to improve internal communication and working procedures of AICESIS, which will be submitted to the next Board. This working plan will address, inter alia: the website updating to promote its role of information on the ESC-SIs activities; dissemination of pre-meeting information; coordinated action of the SG and the DSG; the use of new technologies to develop actions. (R 3)
• The SG will draft (December 2017) a summary note on the experience exchange developed so far, with guidance allowing to select the next topics to be addressed, based on the information collected in Santo Domingo. (R 4)
• Collaboration to the AICESIS-ILO joint working procedures (internal coordination between the members, coordination for the preparation of joint activities...).
• Collaboration on procedures for the preparation of the AICESIS participation in the ILO ILC (coordination between the Rapporteur and the ESC-SIs involved in the elaboration of documents...). (R 6)
• Collaboration on procedures for the preparation of the AICESIS participation in the ECOSOC high-level segment (coordination between the Rapporteur and the ESC-SIs involved in the elaboration of the document...). The SG, in partnership with Ms. Mezoui, AICESIS Permanent Representative to the UN, will prepare a note for the Board 2018, on the new possible lines of action, in particular the improvement of the capacities of AICESIS members and the AICESIS actions related to the Sustainable Development Goals. (R 7)
V- Information Management
• Gather information on the main theme across AICESIS, using opportunities arising from the partnership with the ILO, particularly in the common areas related to the main theme and ILO activities on the Future of work. (R 1)
• Preparation of a report on the situation of ESC-SIs likely to adhere to AICESIS. For its development, the SG will work with the DSG and will use ILO information on social dialogue. The report will be presented to the next Board for discussion on the action procedure to promote the accession of new members. (R 2)
• Preparation of a note on the situation of the countries that would fulfill the conditions for setting up an ESC-SI at national level. For its development, the SG will work with the DSG and will use ILO information on social dialogue. The report will be presented to the next Board for discussion on the action procedure to promote the implementation of new ESC-SIs. (R 5)
• In anticipation of the high-level symposium on the future of AICESIS to be organized in Algeria in 2018, the SG will prepare a summary note on Santo Domingo debates on this theme, with guidance on its development. The note will be discussed at the next Board, which will decide on the composition and functioning of a working group. (R 8)
• The SG will prepare a note for the next Board (2018) describing the Summer School editions developed so far, identifying the causes and issues that hinder its development and giving future directions. (R 10)