Supplemental Materials
Inpatient Pediatric Psychology Consultation-Liaison Practice Survey
by K. Kullgren et al., 2015, Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology
Inpatient CL Practice Survey
*I AGREE TO TAKE PART IN THIS STUDY (Confirming my consent to participate)
yes (1)
no (2)
If “yes” is selected, then skip to 1. If “no” is selected, then skip to end of survey.
1. Do you currently do inpatient pediatricconsultation/liaison?
If “no” is selected, then skip to end of survey.
2. How many years have you been a practicing pediatric psychologist?
current graduate student
current intern
current post-doctoral fellow
0-5 years
6-10 years
11-15 years
16-20 years
>20 years
3. If you have a faculty appointment, at what level?
Assistant professor
Associate professor
4. Where did you receive your formativetraining in pediatric psychology C/L (check all that apply)?
Graduate school
Pre-doctoral internship
Post-doctoral fellowship
On the job
5. Are you a member of the SPP Div 54C/L Special Interest Group (SIG)?
6. Are you the appropriate person to comment on the characteristics of your C/L service within your institution including service structure, FTE allocation, and service provision?
I'm not sure, but I'll try
If “yes”or “I’m not sure, but I’ll try” are selected, then skip to 7. If “no” is selected, then skip to 17.
7. Name of your institution (this will be kept confidential and will only be used to reduce overlapping/conflicting information from C/L psychologists at the same institution):
8. Your institution is an
Academic medical center
Private hospital
Public hospital
Other ______
9. Within what type of hospital does your C/L service operate?
Pediatric hospital (stand-alone)
Pediatric unit of a medical center (self-contained unit)
Pediatric beds in a general hospital
Other ______
10. What is the number ofpediatric beds (not including psychiatric)in your hospital?
11. At your institution, pediatric psychology inpatientC/Lis housed in:
Department/division of psychology
Department/division of psychiatry
Private practice consultant
Other ______
12. Do psychologists who provide inpatient consults also provide outpatient consults (i.e., NON-ROUTINE services in general medical or specialty pediatric clinics, e.g. assessing suicidality in a dialysis patient)?
Yes, to subspecialty clinics
Yes, to all outpatient clinics
No, there is a separate set of outpatient psychology providers
No, patients are sent to the ED
Other ______
13. If you answered yes to the above question, what percentage of consults are outpatient?
14. Pleasedescribe the composition of your C/L team:
Number / Total # FTE / Length of rotation (for trainees)Psychologists
Psychology predoctoral interns
Psychology postdoctoral fellows
Child psychiatry residents/fellows
General psychiatry residents
Pediatric residents
Psychology practicum students
Medical students
Social work students
15. At your institution the inpatient C/L service provides psychology coverage (check all that apply):
Monday - Friday business hour coverage
Monday- Friday evening coverage (i.e., would come in to see a patient)
Weekend coverage (i.e., would come in to see a patient or are already on site)
Monday - Friday evening phone consultation coverage
Weekend phone consultation coverage
Psychiatry provides evening and weekend coverage
Other ______
16. Does your institutionhave any of the following? (check all that apply):
Med-psych unit
Adolescent medicine unit
Behavioral response team
none of the above
17. Are you the appropriate person to comment on the training structure of your C/L service?
I'm not sure, but I'll try
If “yes” or “I’m not sure, but I’ll try” is selected, then skip to 18. If “no” is selected then skip to 20.
18. Please check the appropriate responses regarding medical resident training in C/L psychology:
I do not train medical residents.
I deliver didactic lectures on psychology C/L.
I provide Informal teaching around specific patient consults.
I allow medical residents to shadow on inpatient consults.
Other ______
19. What percentage of consults are seen by:
______Trainee only
______Trainee with attending check-in
______Trainee & attending co-evaluation/treatment
______Attending only
20. Are you the appropriate person to comment on administrative issues within your C/L service (i.e., leadership structure, insurance, billing, costs)?
I'm not sure, but I'll try
If “yes” or “I'm not sure, but I'll try” is selected, then skip to 21. If “no” is selected then skip to 41.
21. What is the administrative structure of your C/L service?
Psychologist director
Psychiatrist director
Co-director (psychologist and psychiatrist share directorship)
No centralized director of the C/L service
Other ______
22. Do you have to get insurance pre-authorization before seeing inpatients?
23. In your service, who physically/electronicallycodes the bill for consults?
attending psychologist
psychology trainee
utilization review/coder
24. What percentage of the following codes are used billing for inpatient consults:
______Health & Behavior codes (i.e., 96150, 96152, etc.)
______Psychotherapy CPT codes (i.e., 90901, 90816, etc.)
______Consultation codes (e.g., 99652)
25. What percentage of your service's C/L consults with patients with the following types of insurance:
______Private insurance
______No insurance
26. What percentage of actual cost of the C/L service is covered by:
______Research funding
______Hospital support
______Department/division (psychology/psychiatry) support
27. At your institution, inpatient psychology consults are triaged by (select all that apply):
administrative support person
psychology intern
psychology fellow
attending psychologist
Other ______
28. If your service is psychology only, is there a separate psychiatry C/L service in your hospital?
Yes. Please describe how it is decided which service sees a particular patient. ______
29. Do you document in an electronic medical record?
30. Do you use a templated note for psychology consult reports?
31. Patient evaluations/intervention appointments are typically:
scheduled for a particular time
both equally
32. Do you see patients in (check all that apply):
an office/treatment room off the inpatient floor
an office/treatment room on the inpatient floor
the patient's private room
the patient's shared room
other ______
33. Do you use treatment protocols for specific patient populations? If yes, please describe (i.e., chronic pain, conversion d/o)
Yes ______
34. What percentage of your clinical time is:
______Face to face with patient
______Staff education about a specific patient
______Medical rounds
______Staff education about a more general topic
35. Average (mean)# of NEW consults per week:
36. Average (mean) # ofCONTACTS per patient:
37. Average (mean) daily psychology C/L census:
38. Average (mean) length of response time:
same day
24 hours
>24 hours
39. Which factors impact the decision for your C/L service to see a particular patient:
No impact / Moderate Impact / Major ImpactAttending availability / / /
Trainee availability / / /
Insurance issues / / /
Medical team requests / / /
Appropriateness of consult / / /
Case complexity / / /
Other / / /
40. With regard to outcomes measurement, do you:
yes / noKeep a clinical database? / /
Measure/track outcomes? / /
Do Quality Improvement projects? / /
Conduct outcomes research? / /
41. Please answer the following questions regarding your opinion about your C/L practice.
Always / Most of the time / Sometimes / Rarely / NeverI feel that I have enough resources/support to do my job in inpatient pediatric psychology C/L. / / / / /
I feel able to balance the unpredictability and uncertainty of the position. / / / / /
I feel burnt out in my role as a C/L psychologist. / / / / /
I have enough time for research. / / / / /
I have enough time for teaching/training. / / / / /
I feel respected by the physicians that I work with. / / / / /
I feel that the physicians I work with understand what I do. / / / / /
I struggle with the boundaries between my role as a C/L psychologist and the other psychosocial providers in the hospital (i.e., child life, social work, psychiatry, etc.). / / / / /
My C/L service works well with child psychiatry. / / / / /
I have adequate outpatient resources to refer patients to upon discharge. / / / / /
I am satisfied in my role as a C/L psychologist. / / / / /
42. Please include any comments specific to the challengesinherent to the practice ofinpatient C/L psychology that you think it would be important for others to know:
43. Please provide your email address if you would like to receive the results of this survey.
44. Please provide your email address if you would like to be included in a raffle for a $20 Amazon gift card.