Circle the word that forces you to make the verb choice and put the correct form of the Vs indicated in the blank. Someone Who Cares
Unselfish and noble actions are the most radiant pages in
the biography of souls. – David Thomas
1 It was somewhere between spring and summer, just enough sunshine to be warm, but not so much that it was blistering hot.
2 My mom and I drove through the countryside- windows open, long hair whipping around in the breeze.
3 We were a long way from home, but it didn't (matters) . It was nice to just (enjoys)
each other's company on the long drive. I was only eight or nine at the time, but this journey from Grandma's house by the lake back to our own house in the suburban city wasn't foreign to me.
4A pot of flowers sat in the back seat, long ago
forgotten by me even though their heavenly scent filled the car as best as it could amidst the air blowing in through the windows. They didn't (matters) to
me—they were just something someone had (gives)
______to my mom.
5 Suddenly, in the middle of nowhere, my mom pulled over.
6"What are you (does)______?" I asked, fearing
that the car had (breaks)______down and we'd (is)
______(stick)______there, so far from home.
7But that wasn't the case.
8 My mom hopped out of the car, grabbing the flowers from the back seat.
9 "I'll just be a minute," she called back through the
open window.
10 As she walked away, 1 noticed the humble little building hidden by a hedge just beyond the ditch. My eyes quickly scanned the edge of the road before . (settles) on a little sign, proclaiming that it was
a nursing home.
11 I looked back to the building, utterly confused, as in) mom reappeared — empty-handed. She climbed hack into the car and we drove away, without a word.
12 After a mile or two, I spoke.
13 Do you (knows) somebody there, Mont?
14 She absentmindedly shook her head no, checking tier rearview mirrors.
IS "Then what'd you (does)with the flowers?
16 She smiled slightly. "1 gave them to the
17 "Oh," 1 thought for a moment. "You gave the receptionist flowers?"
18 She laughed at my confusion. "No, 1 gave them to the receptionist to give to someone she thought really needed them, who hasn't (gets) any in a while."
19 I sat in silence for a moment, thinking about this, before I spoke again.
20 "1)01 you (leaves)your name?"
21 She answered instantly, "No. The receptionist, but I just told her 'someone who cares'."
22 This time,1 spoke quickly. "But why?" It had HOW (occurs) that people could purposefully
(gin-es) ______gifts without (puts) ______their
name on them. "How will they (thanks)vou?"
My mother smiled again, speaking as though it was the most obvious answer in the world. "Because leaving flowers there for someone who will (appreciates)
______them more than we will makes me feel good.
Knowing that those flowers will (makes)
someone smile is enough of a thank you for me."
23 My mom was oblivious to my amazement, as I stared at her in awe for quite a while longer.
24 For her, it was a simple act that she had (does)
______without even (thinks)______
25 But for me, it was a memory and lesson that would (lasts) for the rest of my life, the greatest gifts
not only come from the heart, but are (gives)
______without any expectation.
From Chicken Soup for the Soul — Thanks Momby Janelle In't Veldt