Amherst Lancers

Girls Soccer

Summer Work out program

12 Week Training Program

“It is hard to beat a person that never gives up!”

Babe Ruth

Dear Players

Below is a 12 week workout plan to help you get in shape and improve your skill level over the summer. The program will take you into the start of new school year. Make sure to continue training and working with a ball even after school starts, if you are joining a fall sports team keep up with ball touches in your free time. This program is designed to start out slow and build upon itself as the weeks continue. If you want to be a better player and get more playing time fitness and ball handling are the key. We have a large group of players moving to the Varsity squad next season; positions and playing time are not a guarantee and the amount of work and effort you put into the off season will greatly impact your position on the field during the season.

This program can be done individually or in a group to help motivate each other. Along with the workout program take any chance you can get to play even if it is just a pickup game with a small group of friends. Increasing the touches on the ball will increase your skill level and ability to control the ball during games. This program will incorporate all aspects of the game into the training. If you need help with any of the workouts please text me or Coach B for help.

Below lists how youshould follow theweeksof training and attached ishow each workout should be done with detailed instructions.

“Always make a total effort, even when the odds are against you” Arnold Palmer

Topic / Month/Week
Weeks 1, 2 and 3 / Ball Control and Agility workout / 3 timesper week / Wk 1 June 5-11th
Shooting and Heading / 1 time per week / Wk 2 June 12- 16th
Strength Training / 2 times per week / Wk 3 June 19-25th
Fitness Shuttles / 1 time per week
Weeks 4, 5, and 6 / Ball Control and Agility workout / 3 times per week / Wk 4 June 26-July 2nd
Speed Training / 1 time per week / Wk 5 July 3- 9th
Fitness Shuttles / 2 times per week / Wk 6 July 10- 16th
Strength Training / 2 times per week
Weeks 7, 8, and 9 / Ball Control and Agility workout / 2 time per week / Wk 7 July 17-23rd
Speed Training / 1 time per week / Wk 8 July 24-30th
Shooting and Heading / 1 times per week / Wk 9 July 31-Aug 6th
Fitness Shuttles / 2 times per week
Strength Training / 2 times per week
Weeks 10, 11, and 12 / Ball Control and Agility / 1 time per week / Wk 10 Aug 7- 13th
Shooting and Heading / 2 time per week / Wk 11 Aug 14-20th
Speed Training / 1 times per week / Wk 12 Aug 21-27th
Fitness Shuttles / 2 times per week
Strength Training / 2 times per week

Your workouts should onlylastat the most for 1:30 minutes, if anything goesafter that trytomake someminor adjustments to.Rememberto combinethe strength trainingwith other workoutsduring the week, if that means you do

45 minute ofsomething in the morningand thestrength in the afternoonthen that works. One day a week should be completely free of training to let the body recover and relax. If you have any questionsor concernsplease call me andI

will help get things rolling for you.

“Success is no accident. It is Hard Work, Perseverance, Learning, Studying, Sacrifice and Most of all, Love of what you are doing!” - Pele

Ball Control, Agility, and Conditioning Workout

  • 1minute-Jogwhiledribblingballwithquicktouches,changingdirectionand speed.Dothisinaconfinedspacewhere manychangesandtouchesarenecessary.Workonallthemoveswehavelearnedandbecreative.
  • 1 minute - Head juggling
  • 1minute-Throwballup,trap theballwithyourfeetbeforeithitstheground,andmoveoffquicklywithashortburst ofspeedwiththeball-repeat.
  • 1minute-Thighjuggling
  • 1 minute -Throw the ball up, trap the ball with your chest, settle the ball to yourfeet,and move off quickly with a short burst ofspeed with the ball - repeat.
  • 1 minute - Foot juggling with no spinonthe ball.
  • 2minutes-Startinginasittingposition,throwtheballup,getupandstoptheballbeforeithitstheground,settleit
  • toyourfeet,andmoveoffquicklywithashortburstofspeedwiththeball-repeatusinghead,chest,eachthigh,each footinthatordertotraptheball.
  • Dribble in a figure "8", usethe insideof your feet for 6figure "8's", then usethe outsideof your feet for 6more.
  • The markersyou dribble around should be 15 yards apart.Asyoudribble around one marker, accelerate to the other as if you were beating a defender. As you round the marker, use quick touches to improve technicalspeed.
  • Restbywalkingfor30seconds.
  • Setamarkeroutabout25yardsfromastartingpoint. a. Sprint dribble to marker
  • b. Sprint backwards to starting point c. Sprint to ball
  • d. Collect ball and sprint dribble back tostarting point
  • e. Repeat 2 times
  • Rest by walking for 30 seconds.
  • Setballonthegroundtoyourleftandsetamarkerouttoyourrightabout10yards.Move10timesfrom sideto sidewiththe ball,without crossinglegs doshuffles,toetouches,leftfootsoleroles,rightfootedsolerolls,inthat order.
  • Rest by walking for 30 seconds.
  • 60 jumps -Two footed jumping forwardand backward over the ball withoutstopping.\
  • Rest for 30seconds.
  • 60 jumps -Two footed jumping from side to side overthe ball without stopping.
  • Rest for 30seconds.
  • 30jumps-Throwtheballintheair,jump,catchtheballandthrowitbackintheairbeforeyouhittheground.
  • Do this continuously for 30 jumps.Try to jump high enough to catch and throwbefore you come back down.
  • Rest for 60seconds.
  • 13.50 Sit-upsand 25 push-up

Speed Program

This isfor your speed developmentandmuscle conditioning. If done properly and consistently (explosively and as fast as you can go)this will improve yourspeed through the summer.Remember this is just part of what you have to do. Youmust continue training with the ball andcontinue playing throughout thesummer to put your workinto gameaction.

Sprint all out every sprint!Do not pace yourself

Make sure to take the full rest Period and not cut it short this is important for recovery and muscle fatigue.

Concentrateon ExplosiveStarts! (Driving knees, leaning forward, pumping arms) keep stridesmooth and powerful throughout sprint.

Week 4
8 X 20 yards / Week 5
10 X 20 yards / Week 6
12 X 20 yards
6 X 40 yards / 8 X 40 yards / 10 X 40 yards
4 X 60 yards
2 X 80 yards / 6 X 60 yards
4 X 80 yards / 6 X 60 yards
4 X 80 yards
1 X 100 yards / 2 X 100 yards / 3 X 100 yards
Week 7 / Weeks 8 & 12 / Weeks 9 & 11
14 X 20 yards / 16 X 20 yards / 18 X 20 yards
10 X 40 yards / 10 X 40 yards / 10 X 40 yards
8 X 60 yards / 8 X 60 yards / 8 X 60 yards
6 X 80 yards / 6 X 80 yards / 6 X 80 yards
4 X 100 yards / 4 X 100 yards / 4 X 100 yards
Week 10 / Rest period weeks4-7 / Rest period weeks8 -12
20X20yards / 30secondsfor20's / 20secondsfor20's
10X40yards / 45secondsfor40's / 30secondsfor40's
8X60yards / 60secondsfor60's / 45secondsfor60's
6X80yards / 75secondsfor80's / 60secondsfor80's
4X100yards / 90secondsfor100's / 75secondsfor100's

Shooting and Heading

Forthissectionoftheexercise use one of the following surfaces to allow the ball to bounce back at you acting like a partner or keeper:asoccerkickwall,thesideofagym,atenniswall,racquetballcourt,oranything elsetheballwillbouncebackatyouisnecessary. (Make sure that if you are using a wall of your house or garage you are not near any windows and will not damage the surface of the wall, don’t want to anger parents)

1. Techniquework:Get5to7yardsfromthewallandshoottheballfirsttimeatthewallmakingsurethe footispointed,kneeovertheball,centerofyourfootisstrikingthecenteroftheball,andthatallthe powerisderivedfromaquicksnappingmotionofyourlowerleg.Useyourlacestostriketheball.Dothis for3minutes

2. First timeshooting withpower. Backoff20yards and shoot theball first time at thewall.Strike theball as hard asyoucan regardless of thebounce, height,speed, etc., that theballcome to you.Picka spot on the walltoshootateachtimeandkeeptheballlow.(3minutes)

3. Trappingandshooting:againat20yards,striketheballwithpower,andasitcomesoffthewall,trapit cleanlyandquickly fireanothershotatthewall.Thepointofthedrillistodevelopasoundcleantrapand setupaquick,hardshot.(6minutes)

4. Fromonetotwoyardsaway,firsttimeheadjugglingagainstthewall.(2minute)

5. Backoffbetween5and7yards,throwtheballupagainstthewallandasitcomesoffheadwithpower gettingyourentirebodyintotheheadingmotiontocreatepower.Catchandrepeat.(3minutes)

6. Getwithin5yardsofthewall.-Tosstheballagainstthewalltoforceyoutojumpandheadtheballbackat thewall.Catchtheballafteryouhaveheadediteachtime.Makesureyourtossforcesyoutojumpandheadtheballatthepeakofyourjump.Rememberyourtechniqueandheadwithpower.(3minutes)

Takea1-minuterestbywalkingbetweeneachdrill.Makesureyouareworkingtheentiretimeofeachdrillandno rest.Thisisdevelopedtoworkontechniquebutalsoworkonfitness.Asyougettired stay focused on your technique you do not want to train sloppy as it will cause you to play sloppy.

Strength Training Workout

Thisworkoutshould take between 30-45 minutesand should bedone three daysa week. Focuson technique and increasing muscular endurance (i.e. youshould push yourselves through the pain and every time it will geteasier.)To ensure proper technique, try to workout with a partner. If you are not sure what each exercise is google the proper technique so that you are not injuring yourself. Remember when doing lunges and squats never go down to far that your knee is past your toes, your knee should be in line with your toes for proper technique and less strain on your knee. As you are comfortable you may add in free weights if they are accessible.

Weeks1, 2, 3, and 4
Here isthe rest interval between / Weeks 5, 6,7, and 8
Here isthe rest interval between / Weeks 9, 10, 11, and 12
Here isthe rest interval between
each exercise:
Week 1 = 30seconds
Week 2 = 15seconds
Week 3 = 15seconds
Week 4 = No Rest / each exercise:
Week 1 = 30seconds
Week 2 = 15seconds
Week 3 = 15seconds
Week 4 = No Rest / each exercise:
Week 1 = 30seconds
Week 2 = 15seconds
Week 3 = 15seconds
Week 4 = No Rest
Legs / Legs / Legs
Squats: 4 sets of 20 reps
Squats: 3 sets of 10 reps
Lunges: 3sets of 8 repsper leg Power Lunges: 30 repsalternating Wall-Sits: 3 setsof 1 minute each Calve raiseson stairs: 2 sets of 30 reps
Push-ups: 3 setsof 10
Tricepssit-ups: 3 setsof 10
Dips: (use a chair, table etc) 3 sets of 10
Crunches: 60Side
Crunches: 30per side Plank: 2 minutes Bicycles: 2 minutes Leg Lifts: 30reps / Squats: 4 sets of 15 reps
Lunges: 4sets of 10 repsper leg Power Lunges: 35 repsalternating Wall-Sits: 4 setsof 1:30 minute each
Calve raiseson stairs: 3 sets of 40 reps
Push-ups: 4 setsof 12
Tricepssit-ups: 4 setsof 12
Dips: 4 sets of 12
Crunches: 80
Side Crunches: 40 per side Plank: 2:30minutes Bicycles: 2:30minutes
Leg Lifts: 40reps / Lunges: 4sets of 15 repsper leg
Power Lunges: 40 repsalternating Wall-Sits: 4 setsof 2 minute each Calve raiseson stairs: 4 sets of 35 reps
Dips: 4 sets of 15
Crunches: 100 Side
Crunches: 45per side
Plank: 2 x 2minutes Bicycles: 2 x2 minutes Leg Lifts: 2 x30 reps

Fitness Shuttles (Conditioning)

40-Yard Shuttles

• Two markers40 yards apart is thesetupfor this drill.

• Up and backthree times (totalof 240 yards)

• Rest after each set for 45 seconds, eachsetshould take you around 45 secondsalso.

• Weeks 1-3 =3 sets

• Weeks 6-12= 4 sets

50-Yard Shuttles

• Six markers at ten yard intervals istheset up for thisdrill

• 10 and back,20 and back,30 and back,40 and back,50 and back (total of 300 yards)

• Rest after each set is1 minute, eachsetshould take you around 1 minute also.

• Weeks 1-6 =4 sets

• Weeks 6-12= 5 sets

Super set

• 120 yard sprint in 20 seconds

• 120 yards back in 40 seconds

• Rest interval on the lineof1:00 minute

• 5 completesets for weeks 1-6

• 10 completesets for weeks 6-12


  • Hollow Sprint: Sprint 30 yards, jog 30 yards, then repeat both, then jog with a ball for 2 minutes recovery6-8 repetitions
  • Cruise and Sprint – Start at the goal line, gradually accelerate to top speed at midfield, sprint to the 18, gradually slow to the goal line. Turn and repeat. 6-8 reps.
  • Sprint and Release – Sprint from the goal line to the 6yd box, jog to the 18, sprint to midfield, stride to the opposite 18, sprint to the 6, and jog to the goal line. 3-5 reps, 2 sets.
  • Fast Penalty Sprint – Sprint for 60 secs. And jog for 60 secs. 3-5 reps, 2-3 sets.
  • North Carolinas – 110 yards (full field) down an
  • d back in 45 seconds or less, then down and back at a jog with the ball as a recovery. 10 –12 reps.
  • Circle 20 – 20 – 20’s – walk 20 yards, jog 20 yards and sprint 20 yards in a circle.
  • Choose 3 of the 6 fitness activities listed above. Vary the ones you are completing each week.
  • 5 completesets for weeks 1-6
  • 10 completesets for weeks 6-12


“A good Coach takes her love for the game and instills it in you. She molds you into the player she sees inside of you and watches your talent and dedication grow into a skill that you both can be proud of. Her payoff is the smile she sees on your face after you have reached your goal. Her drive is the tears you cry because you want it so bad, knowing that she had the same feeling inside them too. Make both of you proud and never give anything less than your best!”

-Author unknown

[1] Notre Dame Academy workout sequence