Bledlow-cum-Saunderton Neighbourhood Plan

Task Group structure and scope

Task Groups - role

The Task Groups will be tasked with the following:

  • To carry out research related to the assigned topic
  • To gather and/or generate the required evidence
  • To identify the key local partners and engage with them in the plan-making process
  • To know the content of existing plans and strategies at National and Local levels and understand their impact on the neighbourhood planning process
  • To participate in the drafting of the Neighbourhood Plan for the assigned topic

SaundertonStation Task Group

Lead: Carl Etholen

Initial Work Programme:

  • How can the development of the former Molins site contribute to meeting local housing and other non-residential needs while minimising its impact on the Green Belt/AONB and local traffic?
  • How can the combined development of the former Molins, Wests Yard and Coal Yard sites can contribute to creating a sustainable long term solution for the SaundertonStation area?

Non-Green Belt and AONB area Task Group

Lead:Derek Stone

Initial Work Programme:

  • How can a policy covering the non-Green Belt and AONB area of the Parish be defined, where reasonable and sympathetic development of limited local housing schemes is acceptable in principle?
  • How can the Parish rural character be maintained in face of the planned expansion of Princes Risborough?

Design of the Built Environment Task Group

Lead: Kate Fisher

Initial Work Programme:

  • How can the quality of design of all new development in the Parish be improved, above and beyond the existing standards (Chilterns Design and Bledlow Conservation Area Statement)?
  • How can Bledlow Ridge accommodate specific development, subject to design standards and GB4 policy, hence contributing to meeting local housing needs?

Community Infrastructure Task Group

Lead: Andrew Sage

Initial Work Programme:

  • How do we prevent the loss of valued community facilities? What are these crucial assets?
  • What are the infrastructure priorities on which CIL funds should be targeted?

Rural Economy and Environment

Lead: Henry Shaw

Initial Work Programme:

  • Establish the current evidence base relating to business use within the Parish
  • Establish the evidence relating to the natural environment assets as a basis for possible opportunities to enhance the natural environment
  • Establish the evidence of demand for new small scale business units with the Parish
  • Establish the evidence of demand for non-agricultural rural diversification within the Parish