Immaculate Conception Parish
4/16/12 Parish Council Meeting Minutes
Present- Fr. Tom, Fr. Scott, Jim Viola, Bill Perry, JackieCrnkovich, Joe Costello, Gretchen Meurer, Rita McCaffrey. Not present- Liam Brennan, Jennifer Morrissey, Paul Daudelin
The meeting started with Faith Sharing.
Pastor’s report- The Capital Campaign is going very well. We need to raise $300,000 to achieve our goal.
Weekly collections are also slightly ahead of their weekly budget, and the Easter collection was greater than budgeted, we are very blessed by the generosity of the IC Family!
We have reached $65,000 for our contribution to the Diocesan Appeal.
We look forward to Bishop Conlon celebrating the April 28th Confirmation Mass and the 75th Anniversary Mass for the High School on May 6th.
We discussed the optimal make-up of Parish Council and came to the decision that we would like to have 10 lay members, Fr. Tom, and Fr. Scott. The length of service for lay members should be 3 years and we would start legacy Council members at Fr. Tom’s start date. With Bill Dudek resigning we will be working to fill his position by posting a special notice in the Volunteer Sunday Packet. Jackie Crnkovich will work on this notice. We hope to have multiple candidates to choose from and those we do not choose, we can invite again in a year. We would ideally like to find someone who represents young single college grads or young married families.
The web site domain name is now owned by IC! We will be ready to switch over to the new web site format very soon. Bill Dudek and Beth Wilkins are our contact for getting Parish Council information onto the web site.
Past CHRP participants have met among themselves and started planning for the next CHRP. A date has been set! January 26th and 27th for the men. February 9th and 10th for the women.
The Pope has designated 2013 as ‘The Year of Faith’.
Next meeting we will brainstorm about what to do for the May Leadership night meeting.
Chris Hannigan is working on initiating Vacation Bible Study at IC for this summer. She has several volunteers lined up and needs many more, especially Catechists. It is for students entering 1st through 5th Grade in the fall.
Fr. Scott lead the ‘Breaking of the Bread ‘ night for First Communicants and their parents tonight. Fr. Scott said it was a great night and a great way for parents and children to reflect and pray together.
136 8th Graders are being confirmed on April 28th.
Rita McCaffrey studied the work of the GlenMarys and reported to us. They mostly bring the work of the Catholic Church to very rural areas that have no Church. We hope to do a similar project where IC would serve one rural town in Kentucky or Tennessee and either adopt a Parish or regularly serve an area with food, clothing, shelter or all the above. Similar to the high school mission trip, we could have inter-generational trips to our adopted Parish and help them in any way they need. Rita will continue to seek more information.
The New Parishioner Welcome process is going to be taken over by the Stewardship Commission. Jackie will further discuss with Donna Campbell.