لیست ژورنالهای دانشکده برق
- applied spectroscopy 1985-1998
- applied optics 1983-1998-2000
- AT & Technical journal 1991-1996
- automatica 1997-
- bell labs technical journal 1996-1998
- biotechnology & bioengineering 1987-1997
- byte 1987-1997
- computers & biomedical research 1991-1998
- computing & control 1992-
- control engineering 1988-1999
- control engineering practice 2000-
- electric power systems research 1991-1999
- electronic engineering1980-1998
- electronic letters1985-1986,1990-
- electronic world1986-1998
- energy conversion and management1991-
- IEE proceeding CDS1998-1998
- IEE proceeding CDT1989-1998
- IEE proceeding communication 1988-1998
- IEE proceeding CTA 1988-1998
- IEE proceeding EPA 1986-1998
- IEE proceeding GTD 1986-1998
- IEE proceeding MAP 1987-
- IEE proceeding optoelectronics 1988-1998
- IEE proceeding RSN 1986-1998
- IEE proceeding SMT 1986-1998
- IEE proceeding SOFTWARE 1997-1998
- IEE proceeding VISP 1994-1998
- IEE REVIEW 1988-1998
- IEEE communication magazine 1988- 1998
- IEEE computer application in power magazine 1988-1998
- IEEE computer graphic application 1984-1999
- IEEE computer magazine 1984-1999
- IEEE concurrency1997-1998
- IEEE control systems magazine 1984-
- IEEEdesign & test of computers1985-1999
- IEEE electrical insulation magazine 1986-1997
- IEEE electron device letters 1985-
- IEEE engineering management review 1981-1998
- IEEE engineering in medicine & biology1985-1998
- IEEE expert magazine 1986-1999
- IEEE industry applications magazine 1995-1998
- IEEE instrumentation & measurement 1998
- IEEE internet computing 1997-1998
- IEEE /osa j.of lightwave technology 1984-1998
- IEEE j.oceanic engineering1984-1998
- IEEE j.of quantum electronics 1985-1999
- IEEE j.of selected areas in communication 1988-1998
- IEEE j.of solid-state circuits 1985-
- IEEE micro magazine 1985-1999
- IEEEmicrowave & guided wave letters 1991-1998
- IEEE multimedia 1994-1998
- IEEE network 1988-1999
- IEEE parallel & distributed technology 1993-1996
- IEEE personel communications 1992-1998
- IEEE photonics technology letters 1989-1999
- IEEE power engineering review 1982-1998
- IEEE robotics & automation 1995-1999
- IEEE signal processing letters 1991-
- IEEE signal processing magazine1991-1998
- IEEE software magazine 1985-1998
- IEEE technology & society magazine 1984-1997
- IEEE trans .on acoustics , speech and signal proce change of signal proceeding
- IEEE trans.on aerospace & electronic syst 1984-1998
- IEEE trans.on antennas & propagations 1981-1999
- IEEE trans.on applied superconductivity 1991-1998
- IEEE trans.on automatic control 1971-1976,1986-
- IEEE trans.on biomedical engineering 1986-1992
- IEEE trans.on broadcasting 1984-1998
- IEEE trans.on circuits & systems 1984-1998
- IEEE trans.on :1 1982-1998
- circuits & systems:videotechnology 1991-1998
- IEEE trans. On communication 1985-
- IEEE trans. on component,packaging part A 1994-1997
- IEEE trans.on component,hybrids and manufac 1994-1998
- IEEE trans.on computer 1969-1999
- IEEE trans.on computer-Adies design of 1984-1998
- IEEE trans.on consumer electronics 1987-1998
- IEEE trans.on control systems technology 1993-
- IEEE trans.on dielectrics & electrical insulation1994-1998
- IEEE trans.on education 1984-1998
- IEEEtrans.on electrical insulation 1984-1993
- IEEE trans.on electromagnetic compatibility1987-1999
- IEEE trans.on electron devices 1985-1998
- IEEE trans.on energy conversion 1988-1998
- IEEE trans.on engineering management 1984-1999
- IEEE trans.on evolutionary computation 1997-1998
- IEEE trans.on fuuzy systems 1993-
- IEEE trans.on geoscience & remotesensing 1986-1998
- IEEE trans.on image processing 1992-
- IEEE trans.on industrial electronics 1984-1998
- IEEE trans.on indystry applications 1991-1998
- IEEE trans.on info. Technology in biomedicine 1997-1998
- IEEE trans.on information theory 1971-1972,1986-1999
- IEEE trans.on instrumentation & measurement 1986-1998
- IEEE trans.on knowledge & data engineering 1989-1999
- IEEE trans.on magnetics 1985-1999
- IEEE trans.on medical image 1986-1998
- IEEE trans.on microwave theory &technics 1984-1999
- IEEE trans.on neural network 1990-
- IEEE trans.on nuclear science 1988-1999
- IEEE trans.on parallel & distributed systems 1990-1998
- IEEE trans.on pattern,analysis & machine intelligent 1984-1998
- IEEE trans.on plasma science 1985-1998
- IEEE trans.on power delivery 1986-1999
- IEEE trans.on power electrnics 1987-1999
- IEEE trans.on power systems 1986-1999
- IEEE trans.on professional communications 1989-1998
- IEEE trans.on rehabilitation engineering 1993-1998
- IEEE trans.on reliability 1986-1999
- IEEE trans.on robotics & automation 1986-
- IEEE trans.on semiconductor manufacturing 1988-1999
- IEEE trans.onsignal processing 1991-
- IEEE trans.on software engineering 1986-1998
- IEEE trans.on speech & audio processing 1993-1998
- IEEE trans.on system,man & cybernetics part A 1996-1998
- IEEE trans.on system,man & cybernetics part B 1996-1998
- IEEE trans.on ultrasonic, Ferroelectric 1986-1998
- IEEE trans.on vehicular technology 1989-1998
- IEEE trans.on very large scale integration 1993-
- IEEE trans .on visualization & computer graphics 1995-1998
- IEEE /ACMtrans.on database systems 1991-1998
- IEEE/ACM trans.on networking 1993-1998
- international j.of control 1991-1998
- international .of numerical methods in engine 1991-1998
- international j.of satellite communication 1984-1998
- journal of crystal growth 1986-1998
- journal of material science1986-1989-
- j.of material science”material of electronics” 1990-
- j.of material science”material of medicine” 1990
- j.of material science letters 1986-
- j.of medical engineering & technology 1991
- j.of microelectronical systems 1992-1998
- j.of optical society of America ,A 1984-1998
- j.of optical communications
- j.of power resources 1991-1998
- j.of vaccume science& technologyB 1991-1998
- microelectronics 1987-1996
- microprocessing & microprogramming 1993-1997
- NDT& E 1987-1990-1998
- operating systems review 1985-1997
- optimal control application methods 1991-1998
- power engineering journal 1990-
- proceeding of the IEEE1971-1975,1989-1998
- progrees in crystal growth & characterization of mater 1986-1998
- R & D research & development 1984-1986,1989-1998
- sigir forum 1989-1998
- software engineering journal 1986-1996
- systems & control letters 1997-1998
- the visual computer 1991-1998
- ultrasound in medicine & biology 1991-1999
- antenance and propagation magazine
- automatica and control engineering
- computing and control engineering
- international journal of control
- international journal of robust and nonlinear
- journal of material science and JMS nonlinear
- journal of medical engineering and technology
- power engineering journal
- IEE proceeding
- IEEE control systems
- IEEE electron device
- IEEE journal of solid state circuits
- IEEE transaction on automatic control
- IEEE transaction on communications
- IEEE transaction on control systems
- IEEE transaction on fuzzy systems
- IEEE transaction on image processing
- IEEE transaction on neural network
- IEEE transaction on robotics and automation
- IEEE transaction on signal processing
- IEEE transaction on very large scale integration