Union County Board of Developmental Disabilities
Regular Board Meeting
May 16, 2016
The Union County Board of Developmental Disabilities held its regular board meeting Monday, May 16, 2016 in theEugene M. Amrine Room of the Harold Lewis Center, 1280 Charles Lane, Marysville, Ohio. The meeting was called to order by President Mr. Bruce Davis at 4:01 p.m. Board members present including Mr. Davis were Mr. Steve Streng, Mrs. Teri Lemaster, Ms. Jenny Brill, Mr. Doug Ropp, and Mr. Brian Ravencraft. Staff members present were Ms. Kara Brown, Ms. Carol Scheiderer,Mr. Russell Blank, Ms. Laura Michalak, Ms. Sarah Seeberg, Ms. Arlene Porter, Mr. Mike Heifner and Ms. Karrie Legron. Others in attendance were Cody Booher, Lauren Fontaine and René Deniston all from World of Wonder (WOW).
Mrs. Teri Lemaster motioned to approve the minutes of the regular board meeting on April 18, 2016. Mr. Steve Streng second. Roll Call: Mr. Steve Streng, yes; Mrs. Teri Lemaster,yes; Mrs. Michelle Cook, excused; Ms. Jenny Brill, yes; Mr. Doug Ropp, tardy (arrived @ 4:16PM); Mr. Brian Ravencaft, tardy (arrived @ 4:16 PM); and Mr. Bruce Davis, yes.
Mr. Steve Streng motioned to approve the expenditures for April 2016. Mrs. Teri Lemaster second. Roll Call: Mr. Steve Streng, yes; Mrs. Teri Lemaster, yes; Mrs. Michelle Cook, excused; Ms. Jenny Brill, yes; Mr. Doug Ropp, tardy (arrived @ 4:16 PM); Mr. Brian Ravencaft, tardy (arrived @ 4:16 PM); and Mr. Bruce Davis, yes.
Personnel Actions: The board was informed of the resignation of Russell Blank, Lead Investigative Agent, effective June 3, 2016.
Department and superintendent reports were reviewed. Mike Heifner, Employment Services Director shared a general overview of the services WorkNet provides to eligible individuals. In 1986, the county board hired its first vocational coordinator; prior to this date community employment was not an option (sheltered employment was the only option). In 1987, the first individual served through the UCBDD was hired through a community employer with a wage of $3.35 per hour. Currently, there are 68 people employed in the community in a variety of professions. Year to date wages earned by people supported through WorkNet are currently $301,011.05 with a goal of reaching $1 million by end of 2016. Future plans call for mandated privatized community employment services to be completed by Dec. 2017. This change will allow people additional choices with more providers and more employer networking opportunities. No action taken.
Regular Board Meeting
May 16, 2016
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Old Business: None
Mr. Doug Ropp motioned to hereby approve the project to obtain additional temporary space at the Harold Lewis Center to address the current space requirements due to growth, with the total project cost not to exceed $30,000. Mrs. Ter Lemaster second. . Discussion: Sue LaMendola shared with the board that she has made space within HLC by combining and moving some offices, so other options will not need to be further explored at this time. Temporary classrooms will be setup; one in the Amrine Room, and one in the cafeteria, stating certification for additional pre-school rooms expected to be easier because they are on current site. Office furniture and wall dividers needed for the temporary classrooms will fall within the allowed range the superintendent can authorize. Mr. Steve Streng motioned to hereby withdrawal this resolution. Mr. Doug Ropp second. Roll Call: Mr. Steve Streng, yes; Mrs. Teri Lemaster, yes; Mrs. Michelle Cook, excused; Ms. Jenny Brill, yes; Mr. Doug Ropp, yes; Mr. Brian Ravencaft, yes; and Mr. Bruce Davis, yes.
New Business
Note: Resolution 05-2016-04 was shiftedto the end of the meeting and renumbered (05-2016-06) due to lack of a quorum for the ethics committee at the current time.
Mr. Steve Streng motioned to hereby approve the attached contract for Occupational Therapy Assistant Services pending approval as to form by the Prosecutor’s Office. Mrs. Teri Lemaster second. Discussion: The contract terms and amounts are the same as last year, but with more hours. Additional hours are needed as a result of increasing needs of students and growth. Roll Call: Mr. Steve Streng, yes; Mrs. Teri Lemaster, yes; Mrs. Michelle Cook, excused; Ms. Jenny Brill, yes; Mr. Doug Ropp, yes; Mr. Brian Ravencaft, yes; and Mr. Bruce Davis, yes.
Mr. Steve Streng motioned to approve the attached contract for Speech Therapy Services pending approval as to form by the Prosecutor’s Office. Mrs. Teri Lemaster second. Discussion: The contract terms are the same as last year, but with $1 per hour increase. Increase was requested in order to continue to attract qualified candidates.Roll Call: Mr. Steve Streng, yes; Mrs. Teri Lemaster, yes; Mrs. Michelle Cook, excused; Ms. Jenny Brill, yes; Mr. Doug Ropp, yes; Mr. Brian Ravencaft, yes; and Mr. Bruce Davis, yes.
Regular Board Meeting
May 16, 2016
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Mr. Brian Ravencraft motioned to hereby approve the recommendation by the Ethics Council. Mr. Steve Streng second. Discussion: Followed the rules and no bias to the request was shown. Roll Call: Mr. Steve Streng, yes; Mrs. Teri Lemaster, yes; Mrs. Michelle Cook, excused; Ms. Jenny Brill, yes; Mr. Doug Ropp, yes; Mr. Brian Ravencaft, yes; and Mr. Bruce Davis, yes.
Mr. Steve Streng motioned to hereby enter Executive Session at 4:42pm for the purpose as outlined in ORC Section 121.22 (G)(1)…compensation of a public employee and (G)(2)…to consider the purchase of property. Mrs. Teri Lemaster second. Roll Call: Mr. Steve Streng, yes; Mrs. Teri Lemaster, yes; Mrs. Michelle Cook, excused; Ms. Jenny Brill, yes; Mr. Doug Ropp, yes; Mr. Brian Ravencaft, yes; and Mr. Bruce Davis, yes.
Mrs. Teri Lemaster motioned to hereby exit Executive Session at 6:00 pm. Ms. Jenny Brill second. Roll Call: Mr. Steve Streng, yes; Mrs. Teri Lemaster, yes; Mrs. Michelle Cook, excused; Ms. Jenny Brill, yes; Mr. Doug Ropp, yes; Mr. Brian Ravencaft, yes; and Mr. Bruce Davis, yes.
Mr. Doup Ropp motioned to hereby authorize the Superintendent to enter into a contract not to exceed $420,000 for the purchase of 50 Poplar Street, Marysville, Ohio 43040 for the purpose of residential housing for those served by the UCBDD. Mrs. Teri Lemaster second. Discussion: The purchase of 50 Poplar Street, Marysville, Ohio. Roll Call: Mr. Steve Streng, abstain; Mrs. Teri Lemaster, yes; Mrs. Michelle Cook, excused; Ms. Jenny Brill, no; Mr. Doug Ropp, yes; Mr. Brian Ravencaft, yes; and Mr. Bruce Davis, yes.
Mr. Steve Strengmotioned to adjourn the meeting at6:08pm. Mrs. Teri Lemastersecond. Roll Call: Mr. Steve Streng, yes; Mrs. Teri Lemaster, yes; Mrs. Michelle Cook, excused; Ms. Jenny Brill, yes; Mr. Doug Ropp, yes; Mr. Brian Ravencaft, yes; and Mr. Bruce Davis, yes.
The next Board Meeting will be held on Monday, June20, 2016 at 4:00 p.m. at the Harold Lewis Center, Amrine Room, 1280 Charles Lane, Marysville, Ohio 43040.
Respectfully Submitted,
Doug Ropp
Recording Secretary
Draft Document/Unofficial Record May, 2016