Exodus 18
- Introduction - Maps
- Review
- Where are we now? Rephidim - Ex. 17:8 – At the mount of God inEx. 19:1-2
- Exodus 18
- Vs. 1-6– Jethro Brings Zipporah and Moses Children
- Moses Father in law
- Ex. 4:18 - Jethro
- Jdg. 4:11– Hobab (Should be translated brother in law)-Num. 10:29.
- Ex. 2:18– Reuel
- Priest of Midian –
- Who were the Midians? Descendants of Abraham.
- 4th Son of Keturah – Gen. 25:2
- Previously have stated Jethro believed to be a Priest of God.
- Believed to be much like Melchizedek,
- News travels Fast
- Moses sent away Zipporah
- Believed to be following “bridegroom of blood” incident in Ex. 4:24.
- Possible that Jethro now coming to Mt. of God or Horeb that he was told by moses to meet there.
Remember Moses previously told that he would return there with Israel. Ex. 3:12
- The Sons
- Gershom – I was a sojourner
- Eliezer – God is my help
- Vs. 7-12– Moses Meets Jethro
- Greet one another with a kiss – a tradition established well over a thousand years before Christ.
- Moses focuses on God’s Actions, not those of Israel (And here is what Israel did!)
- What the Lord had done
- Why? Israel’s sake
- Deliverance
- “Greater than all the gods”
- “when they dealt”
- The Good News of God is shared and there is rejoicing.
- Sons of God presenting themselves before the Lord
- It has been pointed out as a support of Jethro being a priest of God that…
- In his rejoicing, Jethro offered burnt offering and sacrifice to God
This is something that has been going on close to the beginning of time.
- Aaron, and elders of Israel came to eat before God with Jethro.
Would they do this with a pagan priest?
- Jethro will share some sage advice upcoming that lends to this belief as well.
- Vs. 13-16- Moses Judges the People
- Why? To make sure things were being done as God desired (not how man saw in his eyes).
- Statute – commands
- Laws – Long standing commands.
- If God did not want things done his way, why any laws at all?
- Vs. 17-23 – Jethro’s Advice
- Israel a Republic
- Qualifications:2 Tim. 2:2, Acts 6:3
- Able Men –Men who have been there
- Men who fear God–they understand how God operates for our blessings and destruction.
- Men of truth–walk in God’s Path.
- Those who hate dishonest gain – Acts 24:24-27
- "If God so commands you” – Qualifier to all the suggestions.
- “Will go to their place in peace” – Considered to be Cannaan.
- Larger reference – Obeying the commands of God will take you to His promised place.
- Vs. 24-27– Moses Installs Judges
- Deut. 1:9-18- Judicial Process
- Jethro goes to his own land
- Again suggesting this was not a wilderness in Midian.