Wars, Conflicts and Independence Movements Infographic

Prescott/ Dray 2014

*****Make sure to get a password sheet for use at home


I only found 4 results in the World History database found in ABC-CLIO. However small the results, “In the Wake of 9/11 Pakistan vs Taliban” is a good choice for you to read. You will also find a few (7) articles in the World Geography section, but some of these are repeats from the World History database.

In the World Geography database, be sure to use the search window or the pull-down menu to find your country. You should definitely read all of these. On the left-hand side, take full advantage of the pull-down menu for the country overview, history and current issues, politics, articles, people, etc. This is valuable information and is a good starting spot for your research.


It is important in this more academic database to select the general areas, for example I checked General News/ History/ and Political Science, then go to the top or bottom and select continue. From there go to Advanced Search, check full text and put your keywords on separate lines. Use the key words listed above. You get a variety of sources to choose from.

Academic Journals will often have graphs, charts and images. If you don’t see your full article, you either have forgotten to check full text or it is in PDF format, which you must click on to see the article. Items marked periodicals are going to be easier to understand. An interesting but scholarly article is “Rethinking “Wana”: a Game Theoretic Analysis of the Conflict in the Tribal Region of Pakistan”.

EBSCO: Student Research Center

Make sure to go to advanced search, found under the search window. *ALWAYS check full text box located below the types of resources. I would suggest that you do NOT narrow down the choices of sources.

HINT: make sure to look at the radio and TV news scripts or view all sources.

I used Waziristan, tribals, and war as key words in the advanced search window. The article titled “How the War on Terror Became a War on Tribal Islam” is a good one to read, offering insights into the war and how it affects the people involved.


This is an extensive article on Pakistan, including economy, the people, history and more. It is worth a read to gain a good perspective of the country.


Not much for you in this ebook database. Try others.

INFOBASE: (formerly known as Facts on File)

Using the World Geography database, you will find a great source of maps for Pakistan. Use the pull down menu to find Pakistan and to access the Pakistan at- a- glance information.

On the left hand side, click on the “expand all menus” and you will get most of the facts you need for graphs, timelines, etc.

(HINT: in the Compare Countries section, you can put in Pakistan and then use the pull down menu to access statistics such as population, life expectancy, and much more. It includes a timeline! You can also print a graph and choose your information based on rank or comparing two or more countries.)


There is a huge amount of informationon the “Pakistan” here. A great source for your project ;one section can give you maps, articles, opinions, statistics, websites, reference materials and even some audio files. Make sure you spend some time in this database!!!