SRBC Mining Project Information Module


Water Withdrawal, Use, and Related Features

for SRBC Determination

General Information

According to Susquehanna River Basin Commission (SRBC) Regulation 18 CFR §806.4(a)(2), any project withdrawing a consecutive 30-day average of 100,000 gallons per day (gpd) or more from a groundwater or surface water source, or a combination of such sources, shall be required to submit an application to the SRBC for review and approval. In accordance with SRBC Regulation 18 CFR §806.4(a)(1), any project involving consumptive water uses of an average of 20,000 gpd or more in any consecutive 30-day period shall be required to submit an application to the SRBC for review and approval.

Mining operations often include water use in quantities that exceed the SRBC’s regulatory thresholds for consumptive use and withdrawal (as described above). Activities or processes undertaken at mining facilities that often result in the consumptive use of water include, but are not limited to, the following:

1.  Materials processing;

2.  Dust suppression/control (i.e., roadways, crushers, sorters);

3.  Evaporative losses from production ponds, etc.; and

4.  Truck and equipment washing.

This Mining Project Information Module is a request for information regarding the water use associated with the proposed or current mining operation. The information is necessary to determine if the project requires application(s) be completed and submitted for review and approval by the SRBC for consumptive water use and/or water withdrawal. If available, a completed Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) Module 17: Air Pollution and Noise Control Plan should also be attached.

Please provide the following information and responses:

Section A. General Project Information

1. Project Owner:

Project Owner Name:
Authorized Representative and Title:
Project Owner Address:

2. Facility Information:

Facility Name:
Authorized Representative and Title:
Facility Address:
Facility Municipality:
Facility County:

3. Is the facility currently operating or has operated within the last 12 months?

Yes No

If “No,” briefly describe expected future operations and provide a schedule for operations to begin.

4. Is any portion of the acreage to be permitted located within the Susquehanna River Basin?

Yes No

If “Yes,” complete the remainder of this form. If “No,” skip to and complete Section C (Water Sources) of this module. Following review of the information provided in Section C (Water Sources), SRBC staff will provide guidance if remainder of module is required to be completed.

Section B. Project Description, Features, and Water Use

  1. Provide an estimate of the quantity of rock/mineral to be or currently mined per day:
  1. Will or does materials processing occur on the site? Yes No

If “Yes,” describe the proposed and existing crushing, screening, cleaning, and stockpiling activities. Indicate for each material processing step if the process involves the use of water (i.e.,wet or dry process). For wet processes, include an estimate of water use per ton of material processed and the number of tons per day processed.

Description (attach additional sheet[s], if necessary):

  1. Is water used or planned for use for dust control at the site? Yes No

(If “No,” skip to No. B.5.)

If “Yes,” describe the proposed and existing dust control methods for materials handling/processing (crusher, screens, conveyors, etc.). Provide an estimate of water used for dust control on a per ton or per hour basis.

Description (attach additional sheet[s], if necessary):

  1. Provide an estimate of the acreage of access roads, haul roads, public roadways, and processing areas that require dust suppression by water application. Provide an estimate of water use on a per acre or per lineal foot basis. Include in the estimate the acreage for public roadways that may require street washing: acres
  1. Will or does the mining activity encounter groundwater? Yes No
  1. Will or does the mining activity extend below groundwater? Yes No
  1. What is the current pit or mining elevation (feet above mean sea level [AMSL])?

feet AMSL

  1. What is the final permitted pit or mining elevation? feet AMSL
  1. Can a mining permit application modification be submitted for mining below the currently permitted mining elevation? Yes No
  1. Do you anticipate applying for a modification and mining at depths below the currently permitted elevation? Yes No
  1. Will or does the mining activity include any dewatering activities? Yes No

(If “No,” proceed to No. B.8.)

  1. Provide a description and the coordinates (latitude and longitude in NAD83) of all withdrawals locations that will completed for the purpose of dewatering (attach additional sheet[s], if necessary):
  1. Provide the current and planned maximum pumping or discharge rates for dewatering.


Maximum daily discharge: million gallons per day (mgd)

Consecutive 30-day average discharge: mgd

Planned Maximum:

Maximum discharge: mgd

Consecutive 30-day average discharge: mgd

  1. Does the current or will the proposed mining activities use any of the water withdrawn for dewatering or stormwater management for materials processing, dust control, etc.?

Yes No

If “Yes,” identify the uses for the water (attach additional sheet[s], if necessary):

  1. If planned or current dust control or material handling activities use water, provide existing (or anticipated) peak day use and peak consecutive 30-day average water use for each activity individually and as a total combined for all activities. In addition, provide a description of how these quantities are measured or estimated for each separate use or activity. Provide the hours and days of operation, as well as any unit rates, used to determine the requested quantities.

Description of peak day and consecutive 30-day average water use for each activity and measurement method (attach additional sheet[s], if necessary):

  1. Provide an estimate of the surface area and capacity of existing or planned processing impoundments (sumps, tanks, pits, ponds, etc.). If a flooded pit or pond is created with the removal of material and is not used for processing, it should not be included.

Total Capacity: gallons

Total Surface Area: acres

  1. Provide a description of any additional water use not specifically requested or described above (attach additional sheet[s], if necessary):

Section C. Water Sources

1. List all water sources with respective location coordinates (latitude and longitude in NAD83) that will be used for this project. These sources can include wells, surface water (streams, lakes, etc.), springs, public water supply connection, pit dewatering and storm water.

Water sources and coordinates (attach additional sheet[s], if necessary):

2. Provide dates of initiation of withdrawal from each of the water sources listed in No. C.1 (attach additional sheet[s], if necessary):

3. Provide consecutive 30-day average water withdrawal quantities from each source listed in No. C.1 (attach additional sheet[s], if necessary):

4. Provide a map that clearly labels and illustrates the project boundaries; the location of all water sources, roads, or areas requiring dust suppression; and the location of processing equipment that utilizes water.


I, the duly authorized representative of the corporation or entity identified in Section A of this form, certify that the information contained herein and all information accompanying this form is true and correct, and that I am authorized to act on behalf of the project owner.

Signature: / Date:
Printed Name: / Telephone:


Pond Evaporation Calculation (SRBC Form #74) (