Dear colleagues
I am emailing to ask for contributions to the next IGU CGE Newsletter, which I plan to circulate in July 2016.
I would appreciate contributions relevant to the following:
• IGU CGE matters, including updates on Programmes of Work;
• Conference or project announcements
• Further announcements regarding geographical or environmental education
• New publications in geographical and environmental education (not just in English or French);
• News relating to geography or environmental education or curriculum
• Other events and activities which you think would be of interest to other members of the international geographical and environmental education communities.
Please send me a maximum of 50 words outlining the announcement, and if appropriate, a relevant URL. We will not be sending attachments out with the newsletter, but can feature some flyers on the IGU-CGE website.
I would be grateful if you can let me have contributions for the Newsletter by June 30th 2016.
In addition, if you are aware of colleagues who would like to receive the newsletter, then please let me know of any additions to our address list.
I have received a special request to forward this information to you about a conference in Switzerland – because the already extended deadline is closing soon!
Call for papers, posters and workshops for the Conference: "International Perspectives on Geography and Earth Science Teacher Education 2016” (IPGESTE) is now open.
Please join us for an exciting conference with invited speakers from Switzerland, the USA, Australia, Israel, the Netherlands, UK and Germany on PH-FHNW’s Brugg-Windisch Campus in Switzerland (September 26 and 27, 2016).
The two-day conference aims at bringing together researchers, teacher educators, pre-service teacher students and in-service teachers. Proposals for presentations and posters can deal with all aspects of geography and earth science teacher education, including geographic aspects in combined subjects such as social studies or science. Proposals are also accepted for workshops, either for teachers/ teacher students/ interested teacher educators or for junior scientists.
All paper presentations and the panel discussion will be in English. Workshops can be submitted in English and/or German and/or French.
Complete call for paper and more information on the conference:
Submit your abstract extended until 25th June, 2016 (workshops/ presentations)/ August 1, 2016 (posters)by sending an e-mail to:
I look forward to hearing from you.
Clare Brooks
Dr Clare Brooks
Head of Academic Department, Curriculum Pedagogy and Assessment
Programme Director, MA in Education
Applications are open for the MA in Education:
Via UCL:
Via UoLIP:
Find out more on our facebook page:
Or try our MOOC: What future for education?
Access the Geography Education Research Collective (GEReCo)at