Lent 3
Almighty God, of ourselves we have no power to help ourselves. Keep us outwardly in our bodies and inwardly in our souls; that we may be defended from all dangers which may happen to the body, and from all anxious thoughts which may assault and hurt the soul; through JesusChrist our Lord. Amen
The Grace
Hymn 160: “Praise my soul the King of heaven”
Prayer of Approach and The Lord’s Prayer
Children’s Address
Hymn 577 “Christ be beside me”
Scripture: Exodus 20: 1 - 17; St. John 2: 13 – 22
Read by Ronnie Hamilton
Hymn 559: “There is a Redeemer”
Prayer of Dedication
Prayer of Thanksgiving and Intercession
Hymn 188: “Thou hidden Love of God”
Welcome, everyone, to Kay Park Parish Church and an especially warm welcome toany visitors worshipping with us this morning.
After the service, there is tea/coffee/biscuit and chat
downstairs, and we’d love to see you there.
Please take a few minutes to read the screens as there may be information which was received too late for the printed intimations.
The Planning Group meets in the Choir Room on Monday 5th March at 7.00p.m.
Fair Trade Fortnight- 26th February - 11th March, 2018.
For any Pastoral needs please contact our Locum the Rev. Eddie Simpson on 01563 522841.
The GuildCharity Night to be held on Tuesday at 7.30p.m., in the Church Hall. “Project: Feed the Minds.” Leader, Heather Lohoar will welcome everyone.
The Friendship Clubwelcome “Anne Scott and Praise through flowers” on Thursday at 2p.m., in the Church Hall. Leader Aileen Sansum welcomes everyone.
Next Sunday11.00a.m. Morning Worship will be led by the Very Rev. William Hewitt.
The Social Committee Ceilidh- 16th March in our Church Hall at 7p.m. We are delighted to have the Rev. Kim Watt withher John Knox Ceilidh Band. Tickets - £8.00 including a light buffet and a glass of wine. Children - free. Tickets available from any Committee Member.
The next Presbytery Prayer Meeting will take place on Saturday 24thMarch in Irvine St Andrews with coffee being served at 9.30a.m. Prayers start at 10.00a.m. A warm welcome is extended to all.
Sick List – the Minister has the following names. If you think this list should be altered/added to, please complete the Pastoral Form below and pass to an office-bearer today.
Emma Belland Betty Pollock
Pastoral Calls
Please let the Locum Minister know today of any member you feel would benefit from a visit – those in hospital, ill at home, needing some extra pastoral support for whatever reason.
Or tell of those who would like to talk to about any other matter.
And please write their details downbelow, tear the page off and give it to an office-bearer today. Thanks.
Pastoral Calls
Address/Hospital and Ward No. …………………………………......
Brief description of the situation……………………………………......
(If you are changing / or have changed address recently, please let us know by calling the Roll Keeper on 524009 or complete this form and give it to an office-bearer. Thanks for your help.)
Please note that from......
Name of Member(s)......
has moved from......
Tel no......
(Registered Scottish Charity: SC008154)
4th March, 2018
Mr. Alex. Ferguson
Rev. Edward V. Simpson