Course Outline


Mission Statement

Kelly Walsh High School is dedicated to students and lifelong learning. Kelly Walsh is comprised of students, parents and educators working together. Through teaching, modeling and encouraging positive behavior, the Kelly Walsh


-Provides opportunities

- Promotes Excellence

- Prepares for the future

Teacher: Mr. RealingSchool Year: 07/08

Room: 103Period: 1&5

Phone #: 233-2000

E-Mail: jerry_

Course Title: Advanced Biology

Course Description: Biology A is a course designed for the students who have demonstrated an above average interest in the sciences. The student must have excellent reading, writing, problem solving, and lab skills. Students must be able to work cooperatively and independently.

Wyoming Science Standards:

#1 Concepts & Processes: The Concepts and processes standard address the scientific body of knowledge

-Systems, Classification, Order, and Organization

-Evidence, Models and Explanations

-Change, Constancy, and Measurement

-Evolution and Equilibrium,

-Form and Function

#2 Science as Inquiry: Emphasizes the process of confronting accepted ideas and gaining new information through research and investigation.

#3 History and Nature of Science in Personal and Social Decisions: An important purpose of science education is to give students a basis to understand and act on personal and social issues.


Students should bring the following to class everyday.

  1. Notebook (A 3ring binder is mandatory in this class)
  2. Pencil (Pink and Metallic gels pens are not acceptable)
  3. Lined paper (Duh)
  4. Textbook: Modern Biology, Must be covered

NOTE: There will be times when students will be required to use materials not stated above, however they are not deemed everyday use. These materials will be announced ahead of time.


Student grades will be based upon the following criteria each quarter

Attendance15% (A tardy will cause you to lose all 5 attendance points for the day)


Projects15% (usually out of class, often in groups)




There will be a comprehensive final exam given at the conclusion of the term. The comprehensive exam is worth exactly 10% of your overall grade.

Letter Grades

100-90 > A

89-80> > B

79-70 > C

69-69 > D

59-0 > F

Turning in Assignments: All assignments must be turned in on time to receive full credit. Late assignments (except for those excused) will be subject to a penalty as stated below.

Late yet same day- 10 %

1 Day late (Next day) - 25%

2 Days late- 50 %

3 Days late - Keep it, NO CREDIT

Notebook: All students are required to keep a notebook for this class. The notebook will be used to hold all graded assignments passed back as well as hand- outs and lecture notes. The teacher will grade notebooks periodically. STUDENTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING ALL GRADED WORK WITHIN THEIR NOTEBOOKS.

BOE: Advanced Biology is a Body of Evidence course. We will be completing activity # 10 during the course of this semester.

Extra Credit: Sometimes

Attendance: Advance Biology is a lab-oriented class and therefore consistent attendance is a must. We are on an accelerated block schedule and will be covering a large amount of information in each 90-minute class period. If you plan on passing you should plan on consistent on time attendance.

Make-Up Work: Make-up work in to be completed in accordance with the school policy, which allows for 2 days for each excused absence. It is the RESPONSIBILITY OF THE STUDENT to get make-up at appropriate time.

Tardy Policy:You are considered tardy if you are not in the class when the bell rings. A tardy will cause you to lose all 5 of your daily participation points for the day. Tardies are a disruption and should be avoided.


  1. All school wide rules apply in my class
  2. Follow directions
  3. Respect (For Yourself, classmates, me and my classroom)
  4. Complete work
  5. Stay in seat until bell rings

******* Your Cell Phones, iPods, MP3 Players, CD players….are NOT WELCOME in my class. If you cannot live without them you should look for a different class.

Consequences for Breaking Rules:

Anyone caught violating the rules can be sent to the office and not allowed back into class without a parent teacher conference. However, each violation will be dealt with on a case-by-case situation with consequences at the teacher discretion.

Severe Clause: Students will be sent to the office for acts of insubordination, destruction or theft of property or threats/attempts to harm others.


I will make every attempt to be accessible to students and parents. I am available before school (7am-7:45) and during my planning period (9:30 – 11:00). Please see front page for contact information.