HESA funding and monitoring data 2010-11: funding summaries

2012-13 quality-related research (QR) research degree programme (RDP) supervision fund allocation technical document

Derived statistics that may inform the 2012-13 QR RDP supervision fund allocation


1.  This document describes the methods we propose to use to derive PGR student FTE numbers from HESA data to inform QR RDP supervision funding.

2.  This document is aimed at readers with an in-depth knowledge of the data. Readers are advised to have copies of the HESA Student Record Coding Manual (2001-02 to 201011) to hand when using this document.

HESA fields used in the 2012-13 QR RDP supervision fund

3.  Only certain fields, detailed in Table 1, were used to generate the 2012-13 QR RDP supervision fund using HESA student data from the academic years between 2001-02 and 2010-11.

4.  Throughout this document, fields taken or derived from the HESA return are shown in capitals using the names given in Tables 1 and 2 respectively.

Using the individualised file

5.  When working through this document it is necessary to use the individualised file RDP10XXXX.ind, where XXXX is the HESA identifier for the institution. Details of how to access this file are given on the HEFCE web-site (www.hefce.ac.uk/learning/datacoll/derived/help/output/). This document shows the allocation of students to cells within the tables and, where relevant, details of why they were excluded. The individualised file contains one record for each student (HUSID) that has a postgraduate course aim (that is, the first character of COURSEAIM= D, E, L or M, unless COURSEAIM= M22 or M26) during 2010-11.

Table 1 Fields that inform the 2012-13 QR RDP supervision fund

Entity / Field / Description / Column in individualised file*
QUALAIM / General qualification aim of course / See Table 2
Instance / COMDATE / Start date of instance / See Table 2
Instance / CAMPID† / Campus identifier / E
Instance / COURSEID† / Course identifier / G
Instance / ENDDATE/ DATELEFT / End date of instance / See Table 2
Instance / EXCHANGE/
SPCSTU / Exchange programmes / See Table 2
Instance / FUNDCODE / Fundability code / See Table 2
Instance / INSTCAMP† / Institution’s own campus identifier / F
Instance / MCDATE / Change of mode date / See Table 2
Instance / MODE / Mode of study / See Table 2
Instance / NUMHUS / Student instance identifier / See Table 2
Instance / OWNINST† / Institution’s own instance identifier / D
Instance / STULOAD / Student instance FTE / See Table 2
Instance / TYPEYR / Type of instance year / See Table 2
Institution / UKPRN / UK Provider Reference Number / A
Student / HUSID / HESA student identifier / B
Student / OWNSTU† / Institution’s own internal identifier for the student / C
RAE / UOA20081-3 / RAE unit of assessment (UoA) / See Table 2
RAE / UOAPCNT1-3 / UoA percentage / See Table 2

* The individualised data file RDP10XXXX.ind, downloadable from the HEFCE extranet (see www.hefce.ac.uk/learning/datacoll/derived/help/output/).

† These fields are not used to calculate the QR RDP supervision fund but are included in the individualised file to allow easy identification of students. For students with more than one postgraduate instance, these fields will contain the relevant values from the instance denoted in NUMHUS101 (see paragraph 10).

Linking between years

6.  We link the 2010-11 HESA data to each HESA return over the period 2001-02 to 200910. We link postgraduate[1] data for students between years using the HUSID and INSTID (or UKPRN) (HI) pairing. This is to establish the PGR FTE that the student has generated during this tenyear period.

7.  According to an analysis of HESA returns between 200001 and 2009-10 the vast majority of students study for fewer than four separate postgraduate instances (NUMHUSes) within a given academic year, although some may study for up to seven. Due to file size considerations, for a given student we restrict the individualised file to display data for up to three of the student's instances. In the unusual case where a student has more than three instances, all instances will be considered in our algorithms (although only three will be displayed in the individualised file).

Description of derived fields for the 2012-13 QR RDP supervision fund

8.  This section details the derived fields in the individualised data file. These fields are used to build the key dimensions of the QR RDP supervision fund for PGR students. Where applicable, XX denotes the year of the HESA return and Y[2] the instance (NUMHUS) number from which the field is derived.

Table 2 Description of derived fields that inform the 2012-13 RDP supervision fund

Derived field name† / Description / Paragraph / Column in individualised file*
ANNIV07Y‡ / Start-date anniversary / 22 / HN-HT, NK-NQ,
COMDATEXXY‡ / COMDATE value(s) for the student / 21 / HW-IF, NT-OC,
QUALAIMXXY‡ / COURSEAIM/QUALAIM value(s) for the student / 13 / IG-IP, OD-OM, UA-UJ
DATELEFTXXY‡ / ENDDATE/DATELEFT value(s) for the student / 11 / IQ-IZ, ON-OW, UK-UT
SPCSTUXXY‡ / EXCHANGE/SPCSTU value(s) for the student / 14 / JA-JJ, OX-PG, UU-VD
FTE_TYPE / Method used to return FTE for nonstandard academic years in 2006-07 / 30 / ES
FUNDCODEY‡ / FUNDCODE value(s) for the student / 15 / JK, PH, VE
HDE / Field indicating whether a historic data error amendment is applied for the student / 45 / CA
MCDATEXXY‡ / MCDATE value(s) for each the student / 23 / JL-JO, PI-PL,
MODEXXY‡ / MODE value(s) for the student / 12 / JP-JY, PM-PV, VJ-VS
MSUB01-67 / Field indicating the multiple submission identifier for UOAs / 46 / WU-ZI
NUMHUSXXY‡ / NUMHUS value(s) for the student / 10 / JZ-KI, PW-QF,
OVERRIDE / A field to identify whether an override has been applied / 47 / ZJ
PROP06Y‡ / Proportion of activity before ANNIV06 / 31 / HV, NS, TP
PROP07Y‡ / Proportion of activity after ANNIV07 / 32 / HU, NR, TO
RDPACTFTEXXY‡ / RDP supervision fund: active FTE / 27 / GS-HB, MP-MY,
RDPEXCL / RDP supervision fund: reason for student exclusion / 44 / H
RDPEXCL2 / RDP supervision fund: student exclusion reason flags / 42-43 / I
RDPEXCLXXY‡ / RDP supervision fund: flags for instance exclusion / 20 / FD-FM, LA-LJ,
RDPEXCL810Y‡ / RDP supervision fund: instance exclusion flags / 16-19 / FN-FW, LK-LT, RH-RQ
RDPFTE / RDP supervision fund: FTE / 36 / K
RDPFTE01-05 and RDPFTE07-10 / RDP FTE by year (excluding 200607) / 28 / EY-FC,
RDPFTE06 / RDP FTE for 2006-07 / 34 / EX
RDPFTEFIXY‡ / RDP supervision fund: FTE adjustments for 2006-07 / 33 / HC, MZ, SW
RDPPCNT67 / RDP supervision fund: proportion in each UoA / 39-40 / CD-ER
RDPREMAIN / RDP supervision fund: remaining FTE available / 35 / CC
RDPTRANS / RDP supervision fund: transfer flag / 9 / CB
RDPUOA67 / RDP supervision fund: FTE assigned to each UoA / 41 / L-BZ
RDPWUPPROPXXY‡ / RDP supervision fund: proportion of year that is writing-up / 24-25 / HD-HM, NA-NU,
STULOADXXY‡ / STULOAD value(s) for the student / 26 / KJ-KS, QG-QP,
TYPEYR06Y‡ / TYPEYR value(s) for 2006-07 / 29 / KT, QQ, WN
UOA20083Y‡ / UOA2008 value(s) for the student / 37 / KU, QR, WO
UOAPCNT3Y‡ / UOAPCNT value(s) for the student / 38 / KX, QU, WR

* The individualised data file RDP10XXXX.ind, downloadable from the HEFCE extranet (see www.hefce.ac.uk/learning/datacoll/derived/help/output/).

† The individualised file contains three occurrences of some HESA fields for each year. This is because some students (HUSIDs) study multiple postgraduate instances (NUMHUSes) in a given year (see paragraph 7).

‡ Where applicable, XX denotes the year of the HESA return and Y the instance (NUMHUS) number from which the field is derived.


9.  This field identifies the institution (using the institutional identifier) where a student has transferred from (as part of a full formal transfer, rather than an individual student transfer). In such cases the student’s HESA data from before and after the transfer may be used to inform the QR RDP supervision fund.


10.  These fields contain the value(s) of the NUMHUS field for the student (HUSID) from the HESA return for the year denoted by XX and instance denoted by Y. For example, NUMHUS071 contains the 2007-08 NUMHUS value of one of the student’s instances.


11.  These fields contain the value(s) of the ENDDATE or DATELEFT fields on the HESA return for the year denoted by XX and instance denoted by Y. For example, ENDDATE071 contains the 200708 ENDDATE value for the student’s first instance (that is, the instance identified in NUMHUS071). The field DATELEFT was returned on the HESA record until 2006-07 and was superseded by ENDDATE from 2007-08 onwards.


12.  These fields contain the value(s) of the MODE field on the HESA return for the year denoted by XX and instance denoted by Y. For example, MODE033 contains the 2003-04 MODE value for the student’s third instance (that is, the instance identified in NUMHUS033).


13.  These fields contain the value(s) of the COURSEAIM or QUALAIM fields on the HESA return for the year denoted by XX and instance denoted by Y. For example, COURSEAIM072 contains the 2007-08 COURSEAIM value for the student’s second instance (that is, the instance identified in NUMHUS072). The field QUALAIM was returned on the HESA record until 2006-07 and was superseded by COURSEAIM from 2007-08 onwards.


14.  These fields contain the value(s) of the EXCHANGE or SPCSTU fields on the HESA return for the year denoted by XX and instance denoted by Y. For example, EXCHANGE082 contains the 200809 EXCHANGE value for the student’s second instance (that is, the instance identified in NUMHUS082). The field SPCSTU was returned on the HESA record until 2006-07 and was superseded by EXCHANGE from 2007-08 onwards.


15.  These fields contain the value(s) of the 2010-11 FUNDCODE field on the HESA return for the instance denoted by Y. For example, FUNDCODE2 contains the 2010-11 FUNDCODE value for the student’s second instance (that is, the instance identified in NUMHUS102).


16.  These fields indicate whether the student is active on the instance during the academic year denoted by XX and instance denoted by Y. For example, RDPEXCL1082 relates to the student’s second 2008-09 instance (that is, the instance identified in NUMHUS082).

Value / Description / Definition
1 / Student not active on instance / ENDDATEXXY < 1 August 20XX or
DATELEFTXXY < 1 August 20XX or
MODEXXY = 63, 64 or
(MODEXXY = 43, 44, 51, 73, 74 and
0 / Otherwise / Otherwise

‡ This condition is only applied to HESA data from 2007-08 onwards.


17.  These fields indicate whether the activity is PGR for the year denoted by XX and instance denoted by Y. For example, RDPEXCL2031 relates to the student’s first 2003-04 instance (that is, the instance identified in NUMHUS031).

Value / Description / Definition
1 / Instance not leading towards a postgraduate research degree / COURSEAIMXXY ≠ D00, D01, D90, L00, L80, L90, L91, L99 or
QUALAIMXXY ≠ 02, 04, 06, 14
0 / Otherwise / Otherwise


18.  These fields indicate whether the instance is an incoming exchange for the year denoted by XX and instance denoted by Y. For example, RDPEXCL4053 relates to the student’s third 2005-06 instance (that is, the instance identified in NUMHUS053).

Value / Description / Definition
1 / Incoming exchange instance / EXCHANGEXXY = 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, A, Z or
SPCSTUXXY = 3, 4, 5, 6, 8
0 / Otherwise / Otherwise

RDPEXCL810Y (Columns GR, MO, SL)

19.  These fields indicate whether the instance is HEFCE-fundable for the instance denoted by Y For example, RDPEXCL8101 relates to the student’s first 2010-11 instance (that is, the instance identified in NUMHUS101).

Value / Description / Definition
1 / Not a HEFCE-fundable instance / FUNDCODEY ≠ 1, 5
0 / Otherwise / Otherwise


20.  These fields indicate whether the student’s FTE, for the year denoted by XX and instance denoted by Y, may contribute towards the RDP FTE limit calculation. For example, RDPEXCL041 indicates whether the student’s FTE for their first instance from 200405 (that is, the instance identified in NUMHUS041) will contribute towards the RDP FTE limit calculation. RDPEXCLXXY contains the sum of all applicable values from the table below for years of instance that will not contribute towards the RDP FTE limit calculation. Years of instance that may contribute towards the RDP FTE limit calculation have RDPEXCLXXY= 0.

Value / Description / Definition
1 / Student not active on instance / RDPEXCL1XXY = 1
2 / Instance not leading towards a postgraduate research qualification / RDPEXCL2XXY = 1
4 / Incoming exchange instance / RDPEXCL4XXY = 1
8† / Not a HEFCE-fundable instance / RDPEXCL810Y = 1
0 / Otherwise / Otherwise

† This condition is only applied to 2010-11 HESA data.