To View and Print a Copy of North Online COMPASS Placement Test Scores

go to: (see picture on back page)

click OK if a message box pops up (re: “degree audits are not official)

enter your student ID number and PIN (the default is your birth date in 6 digits)

click the “test score” tab in the top right corner

do a screen capture (on a PC) by pressing the ALT key and the Print Screen key (this is necessary for your name to appear on printout).

open a blank Word document, set the “page orientation” to “landscape”

paste your scores onto the Word document

make sure your name and all scores and dates are visible on the document

print a copy

English Placement Score in Column 4 /
English Placement
A WRITING SCORE below 25 = Automatic Placement into ESL/ABE, even if the combined reading/writing placement score is 60 or above.
1 – 59 /
Native speakers: SEE THE ABE ADVISOR
English as a Second Language Speakers: TAKE THE ESL TEST
60 – 70 /
ENGL 095/096: College Prep Reading, Writing & Study Skills III ENG 080: English Skills Shop
71 – 80 /
ENGL 097/098: College Prep Reading & Writing IV ENG 080: English Skills Shop
81 – 83 /
ENGL 099 with ENGL&101 Support:College Prep Writing V/English Composition
84 – 99 /
ENGL&101: English Composition

To Show Eligibility for ENGL 101, ENGL 099 with ENGL&101 Support, ENGL 097/098,

ENGL 095/096

Provide One of the Following To Your English Instructor:

Previous English Instructor Recommendation Form

  • if you have lost your form, see your previous instructor or the English Coordinator

A Copy of North Online Placement Test Scores

  • go to:
  • click OK if a message box pops up (re: beta testing the degree audit)
  • enter your student ID number and PIN (the default is your birth date in 6 digits)
  • click the “test score” tab in the top right corner
  • do a screen capture (on a PC) by pressing the ALT key and the Prnt Scrn key
  • open a blank Word document, set the “page orientation” to “landscape”
  • paste your scores onto the Word document
  • make sure your name and all scores and dates are visible on the document
  • print a copy for your instructor

A Copy of Your COMPASS Test Scores From North

if you have lost your scores, additional copies are available for $3.00 (fee effective July 1)

pay at the College Cashier and bring valid photo ID & receipt to Testing

you can also print your scores online, at no charge (see above)

A Copy of Qualifying Test Scores from Another College or Test Service - with signed “eligibility” form attached (this form is usually provided by your advisor when you get the entry code to register for your English class)

qualifying COMPASS or ACCUPLACER scores on a Score Report from another college

qualifying scores on TOEFL, IELTS, SAT or ACT official score reports

  • if you have lost the signed eligibility form, arrange to see your advisor. Bring your official test score report with you. International students may have scores on file in the IP Office. Request a signature on the eligibility form. The advisor will attach the form to the score report. Give this to your instructor.

A Copy of Qualifying Course Work on a College Transcript

Present a copy of your unofficial NORTH transcript to your instructor

Present a copy of your unofficial transcript from ANOTHER COLLEGE to the English coordinator or to your advisor, they will sign and attach an “English eligibility form”. Bring the transcript copy with the attached form to your instructor.

Rev. 12/17/2012 Show ENGL Instructor_print online