Minutesof the Meeting of Comeytrowe Parish Council held in the Community Hall on Monday7October 2013 at 7.30pm.

PresentMr Brian Larcombe (Chairman), Mrs Jean Allgrove, Mrs Valerie Ball, Mr Paul Grant, Mrs Christine Nicholls, Mr Simon Nicholls, Mrs Jill Paul, Mrs Alison Peebles, Mrs Jenny Robinson, Mr Keith Woodmason, Mrs Eileen Zoers and Mr Keith Zoers. In attendance at the meeting were Mr Alan Wedderkopp County Councillor for Comeytrowe and Trull and Borough Councillor for Comeytrowe; Jane Kilty, Community Organiser andMr J W Jenkins, Clerk.

Before the meeting commenced Jane Kilty outlined her role within the Parish as a Community Organiser and answered a number of questions from members of the Council. Community Organisers were part of a Cabinet Office Project and work with local people to listen to what they love about living in an area; what they want to change and then supporting them where possible to make it happen.


The Minutes of the Meeting held on 2September 2013, having been circulated, were signed by the Chairman.


An apology for absence was received and accepted fromMr Keith Woodmason.

372Declarations of Interest for Items on the Agenda

None declared.

373Update on Parish Issues from the Police

The Clerk reported that there had been both an increase of thefts from motor vehicles and of motor vehicles in the Taunton Deane area. Residents are asked to ensure that all items are removed from view when vehicles are left unattended and that windows are shut and doors locked. Ensuring vehicles are secure takes a few moments, but can prevent a crime taking place.

The Clerk reported that Police Community Support Officers in the Avon and Somerset Police Force had now been given the power to detain people for up to 30 minutes and to search them. The power of detention allows a PCSO to keep somebody with them for up to 30 minutes, pending the arrival of a Police Officer and pending a decision of whether to transform that detention into an arrest.

374Proposed Development of Land at Trull/Comeytrowe

With reference to Minute No 357 the Clerk reported that he had now received a copy of the most recent masterplan from Barton Willmore on behalf of The Consortium, which apart from very minor changes is identical to the one presented at the meeting with the three Parish Councils in July 2013. The Clerk reported that following discussions with the Clerks at Trull and Bishops Hull Parish Councils he had agreed to write to Somerset County Council with a number of questions regarding the proposed Primary and Secondary Schools for the proposed development.

375Penny’s Field-Various

1With reference to Minute No 358(1) Mrs Zoers reportedthat she had met Oscar Lorraine from Proludic on site and that as a result minor repairs had been made to the new equipment and a follow up check would be made in due course to ensure that everything was working properly.

2The Clerk reported that although Mrs Zoers had trimmed the branches on one of the two large trees backing onto Bishop Henderson Primary School by the gate to the School from the Open Space, the trees were in need of further attention.

RESOLVED:to obtain a quotation from Parsons Landscapes Ltd for crown lifting the two trees.

3The Council discussed the erection of a plaque next to the new equipment and repairs to the wooden bench by the play equipment.

RESOLVED:to ask the Clerk to obtain costs for the works.

376Somerset Association of Local Councils -Report of the Annual General Meeting and Area General Meetings on Saturday 28 September 2013

With reference to Minute No 364 Mrs Allgrove reported that various issues had been discussed including her re-appointment as Vice-Chairman and John Farley as Chairman; two new members on the Management Committee from Watchet and Wedmore; the approval of the Annual Report and Accounts; an introduction from Mr Justin Robinson, the new County Executive Officer and a presentation from Mr John Osman, Leader of Somerset County Council on the challenge to save increasing sums of money from the County Council’s budget. Before the meeting commenced, members stood in silence in memory of Peter Lacey.

377Report of the Planning Panel

1Application No 52/13/0022T-Application to Carry Out Management Work to 3 Birch Trees, 3 Maple Trees and One Whitebeam Included in Taunton Deane Borough (Comeytrowe No.1) Tree Preservation order 1996 at 11 Copper Beeches, Comeytrowe Lane, Taunton (TD658)

2Application No 52/13/0024 - Erection of a Two Storey Extension, Conservatory and a Porch at 57 Newbarn Park Road, Taunton (Amended Scheme to 52/12/0020) Retention of Part Works Already Undertaken

3Application No 52/13/0026 - Erection of a Single Storey Porch to the Front of 38 Essex Drive, Taunton

4Application No 52/13/0027 - Erection of a Single Storey Extension to the Side of 5 Denning Close, Taunton

5Application No 42/13/0060 - Erection of Single Storey Extension to Incorporate Annexe to the Side of The Haven, New Road, Trull (Trull Parish Council Application bordering Comeytrowe Parish)

RESOLVED:to support the above applications

6Mr Larcombe, Mr Grant and Mr Zoers reported on the Design Review training session held at The Deane House on 18 September 2013.

7Application No 52/13/0017 - Erection of Garage and Formation of Vehicular Access at Highcroft, Comeytrowe Lane, Taunton

With reference to Minute No 359 (2) the Clerk reported that the above application had been refused permission by the Local Planning Authority.

Mr Nichols left the meeting at 8.50pm.

378Audited Annual Return for the Year Ending 31 March 2013

With reference to Minute No 337 the Clerk read out a letter from Grant Thornton UK LLP enclosing the Council’s completed signed-off audited Annual Return for the year ending 31 March 2013 and their invoice for the fixed rate fee of £240.00. The Clerk reported that he had placed a Notice of Conclusion of Audit on the noticeboards.

RESOLVED:to pay the agreed audit fee.

379Helping Taunton Deane Communities to Help Themselves - Information, Funding and Local Choices Event at Somerset County Cricket Club on Tuesday 29 October 2013 between 6 and 9.00 pm Organised by Somerset County Council, Taunton Deane Borough Council and the Community Council for Somerset

The Clerk reported the receipt of an invitation to attend the above event on 29 October 2013 at Somerset County Cricket Club. This is a continuation of the previous events that were organised by Somerset County Council, but now includes Taunton Deane Borough Council and the Community Council for Somerset.

RESOLVED:to ask Mr Larcombe, Mrs Zoers and Mr Zoers to attend.

Mr Wedderkopp left the meeting at 9.00pm.

380Appointment of New Representative for Comeytrowe Community Hall

The Clerk reported that Mr Zoers had decided to stand down as the Parish Council’s representative on the Hall Committee. Mr Grant volunteered to act as the Parish Council’s representative.

RESOLVED:to appoint Mr Gant as the Parish Council’s representative on the Hall Committee and to thank Mr Zoers for his term of office.

381Cutting of Bushes and Brambles on the Public Footpath/Cycleway from Galmington Road to Essex Drive and Gamington Road to Penny’s Field at the Rear of Bishop Henderson Primary School

The Clerk reported that the overgrown vegetation on the above stretches of the public footpath/ cycleway from Galmington Road to the rear of Essex Drive and the public footpath from Galmington Road to Penny’s Field had over many years being cut by Somerset County Council themselves or by Taunton Deane Borough Council on behalf of the County Council. Following a recent request to the County Council to cut the vegetation, he had been informed by Mr K Bridgwater, Highway Technician, SCC that from 1 April 2013 footway vegetation is no longer regarded as a safety defect under the Highway Safety Inspection Manual. The responsibility for keeping the footway clear is the riparian owner (ie the owner of the land that backs on to the footway). The Clerk informed the Council that he had discussed the above situation with Mr E Gregory, Head of Bishop Henderson Primary School. In view of the above the Council agreed to obtain a cost for cutting the footway, say 4 times a year and then discuss further with the School.

RESOLVED:to obtain a quotation from Parsons Landscapes Ltd for cutting the vegetation on the footway.

382Bus Service Serving Comeytrowe

With reference to Minute No 366 the Clerk reported that he had been informed by First Group that from 10 November 2013 Service 7 is being rerouted to Musgrove Park Hospital via its old route up Parkfield Road and then Parkfield Drive, cutting out the Wellington Road delays. They are still considering the change in the frequency from 20 minutes to every 30 minutes and whether they will consult the Parish Council about proposed changes in the future.

383Open Spaces belonging to Taunton Deane Borough Council

The Clerk reported that he had met Mr M Holloway, TDBC on site to discuss various maintenance issues concerning overgrown trees, bushes and vegetation on Glasses Mead Open Space, Colman Road Open Space and the Open Space at the Rear of Essex Drive.

384Receipt of Correspondence and Items of Interest

The Clerk reported on the following:-

1Mr Grant informed the Council about his discussions with the Area Highway Office, SCC regarding a number of accidents along the main A38 near the sharp bend at Stonegallows.

2The payment into Lloyds Bank of the £1,800 Playing Field Maintenance grant from TDBC.

3A copy News from EDF Energy - Hinkley Point C Newsletter - September 2013.


RESOLVED:to authorise the payment of the following accounts:-

Parsons Landscapes Ltd - Grass Cutting on Penny’s Field

and the Rear of Langham Gardens - £328.80

Grant ThorntonUK LLP -Audit Fee 2012/13- £240.00

HM Revenue and Customs and Mr J W Jenkins - Income

Tax,National Insurance and Clerks Salary September 2013- £1,074.72

Mrs E Zoers-Community Council for Somerset Event- £10.00

Aon UK Ltd-Additional Insurance Premium for New

Play Equipment on Penny’s Field- £170.34

HM Revenue and Customs and Mr J W Jenkins - Income

Tax,National Insurance and Clerks Salary August2013- £1,012.99

386Date of Next Meeting

RESOLVED:to hold the next Meeting of the Parish Council on Monday 4 November 2013 at 7.30pm.

The meeting closed at 10.05pm.

