6th Grade Disease Project

Mrs. Giovagnoni

A.  Use the library books provided and library data bases to research your assigned disease. Write in complete sentences, watch your spelling and grammar, and be specific in your answers. Each answer should be at least a paragraph in length. After you have answered all the questions, check over your answers. Then put all your typed information on the poster paper provided. Be sure to number each question and reword the questions. Write the topic name in the center of your poster and decorate the poster with pictures that apply to your topic. Be sure to put your name and per/day on the back of the poster as well as your work cited information.

B.  Create a word cloud for your disease.

You will have 4 days to complete the project. Every person in the group must answer all of the questions in their notebook/binder then you can each share your answers in a share folder on google drive and come up with a group answer that everyone agrees on. Absence will not be an excuse for late or missing work as long as there is at least one person from your group in class.

Answer the following questions:

1.  Define the disease. (This is your introductory paragraph with a brief overview and history of the disease, a brief description of the disease.)

2.  What are the symptoms of the disease? (Describe how the disease affects the body – be specific and make sure you have at least one paragraph of information)

3.  What causes the disease and can you prevent it? (Can you inherit it or get it from someone who has it? Is it contagious? If so, how can you catch it? Is it caused by a virus, bacteria, heredity, lifestyle behavior, environment…)

4.  Who is more likely to have the disease? (children, adults, teens, young adults, elderly, babies, or does everyone have an equal chance of getting it?) Why? Explain in a full paragraph.

5.  What kind of treatments are there? Can the disease be cured? How? (explain what a person would do if he/she had the disease… take medication, get surgery, do nothing, change their behavior, go to the hospital… be specific and explain in a full paragraph.)

Suggested list of diseases for research (choices will depend on availability in the library):

- Allergies - Alzheimer’s - Attention Deficit Disorder/ADHD

- Arthritis - Asthma - Acne -- - Anxiety - Autism - Cancer

- Bubonic Plague - Breast cancer - Chicken Pox/shingles

- Cholera - Common Cold - Cystic Fibrosis

- Depression - Diabetes - Cerebral Palsy

- Epilepsy - Heart Disease - Celiac disease

- Hepatitis - High Blood Pressure - Influenza/Flu

- Leukemia - Lyme Disease - Malaria

- Measles - Meningitis - Skin cancer

- Mononucleosis - Multiple Sclerosis - OCD

- Mumps/Rubella - Pink Eye - Pneumonia

- Polio - Rabies - Ring Worm

- Sickle Cell Anemia - Small Pox - Pertussis (whooping cough)

- Strep Throat - Tourette Syndrome - MRSA

- Tuberculosis - Typhoid Fever - Downs Syndrome

- West Nile - Skin cancer - Scarlet fever

6th Grade Disease Library Project

Mrs. Giovagnoni Health 6

Day 1

Learning Objective: Students will be able to use library resources to find the answers to the questions of their assigned disease after completing library research individually.

Day 2

LO: Students will be able to use library resources to find the answers to the first half of the questions of their assigned disease after completing library research with their group.

Day 3

LO: Students will be able to use library resources to find the answers to the second half of the questions of their assigned disease after completing library research with their group and finalize answers to all the questions.

Day 4

LO: Students will be able to use library resources and their research to create a word cloud for their assigned disease after completing library research with their group and compile a research report / poster for their topic.

Aim: How many facts can you find about your disease?


1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Question 1
5 pts
Question 2
5 pts
Question 3
5 pts
Question 4
5 pts
Question 5
5 pts
5 pts
Word cloud/ work cited
5 pts
Individual research/equal contribution to group
10 pts
On time
5 pts

Comments: /50

Due: ______