I, ______, along with my faculty adviser, have determined that I (should) have all of the required coursework to graduate with an MLISc by the end of:
Semester _Fall______Year 2010______
I fully understand the procedures and policies explained in the orientation session and in the documentations posted on the web site of the LIS Program. I would like to take the exam on:
Date: (1stchoice) ______Date: (2nd choice): ______
Date: (3rd choice) ______Date: (4thchoice): ______
I understand that:
- Exams will be scheduled for Fridaysfrom Sept 24 to Nov 19 between 9 am and 4 pm
- Efforts will be made to accommodate the exam on one of the four preferred days I specified above but there are no guarantees.
- The actual time and the administering faculty members will be determined at a later time,and that this information will be made available to me at least one business week prior tomy exam. I may not choose which faculty will administer the exam.
- I may change my exam date during the first business week after my initial selection afterwhich the exam date may be changed only in the case of a medical emergency or death of an immediate family member. I also understand that the LIS office will select a date for me should I change my original selection.
- I must take the Oral Comprehensive Exam, and successfully pass both the Category A questions and one of the questions in each of Category B, C & D questions before I can obtain my MLISc.
- If I fail in one or more categories, I will only need to retake the categories I did not pass. I must wait atleast two weeks to retake the exam.
- I am given two chances to pass the exam; failure to pass the second time will result in mynot being able to obtain my MLISc degree.
- My evaluation sheets will be available for my perusal in my student file.
In preparation for the Oral Comprehensive Exam, and to understand my related responsibilities, I will study before the exam the general requirements and information on the Web page and its linked pages, download the exam questions.Bring the completed Graduating Student Survey form in a sealed envelope, and a copy of the Graduation Application form that I turned in to the Graduate Division by September 3, 2010.
Signature: ______Date: ______
E-mail: ______
THAN September 2, 2010.