The meeting was called to order at 2:40 PM. Members in attendance were Delicia Decembert, Elizabeth Bonet,Lisa Eutsey,Eugene Harscar, Kelly Heverly, Lisa Labruto,Sandra Nunez, James Pough. The meeting began with an Icebreaker Activity that highlights Hollywood Central’s school-wide theme (Producing Celebrity Learners) “A Day With A Celebrity”.

New Business:

The School Advisory Council reviewed, voted, and approved members of the School’s Advisory Council for the 2016-2017 school year.

Innovation Zone Representative- Gloria Ferrin, Designee

School Advisory Forum Chair- Gloria Ferrin, Designee

SAC Secretary- Lisa Labruto, School Guidance Counselor

ESOL Representative- OPEN

ESE Representative- OPEN

Gifted Representative- Julia Collins, Parent
Non-Instructional Representative- James Pough, Head Custodian

Community Business Partner- Rosa Hernandez, ASP

The School Advisory Council still needs two reps for the following positions: ESOL Representative and ESE Representative. The School’s Advisory Chairperson will continue to seek members that are willing to fill these two positions.

The members that are nominated for the two open positionswill be voted in during December’s SAC Meeting.

The School Advisory Council reviewed the minutes from the September 26th, 2016 School Advisory Council meeting. Delicia Decembert made a motion to approve the SAC minutes with the following corrections.

*Correction- Hollywood Central’s Classroom for Pre-K-3rd Grade Class Size Average of 18 students and Grades 4th -8th Grade Class Size of Average of 22 students.

The School Advisory Chairperson went over future SAC meeting times and dates. The next SAC Meeting will be held on December 21st at 2:30 in the Media Center.

Principal’s Report- Ms. Decembert

Ms. Decembert discussed the following topics/upcoming events:

*Police-Chief of Hollywood “Read for the Record”

*HCE”s Annual Fall Masquerade

*1st Quarter Ends Friday, October 28th (Teacher’s Planning Day)

*2nd Quarter Begins on Monday, October 31st

*Innovation Zone Meeting

*December 12th “Giving Gift of Literacy”


Ms. Eutsey gave apresentation overview of the Accreditation Process for the 2015-2016 school year. Standard 1: Purpose and Direction standard was discussed which is aligned to Indicator 1.1, that states the school engages in a comprehensive process to review, revise, and communicate a school’s purpose for student success. Ms. Eutsey also discussed Indicator 1.2, which allows the school leadership/staff to commit to a culture that is based on teaching and learning and supports challenging programs that includes learning, thinking and life skills. Indicator 1.3 was the last indicator that was discussed that states the school’s leadership implements a continuous improvement process that provides a clear direction that supports student learning.

Ms. Eutsey also explained the district’s CARE to be the BEST Model with the School Advisory Council. The CARE Model integrates four essential components: Curriculum, Assessment, Remediation, and Enrichment. In addition, Broward County Public Schools has four BEST Practices that work cohesively together with the CARE to be the BEST Plan.

*BEST Practice #1- A Focused an Authentic PLC’s

*BEST Practice #2- An Embedded High Quality RTI Process

*BEST Practice #3- Optimal External/Internal Relationships

*BEST Practice #4- Scaling Up Additional BEST Practices

The evidence of how Hollywood Central implements the four BEST Practices was shared extensively with the council members.

Title 1 Report

No Title 1 reports were made at this time.

SAF Report

No SAF reports were made at this time.

Open Floor

Ms. Eutsey made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 3:09 PM. Ms. Nunez seconded the motion. Our next SAC meeting will be held on Wednesday, December 21st, 2016 at 2:30 PM in the media center.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Lisa Labruto, Instructional SAC Member.