172nd Knowledge Seekers Workshop – 0518-2017
v1 Draft
Rick: Welcome everyone to the 172nd Knowledge Seekers Workshop of the Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute. I understand that with all the world politics going on and other changes in the world that Mr. Keshe (K) will be having many interviews in the next days and weeks and also has some new information on the Ghana situation with the KF. I think Mr. Keshe is here.
K: Yes, good morning, good day to as usual wherever and whenever you are listening to these series of workshops. Thank you very much Rick and the whole of the Keshe Foundation (KF) and the background support of these teachings. As you remember last time we gave the floor to the team of the Universal Council (UC) to join us and to explain their position. Maybe it is good to start with one of the members of the UC who is present to tell us about what his wish is today for humanity that we as a whole can support their mission correctly. Do you see any members of the UC present?
Gatua: I am here from the Universal Council; good morning Mr. Keshe.
K: good morning Gatua. Could you be the speaker of which language you represent and what the wish of the UC is?
Gatua: I am representing the Gikuyu language of Kenya and the wish of the UC…
K: your wish….can you start from the beginning again please?
Gatua: yes my name is Gatua ______and my wish is the end of kingship. Thank you.
K: can you explain what you see as your position as a member of the UC please?
Gatua: my position is to join with others and whatever I see I will give together with other members of the council we become one. Through our souls we wish for whatever we want to wish and our wishes will be our command. Is that enough or do you want me to explain more?
K: explain more; it is for you to explain to us as humans what it is and why we have to support you and what you see as the reason we have to support you and (not only ) from our words but from our souls. So be very clear to us.
Gatua: yes the world has had wars which are unnecessary and the wish of the UC and my wish in that respect is for peace globally—global peace and universal peace. So that is how will explain my wish as part of the UC that our wishes can bring global peace.
Gatua: as a positive step this requires the end of kingship; because of kingship that is why we have all these wars. They are completely unnecessary and it (kingship) must come to an end. My wish is end of kingship so that we have global peace and we will not be killing any more. The world has seen too much killing and it has to come to an end. That is my wish. Thank you very much Mr. Keshe for giving me the opportunity to express my wish as a member of the UC.
K: we have on our panel another arm of what I call the executives of the KF of the UC. We heard and we know Lisa Harrison is a member of the Earth Council (EC) in the background. We have never had to bring dervishes (?) and their way of conduct to us. If Your Excellency is in the background would you like to speak to us as one of the members of the EC? You are the ones who handle the affairs of this planet and in the coming times your position will be sacrosanct. Can you, if you like, to join us and explain to us your point of view as a member of the EC?
Lisa: Mr. Keshe, yes. The EC is going to be helping people of the planet to come to the realization that we need to all work together, to help and to do that cohesively and to bring everybody’s soul into alignment where we know we can have a better world. Through different areas like education, technology and various other aspects that we at the EC can help to bring into consideration for all the continents and what their needs might be. We hope we can try to bring about a plan that everyone can towards and a way that we can all cohesively come together to see our needs fulfilled. Our needs are very, very big in terms of having that world peace and allowing us to be in abundance so that our needs are taken care of so that we don’t need to fight and have all these terrible things come between us.
Lisa: I am hoping that we can all join together as all the different continents and languages work together because if we can never have peace on this planet we can never go and join our universal family. So this is our aim and goal. We are taking our first steps at this moment by helping everybody we can and we hope others will join us and do the same.
K: would you like to tell us which continent you represent and the background? Maybe a lot of our listeners do not know and were not here when you accepted the responsibility of the EC.
Lisa: I am representing Australia and live there at the moment and have been here for 8 years now. I originally was born in South Africa so I have seen a lot of things in the world. I have seen total beauty and I’ve seen great poverty and I have seen how people can be filled with hatred for others with no good reason. And I understand that this has all got to end. It serves no purpose and our souls are not aligned with that. I was very happy to accept the position because I feel that we can have an opportunity here of aligning all of us together. I’ve had to do this many times over my life and I come from a background of diverse religion and diverse culture and despite it all, there has always been love. I know we can all achieve this.
21.15 K: thank you very much Your Excellency. Do we have any other members of the UC and EC who like to speak of their wishes or their emotion and their wishes?
Mosfa Grashid (Mosfa): Hello Mr. Keshe, can you hear me?
K: yes.
Mosfa: This is Mosfa Grashid and I am in the UC and I represent the Bengali language and currently I reside in Bangladesh.
K: explain what you wish is and what you expect. Why should we trust our souls in your hand so that we achieve what has not been achieved up to now?
Mosfa: as an individual member we have not the council. Together we represent the whole soul of the council. Together we represent the aspiration of humanity toward peace and in peace reaching the friends who also want peace but live elsewhere other than the planet earth. So in order to achieve peace we bring the collective wishes of these various groups of human beings and others on this planet so that we achieve peace and avoid the pitfalls that we have fallen into so far. In doing so one of the wishes that we as the UC would like to suggest is the end of kingship which has prevented peace for thousands of years here. This wish is not just a wish in the sense that it will not happen but it will be what transpires because all of us want it. We engage our soul strength to bring it into operation. Thank you.
K: thank you very much. Are there any other council members that would like to speak? We invite different members of the councils to speak and to allow us to understand that they bring different aspirations to change the course of humanity to one direction of equality of the race, language, religion and being. Part of both of the councils is not just for peace. It would be the environmental issues on the seas and the land. It is the responsibility of the council. Everything has to take into consideration the lives on this planet we see changes and in time we can change the course. As I said we are making the ground ready for the change and for the totality of the change that as we said we don’t need support of the world governments.
K: we support the world governments to do. As I used to say in business life, it is us businessmen who make the politicians and not the politicians who make the businessman. When you make business and through your effort of contributing to the life of the others including the manufacturers, you get the say in whom you want to support or represent you in the world of politics. They call it political lobbying and the biggest lobbies are the richest. In their private homes they make agreements for what you need and I finance you in the background and you take across what I want on the floor of parliament or the cabinet.
K: this time the way we are structuring the whole of KF is that we are structuring One Race finance and we structure through the finance of our factories and the rest. You work for what you want for the politicians of local governments and the others to follow the path of peace. Our support of the foundation becomes the wish and the support of the international industrialists. As I have been in this position before in my life I know how to set it up and we are setting it up. In the coming days the KF starting from tomorrow will go through a full campaign nationally and internationally. You will hear about it and it involves world leaders. In the following weeks a series of international interviews have been set up that we bring an end to the past by putting the past in front of the world leaders and giving them an alternative for the future.
K: as you will see on the screen one of the important interviews that I will do you will understand if you have listened to the last teachings. Would you like to put that banner up please, Flint? The KF has changed its course in a way that we will start explaining to the world what we stand for. (May 24, 2017, live interview, 10PM Rome, 1PM Los Angeles Host Sean Maguire, Out of the Bag Radio broadcasting on Healing Oracle Radio). We will say what we stand for and how we stand for meeting different needs. We take the politics of the politicians in the world of politics the way we know. We go back on the way to bring the truth in how we see it, how we want it and how we are prepared to change it—media, TV, radio, internet media have already been lined up starting from tomorrow.
K: We are not going on the offensive. We are going out to make sure that humanity knows there is another way. There is another to show that the knowledge of the man has to be the tool of his progress in every aspect. We don’t bring politics in; we bring a political channel. In the coming weeks KF will move and do what we call a political channel. We will open the channel totally away from the private teaching to how we will bring economical changes and what we expect others to do. This means that we start becoming industrialists on the strength of the foundation. We promised this a couple of years ago in Italy. Now we use the Internet systems to release and bring the reality, be it the abuse of people, politics, finances or the environment.
K: the new KF news channel will come into operation very shortly. These are teachings and what we have learned from the past is that the two arms of the KF have to change. Last week we made the two parts separate. In the coming weeks we will establish the Keshe Foundation News section. This means that it will be manned 24 hours a day for any news that has to do with us. We start with the small sessions with the world media in a different way. And then we break into different channels; we will do it and we have to do it. The structure of it will come in one direction. Whatever we put out has to be 100% correct. Whatever we put out has to have one direction and the ultimate goal of it is to achieve world peace.
K: we are looking for those that are experts in interviewing. We are looking for those who can interview on KF channels—the politicians, the environmentalists (?), the man on the street, the man in the factories and what we see. The KF TV station on the Internet will carry one thing: peace and how to achieve it. Then we take the politics out of the teaching arm. The interviews that we give and are set up in so many ways are the separation of the KF knowledge from its interaction with world leaders and politicians and how we dictate our position.
K: if you are in broadcasting, like to hear and have time on this channel we will man the channel 24 hours a day in different languages, please contact . We look and we allow you even if you run your run your own internet channels for simple talk shows, if your target is our target we allow you to share. We have to do this because as I said, as an international organization our members have to have a voice, not only on Thursdays but on a regular basis. The KF network will start very slowly, most probably on requests and repeats and then we will build it up.
K: if you have documentaries, a point of view, or you want to discuss something as long as wrong language is not used we give you the platform. And as long as you don’t promote certain organizations in a way that they will offend, we let you speak. It could be 5 minutes or one hour. If having a chat show in the direction of world peace has been your wish we give you the platform. We have become an international organization and our voice has to be heard directly.
K: in the interviews which are to come up you will see what is to be discussed and the way it has to be discussed as well as the way the work we have done in the background has again made the world leaders to respond. You will understand when we explain; we had the ear of Obama and now we have made Trump to go (? 35.57). You will understand in the interviews that come next week and you will understand how we are going to interact. We interact to support those who are true men of peace and they don’t use the media to look as are but underneath they promote war. What we call Keshe Foundation Peace Channel will give a ground for every man on this planet irrespective of race, color, position or religion.
K: as we see in the coming weeks the world leaders’ peace trips starts but you have to see the intermediaries, why and how. Some of them may look as world peace but is in fact the closure of the kingships. In interviews coming up next week we explain more and more. The move of unification comes out of the position of the fear of loss or what has been lost. Do we have anything from the educational team and if you want to discuss anything?
K: I received a note from the team of transcribers; there are some 30 plus transcribers on the KF team and they are all volunteers. We need more transcribers as the education increases and the member meetings of the different councils increase. Transcribers who transcribe in different languages are needed. We have some 20 plus members of the UC and we need to be able to translate the wishes of the council at every meeting in every language so that no race or language is left behind. If you are a speaker of a specific language and you want to be part of the transcribing please contact the webmasters and join the groups. Then you will put in writing the emails.
K: this is part of the growing structure and making the solid foundation for it. We need a team of volunteers for the development of the new websites and everything else. As has been said we are growing very rapidly. The first steps of building the spaceship center are taking place. The funds have been paid for the work, the primitive work and the subsequent work. We thank our generous donor in supporting the building. We still need a huge amount of funds for electronic systems and also some things that are needed in the research center in what we call the clinic and in the support teams. The problem starts or the action starts when by September the space building will hopefully be completed and we need to have all the facilities inside so we can utilize it immediately and not have an empty building.
K: but the building where we can play the part to be able to support the international works of the KF. Slowly we open the books so you understand more of what we need. We need a huge amount of computer support. We need international support for what we call the transfer of technology across all the Keshe Foundations. We need to be able to finance the latest systems that allow us to detect, to create and to be able to force the position of disarmament. Our goal from now on is not to create war but to disarm through the heart of the man. There shall be no spying and nothing to accuse you of. If you are the true man of peace you work through the soul of the man. And we create the facilities that the man can see that there is hope for change. We can do everything but if we don’t carry members we become what I call the Iranian Revolution.
K: for those of you who never understood let me explain. I have given many lessons on how the Iranian Revolution happened in the 1980s. It was like a war as we see today but in a different way. It was created in the emotional heart of the man. You have to go back to the history of Iran. Iran was highly intellectual but by word of mouth and not by reading and writing. And this was used by men of religion to control the human beings. As they could not read they believed whatever they were told by the priests. And they became fanatics because of it. They said it was in ______and none of it was ever in _____ (42.28 minutes).