Cummins Rocky Mountain Safety Committee

Salt Lake City Branch

January 14, 2005

Present: Mark Zimmerer, Branch Manager

Jim French, Service Manager

Devo Allred, Parts

Austin Smith, Industrial/Rebuild Technician

Chris McCurdy, Road Technician

Lynda Romney, HR

Meeting Minutes

Zim welcomed everyone to the first Safety Committee meeting. These will be held on the 2nd Friday of every month at 7:30 a.m. If a committee member is unable to attend, he or she should send a replacement. The guidelines from the Intranet site were handed out and reviewed on Safety Committee Organization. There may be some changes or additions to this committee by next month.

Items that committee members have noticed that need to be addressed are:

Zim: Oil spills and drips—creates safety and housekeeping issues.

Jim: Lockout/tag out kits.

Chris: Accessibility to lifting devices now that departments have been moved around.

Workbench & vice in welding area allow grinding debris & sparks to get into an electrical box.

Austin: Proper tools for all jobs.

Chris and Devo: Notify everyone during walkthrough that all containers must be labeled and marked.

As committee members see or become aware of issues like those listed above they should be brought to this meeting.

Branch goal is to have a safe work environment for employees and customers at all times. Encourage employees to work toward this by working towards all available safety incentives. Zim shared the 2004 Safety Incentives Breakout and will forward to Lynda for copying and posting.

Forms from the Intranet site were reviewed: Accident Report, Supervisor Investigation, Near Miss, Truck Inspection, etc. Copies of the Daily Forklift Inspection are not on the site yet but were passed out. Jim will make sure each forklift has one and someone is assigned to keep this current. Steve Shipley has these already for his forklift.

Hellman and Associates did a safety inspection prior to the buyout in October. Zim reviewed it along with a list of items that still need to be followed up on:

Some electrical boxes have knockout plugs missing. Austin

Lathe is missing a safety guard. Austin

Green fan in Service needs gap in guard fixed. Jim

Drop cord in Service needs to be replaced. Jim

Yellow and white forklift has numerous issues: no seatbelts, battery not covered or secured, capacity listing is different in to different locations. Jim

Rubber gloves, face shield, apron needed at battery charging station and propane tank station. Lynda

Other assignments given:

Review lifting equipment and chains: Jim

Order rods for holding up hoods, etc.: Jim

Check accessibility and cleanliness of eyewash stations: Devo

Compliance calendar on Intranet site updated: Jim

First aid station at each end of building added to Cintas maintenance: Jim

(Main station will be outside of Shop office. One at each end of building will have smaller supply of frequently used items).

Oil rag storage: Need additional cans with lids: Lynda

First Aid Training: Class to be held February 15 from 4 – 8 p.m. Lynda

Items for next meeting:

Follow up on assignments given today.

Chris and Devo assigned to do the monthly walk through prior to next meeting. Review walk through.

Create emergency evacuation routes and post in all major rooms.

Define a safe emergency evacuation staging area so we can account for all employees in event of an evacuation.
